Salafist Agitators in Basel and Zurich

In the wake of the war between Israel and Hamas, violent culture-enriching protests have broken out all over Europe (with the exception of Hungary). Even Switzerland is experiencing additional enrichment.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Swiss daily Blick:

Due to ban in Germany

Is the terror-helper group Samidoun now coming to Switzerland?

The anti-Israel network Samidoun is now banned in Germany. The group, therefore, could spread in Switzerland. The first meetings have already taken place.

November 9, 2023

In Germany, it is classified as “anti-Semitic and extremist”. The Palestinian network Samidoun, which is also already active, is now banned. On 12 October, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (65) announced that Samidoun would be banned. The ban has been in effect since November.

“Anti-Semitism has no place in Germany, and we will fight it with all our might,” said Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (53) explaining the measure. The Samidoun organization is spreading anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda as an international network under the cover of a “solidarity” organization for prisoners in various countries.

Samidoun “glorifies” various foreign terror organizations, among others Hamas, Faeser added. The holding of spontaneous “celebrations” in reaction to the Hamas attacks on Israel showed the “anti-Semitic, inhumane world view of Samidoun in a particularly disgusting way.” Samidoun supporters celebrated the attack on Israel in Germany and handed out sweets.

Also already active in Switzerland

With the ban, the group has to reorient itself and could, therefore, come into Switzerland. The leading figures of the organization met in Switzerland before the ban in Germany, the NZZ am Sonntag revealed. The tracks lead to the French-speaking part of Switzerland, to Basel, and to Zurich. About 40 Samidoun supporters met in October in a Geneva café — among them leading persons such Mohammed Khatib, who often appears as a speaker for the group. According to an investigation by NZZ am Sonntag, Samidoun is involved in fundraising and art exhibitions.

Samidoun is known for its Jew-hatred. Videos of a demonstration show the way the crowd chanted, “Death to Jews”. Last year supporters met in Basel for a counter-event for the 125th anniversary of the first Zionist Congress.

Observed by German Office for Protection of the Constitution

The German Office for Protection of the Constitution sees Samidoun as a support network for the EU- and USA-designated terror organization “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine”. Samidoun, therefore, is considered a front organization for terror. Israel wants to get rid of them, and they are, among others, responsible for the attack on an El-Al plane in Kloten (Zurich Airport) in 1969 with several deaths. According to NZZ am Sonntag, the organization also functions as a bridge builder for radical leftists.

In Germany, the ban could lead to emotion on the streets, police authorities warn. The ban, however, is an important signal. “It enables the security authorities to take even more decisive action against any activity on German soil and thus dry up the breeding ground for hate and terror,” says the Berlin Police Union. The police will prepare in the coming days for the possible effects of the ban.

In Switzerland, there is as yet no ban on the group. Samidoun can organize itself unhindered. The implementation of the ban seems to give additional impetus to “Alternative Switzerland”. Several Swiss politicians want to change this.