A Culture-Enriching Workout at the Gym

If you live in Stuttgart, you may want to reconsider your next gym visit, since you might encounter some disgruntled culture-enricher having an “Allahu Akhbar” moment. Or, if you’re female and/or underage, a migrant experiencing a “sexual emergency”.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

No capacity: Stuttgart sports halls are becoming refugee homes

Several gyms in Stuttgart are to become refugee accommodation.

In the last few weeks, the city of Stuttgart announced that it would temporarily close several gyms and meeting halls in order to accommodate refugees there. The previous capacities in hotels and system buildings (living containers) have been exhausted, which is why the city administration is now taking this measure.

Stuttgart’s mayor Frank Nopper (CDU) says: “Our capacity limits have been reached” [I’d say breached] and the occupancy of sports halls is seen as a last resort. He turned to the federal government: “Berlin must immediately pull the emergency brake on the issue of unrestrained and uncontrolled immigration, things cannot continue like this!” [Well, you might as well ask Santa Claus to bring you something for Easter. Just take a leaf out of Egypt’s book: they closed their borders because they don’t need cultural enrichment, since they have their OWN culture and — how dare they — love it. Or out of Pakistan’s: there, the illegal migrants have to be gone by end of this month, or else. And those that help them will have to pay the price too. I doubt the prisons in Pakistan are a picnic spot that one would aspire to rest and relax in.]

For accommodation, the city administration has already selected certain halls that are heated and have adequate sanitary facilities. The mayor for social affairs and social integration, Alexandra Sußmann, asked the citizens of Stuttgart for understanding, and emphasized the city’s humanitarian obligation. [What obligation? What about the city’s obligation to the welfare of its exorbitant tax-paying native Swabians?]

In total, over 9,000 refugees are currently living in municipal accommodation in Stuttgart. Other communities in Baden-Württemberg have also announced that they will have to use sports halls as accommodation for refugees.

Afterword from the translator:

It boggles the mind that these morally devoid and virtueless virtue-signalling puppeticians and their minions still haven’t smelled the open mass grave they have helped dig and fill with the innocent by importing millions of hostile Islamics and third-world thugs into their lands on behalf of the globalists. I guess, since they all live in lavender- and rose-scented ivory towers, the smell of corruption is fairly dispersed by the time it finally reaches those dizzy heights. And since only fools are certain and assured, they’re the ideal puppeticians and bureaucrats for the globalist megalomaniac genocidists. And what better tool for them to use than Islam, specifically if their plan is to destroy everything that’s good and free — even with all the bad ideas thrown in sometimes? They know that Islam is a convenient weapon, a weapon they’ve used since the Renaissance for financial and political gain, no matter the graveyards of the innocents they created — Islam is after all the slaver’s shackle on the stride of mankind — and they will wield it indiscriminately until it devours them and us.

Watch the following documentary about the collapse of the Bronze Age Civilizations — and after watching it, read the following article: “It’s A Trap! The Wave Of Repercussions As The Middle East Fights ‘The Last War’”

4 thoughts on “A Culture-Enriching Workout at the Gym

  1. Regarding the Last War in the middle east – that’s exactly what God in the Bible says: He’s gonna make Jerusalem a burden and a heavy stone to everyone involved in there.

    And then there is that prophecy, about the war of Gog and Magog, where the Bible predicts quite clearly a war, that looks awefully like a nuclear war, and the nations involved are: Turkey and Russia mobilizing all Islam Nations and going down to conquer Israel with the use of precision guided weaponry and also weapons that “burn for 7 years” – only nuclear stuff can burn for so long.

    God in the Bible says that Israelis would lose the war, but that God will save them not for their sake, but for God’s own sake – to show the world who is the God of this World. Many Jews will be surprised…

  2. Cut off the money and many will go home. Maybe Soros can buy them a return ticket. He gave them all money in 2015 to get to Germany.

  3. I wonder why the German approach to 3rd world immigration is so utterly schizophrenic. There were no borders more open than that of Germany in 2015, except perhaps Sweden. We’ve had “wir schaffen das”, and now it’s not mentioned. German politicians have a really unhealthy fixation with importing Afghans and other 3rd world “refugees” directly by plane, sometimes(?) in secret. What other insane government programs like that are there?

    Regularly, like a sunrise, there’s some idiot politician in Germany calling for 100s of 1000s more workers. Inexplicably, always from the 3rd world, despite 8 years of track record proving the basic fallacy of importing the 3rd world or searching for workers in the 3rd world. But never elsewhere in culturally compatible Europe. There’s never a program or initiative to provide some sort of “leg up” for ethnic Germans, similar to family-oriented policies in Hungary. Nobody needs to say the quiet part out loud, that the German government considers Germans to be second class citizens.

    Now that the wonderous 3rd world diversity in Germany with nothing to show for it, exacerbated by the recent energy crisis, is soaking up €36 billion a year in direct welfare (not including other social costs), it was no wonder Germany (and all the others in the EU) voted in favour of spreading their horrible and expensive social problems to countries that don’t want immigration. German government was even gloating about being able to spread the misery east. Why don’t they control their borders instead?! Oh, they do a bit, but only borders with Poland and Czechia. When too many of those still getting into Poland from Belarus turned up in Germany. Oh, and somehow Germany is able to swiftly return rejected “refugees” to Poland but somehow can’t return all the ones they already rejected to the Middle East or Africa.

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