Emmanuel Macron’s Remarks on World Jihad Day

As far as I can determine, there were only two significant jihad incidents yesterday — the day which Hamas had declared to be “World Jihad Day”. One was in China, where an employee of the Israeli embassy was stabbed and wounded by a “foreigner” on the sidewalk outside the embassy. The other was a deadly stabbing at a high school in France, where a teacher had his throat slit to the cry of “Allahu Akhbar”.

The following report concerns remarks made by French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday afternoon at the school where the teacher was slaughtered. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating excerpts from this article from France24:

Deadly attack in Arras: Emmanuel Macron mentions another “attempted attack thwarted”

From the Gambetta High School in Arras, where a teacher was killed in a knife attack Friday, Emmanuel Macron called on the French people to remain “united” and to “stand against” the “barbarity of Islamist terrorism”. He also mentioned another “attempted attack” thwarted the same day in Les Yvelines.

by France 24
October 13, 2023

On Friday October 13, during a speech at the Arras high school where a teacher was killed in a knife attack the same morning, Emmanuel Macron indicated that another “attempted attack” in “another region” had been foiled thanks to the intervention of police.

“Another intervention made it possible to thwart an attempted attack underway in another region,” the Head of State declared. The Interior Minister later clarified that he was talking about an arrest and placement in custody of a man known for “radicalization” for possession of a prohibited weapon as he left a paper room in Limay (Yvelines).

At the Leon Gambetta High School, the chief of state called on the French people to remain “united” and “stand against the barbarity of Islamist terrorism.”

“Let nothing divide us”

“Let us remain united,” “We stand as a block, and we stand firm,” Emmanuel Macron declared in the courtyard of a building located across from the high school where the attack took place Friday morning.

“I am here to bear witness to the support of the nation, to say that we stand as a block and we are standing firm,” “ the choice has been made not to give in to terror, that nothing will divide us,” the president repeated, who had called on the French people on Thursday night to be “united” after Hamas’ attack against Israel.

3 thoughts on “Emmanuel Macron’s Remarks on World Jihad Day

  1. Emmanuel Macron called on the French people to remain “united” and to “stand against” the “barbarity of Islamist terrorism”. “Let nothing divide us”. “Let us remain united”.

    – – – – –

    So, run of the mill, obsolete, candle, teddy bear, flowers and lighting up buildings in latest “solidarity” colours stuff. Yet again, because it worked really well many times before.

    This should have been a stern warning issued to all and backed up with concrete actions, not tired platitudes. Maybe it’s too late for anything but platitudes now. Over the last week, we’ve seen what went on and is going on in major capitals and cities of the West. We have a large fifth column among us. It’ll only be a matter of time before they or their offspring turn against us in our own countries.

    A motorbike policeman in London was told to “leave immediately” by anti-Israel protestors today. Where did they get the idea they can challenge or dictate to state authority and get away with it? Ah, from that same state authority showing weakness, leniency and appeasement in the name of “diversity” and the fabled “community cohesion”, despite previous history showing it’s always the wrong thing to do…

  2. Europe and France were warned about this impending and festering disaster now residing in their nation states. Bat-Ye’or warned of this. The NotreDame disaster and many other signposts like this provide graphic real warnings of what lies directly ahead. The globalists/leftists believe chaos is the way forward to get to utopian global government. They are taking a huge gamble that what they have unleashed may be unstoppable and unwinnable. The globalists however do not stand a chance fighting against men, women (and children like Hamas trains) who are willing to die in the process of taking over.

  3. Re: “From the Gambetta High School in Arras, where a teacher was killed in a knife attack Friday, Emmanuel Macron called on the French people to remain “united” and to “stand against” the “barbarity of Islamist terrorism”. He also mentioned another “attempted attack” thwarted the same day in Les Yvelines.”

    This is nothing more than political theater and empty posturing by the French president.

    President Macron and his fellow globalists are directly responsible for the present calamity in France vis-a-vis massive Islamic immigration and the beach-head the believers have now established inside that historically-Christian nation. In blunt terms, none of this would be happening if not for their actions. It is a measure, too, of just how audacious and successful have been the globalists, for they have successfully installed someone who amounts to a Trojan Horse in the highest office in France.

    Periodic outbreaks of “sudden jihad syndrome,” as Michelle Malkin has termed it, are actually rather useful to two-faced globalists like the French president, for it allows him to burnish his anti-jihad credentials and street-level credibility without too much effort.

    Yet, just a few short years ago, it was Macron himself – a globalist scion of the Rothschild banking dynasty and a confirmed supporter of open-borders ~ who lectured the French people that even though they might be against more immigration, they’d better prepare for more of it since it was on the way.

    The French people face not one but two dire threats: The Islamic invaders themselves, the soldiers of Allah, on one hand …. and a traitorous ruling class and politicians like Macron on the other.

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