Report From Sderot: Two Weeks

Here’s MC’s latest report, two weeks into the war between Hamas and Israel.

Report From Sderot: Two Weeks

by MC

So we are at the stage where, as usual, Hamas is manipulating the world media and plucking at the heartstrings of the gullible. The BBC’s excuse for disseminating Pallywood fiction is that the ‘explosion’ at the al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City was too big to be a Quassam…

Unfortunately, at the time the PIJ were shooting the bigger Grad missiles, longer range with larger warheads. Grads are a WW2 missile and likely to be some 6o years old and somewhat rusty, it is no surprise that Hamas and PIJ have had hundreds of misfires so far. Much of the past destruction in Gaza has been caused by Hamas’ relentless and ruthless obsession with its jihad against Israel.

Hamas took power when elected by the Gazan Palestinian ‘civilians’ in 2006. The election manifesto was to pursue aggression against Israel and Jews as a perpetual ‘holy war’.

Hamas has no mandate of care for Gazan civilians, and are quite happy to dig up water and sewage pipes to make missiles, and then blame Israel for insanitary conditions. They used conscripted slave labour to construct extensive terror tunnels, and then executed the labourers so they would not tell the world of their plight.

In other words, Hamas is a vile dictatorship, as bad as any of the vicious regimes that had to be put down in the 20th century. There is now not one thing that the Nazis did that Hamas has not done, too. But Hamas is a victim of the West’s ‘Islamophobia’, and thus a woke special case…

To be Muslim is to be above criticism. To be Jewish is to be despised (and envied).

But the BBC, Harvard students, the Democrats, and the left generally all support Hamas against the “filthy, vile, Jewish capitalists”.

Of course, this time these lefties cannot yell their usual “disproportionate response” mantra. What is a proportionate response to rape, murder and torture of children and babies?

What kind of person rapes a young woman then stands up and shoots her?

What kind of person beheads a baby with an entrenching tool?

Israel is angry, but the rest of the world seems to be more concerned that poor ‘innocent’ Palestinians are hungry and thirsty.

The USA and others paid the bill to enable Hamas to kill jooz. The Biden Administration’s foreign policy really sucks, because it has a sick socialist ideology comprised mainly of irrational socialist utopian dreams.

In 1965 my father was posted to Singapore. Dad was one of the Royal Navy’s premiere weapons electrical experts; I think it was HMS Ajax that had fired its 4.5 inch guns at an Indonesian motorised Sampan and missed.

We were on a flight within the week. I had just turned 14. The school I left was a Grammar school, with strict discipline and good morale. The school I returned to twenty months later was a dump. Socialism had struck whilst I was away, and the pillars of virtue which held up its morale had been broken.

I think the worst aspect of the demise of the school was that it had inaugurated this peculiar socialist trait of rewarding evil and punishing virtue. This lead to moral mayhem. To me, as the incomer, the difference was stark, but to my classmates who had been part of the slow metamorphosis, it was not at all obvious.

I think as the world turns to global socialism as an alternative to Yahovah, then the same consequences will prevail more and more.

We are taking a pounding in Sderot, I think they have moved some Iron Dome units away, because Sderot is virtually empty. There were four separate missile salvoes yesterday evening, but only two were intercepted. Sderot is taking on a ‘Swiss cheese’ feel.

It is Shabbat today, but I may visit my wife, son and granddaughter in Revivim. At 6pm we have our zoom ‘synagogue’ meeting. We hold it in the afternoon so that those in California can participate.

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

11 thoughts on “Report From Sderot: Two Weeks

    • Voluntary ignorance and stupidity are hard to vanquish.
      I weep for the children of the future under the democrats and islimmey.

  1. God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to all flesh, for the earth is filled with LAWLESSNESS because of them: I am about to destroy them with the earth.
    וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים לְנֹחַ קֵץ כׇּל־בָּשָׂר בָּא לְפָנַי כִּי־מָלְאָה הָאָרֶץ חָמָס מִפְּנֵיהֶם וְהִנְנִי מַשְׁחִיתָם אֶת־הָאָרֶץ
    va-YO-mer e-lo-HEEM l’-NO-akh KAYTZ kol ba-SAR BA l’-fa-NAI kee ma-l’-AH ha-A-retz kha-MAS mi-p’-nay-HEM v’-hi-n’-NEE mash-khee-TAM et ha-A-retz
    So it would seem that khaMAS is living up to its name.

  2. There is so much missing here, like how much land have the Palestinians lost since 1950, that this is just a heavily biased story.

    There was a local story on the news when this started. A medical worker from the area has become trapped in Gaza! She was there on a charity relief mission. She was making prosthetic limbs for children with Above the Knee amputations. There was a great need and she had helped so many kids, and now here she was trapped! The local news loves drama, but they forgot to mention what she was doing making all those prosthetic limbs for just One type of amputation.

    “And now, the other side of the story.” Israeli snipers at the fence line are forbidden from killing protesters. So they specialize in applying the maximum injury without risk of death. A gunshot to the knee causes such devastating destruction that a Above the Knee amputation is required. (Huge amounts of money, ie; a knee replacement, could solve this but Palestinians are poor.) The snipers specifically target the knee of protesters and brag of their skill.

    I wonder why that part of the charity relief mission wasn’t covered in the news report.

    • So, what alternative options does Israel have/ Yes I am biased, it was my home, my city that was violated. The fence is set back from the border by about 100 to 200 yards, those who approach the fence have violated Israeli sovereignty.

      Saturday two weeks ago demonstrates why Israel has to take unpleasant actions against those trespassing on Israeli propery, when the Hamas snipers shoot Israeli workers from Gaza they shoot to kill. Then celebrate and boast. This is not reported by the MSM so you would not know uless you lived here.

      Ask yourself why Your specialist cannot get out through Egypt, which shares several miles of border with Gaza, basically Egypt too finds the Gazans too dangerous and treacherous to allow them to cross.

      Palestinians are not poor, they have more aid per head than I get as a pension, but their democratically elected leaders choose to spend the monies they receive on killing Jews.

    • Oh sorry, my give a flying (expletive) meter for anything muslim is completely pegged out. You ‘re GD lucky I’m not in charge for I would give General Sherman a run for his money and push those GD savages into the sea and let the sharks feast. Oh I have done far worse to those savages than what you are accusing the Israeli’s are doing or have done, it is bloody amateur hour there right now, Israel should be pounding them with everything they got. Start using napalm, for napalm sticks to muzzy’s. Your sympathy for the savages can be found in the dictionary between the words s*** and syphilis.

    • “There is so much missing here, like how much land have the Palestinians lost since 1950, that this is just a heavily biased story.”

      To paraphrase “Mike” Bloomberg, let’s get serious here.
      Can you cite ONE (1) entry in the Qur’an that mentions Jerusalem?
      (FYI: Jerusalem’s mentioned HUNDREDS of times in the Torah)

    • “There is so much missing here, like how much land have the Palestinians lost since 1950, that this is just a heavily biased story.”

      Palestinians are Muslims.
      Muslims want all Jews dead.
      Arab Muslims have 5,148,000 square miles in the Middle East
      Israel has 8,630 square miles and that was after Great Britain took 34,495 square miles away from Israel to create Jordan for local Arabs (you poor Palestinians)
      The people of Gaza voted in Hamas and Hamas’ political platform was to kill all Jews.

      You see a problem. You flunked 1st grade math and history.

      • “Palestinians are Muslims.”

        The following is NOT a disagreement; only a clarification.

        Hamas are Jew-hating terrorists who’ve been given Kalashnikovs and aren’t afraid to us ’em (against Jews and [any] other infidels).
        Palestinians are Jew-hating Hamasian terrorists who’re afraid of guns.

  3. Right so parents who push their children to be cannon fodder to go into a no mans zone near the fence at the border wonder why Israeli snipers take them out at the knee? When Hamas encourage every citizen to be a suicide bombers with” finance” rewards (money given to families when members died doing jihad ) the Israeli soldier instead of killing children take out their knees ,so the money does not go to the “family” for crippled children who did not deliver explosions (the goods) in Israel ? The children pushed into the no man zone by “family” members do not wear signs saying I have a bomb or I am unarmed? Hamas does not care and the other Moslem leaders around the region who will not take the refugees do not care if the whole population of Gaza becomes Israel cannon fire for their “cause”.

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