All Your Kronor Are Belong To Us

Well, knock me down with a feather! A radical imam in Malmö is receiving lavish funding from the Swedish government — I never saw that one coming.

Many thanks to LN for translating this article from Fria Tider:

Radical imam receives 12.5 million from the General Heritage Fund

August 11, 2021

The General Heritage Fund, which manages the legacy of Swedes who die intestate, has distributed a huge contribution to a project led by the Malmö imam Salahuddin Barakat. This is SEK 12.5 million that will go to “prevent anti-Semitism and Islamophobia”.

Imam Salahuddin Barakat is the chairman of the Academy of Islam in Malmö, which is financed with tax money from the city of Malmö.

Among other things, he is known for having published a post on Facebook about France just over a week before the Muslim beheading of the teacher Samuel Paty in Paris.

“One fine day, those who have been exposed to France’s evil and injustice will demand their right,” Barakat warned in the now-deleted post.

He also called France an “Islamophobic rogue state” that lives on “sucking the blood of the weak in the world”.

The only ones who are worse than Macron are the “Arabs and Muslims who see him as some kind of savior or protector”, stated Salahuddin Barakat.

Salahuddin Barakat, together with Rabbi Moshe David HaCohen, leads the Amanah association. The association has now been granted just over SEK 12.5 million by the General Heritage Fund to “implement a project whose purpose and goal is to prevent anti-Semitism and Islamophobia”. The project, which targets young people between the ages of 12 and 25, started in July and will run for one year.

The grant distribution is now arousing criticism.

“Malmö’s informal mayor, Salahuddin Barakat, will be richly rewarded by the Heritage Fund for his fight,” writes the former Member of Parliament Carina Hägg (S [Social Democrats]) on Twitter.