Jews Will Have No Choice — They Will Be Pushed Out of France

The following video from the French-language service of the Israeli channel i24 News features Rabbi Dov Maimon, who discusses the inevitable exodus of Jews from France in the coming decades. He says they will have no choice but to come to Israel.

As RAIR Foundation says in its introduction:

For the past decade, Jewish families have been fleeing France in alarming numbers, driven away by a terrifying surge in Jew-hatred linked to the massive influx of Islamic migrants. This wave of antisemitism has created an environment of fear and insecurity, prompting a mass exodus. Rabbi Dov Maimon recently addressed this pressing issue during a segment on French television, offering a chilling assessment of the current and future state of Jews in France.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   We need to make a distinction between the long term and the short term.
00:03   In the short term it’s true that Jews will be able to remain in Europe.
00:06   It’s the demography that drives that, so we won’t be able to move that much.
00:09   Jews won’t really have a place. That’s what happened in Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria.
00:13   Jews had to leave for reasons like that.
00:16   I know that the Jews of France know, clearly know, that their grandchildren won’t stay in France.
00:21   They know. Practically no one, or very few people,
00:24   think that their grandchildren will be able to live in France
00:27   with the ongoing situation, with the economic decline, demographic change,
00:31   resurgence of anti-Semitism. Things are extremely clear, and they are written in the long term.
00:35   In the short term, people have a hard time packing their bags. For me,
00:39   I mean that they look at the long term, a bit like the professor at the University of Haifa.
00:43   In the long term, we know that the Jews will have to leave. But no. What will happen?
00:46   Is it good or not? It’s not really the subject, but we have the plans to welcome them.
00:49   I know that you have worked a lot, especially at the level of government.
00:52   Yes, I wrote the plans for Netanyahu, for the Alliance of Jews of France. We know that we are…
00:55   It’s nothing. It means that 100,000 Jews of France will come. We know how to manage that.
01:00   I mean, we had 200,000 people arriving, during the war in Ukraine. It’s not even a subject.
01:04   It’s a non-subject. Israel will do what it can to welcome them,
01:08   but that’s not how it happens when we’re in a dangerous situation.
01:11   When there’s a dangerous situation, the situation in France… You have to open your eyes a bit
01:15   and look at what’s happening. Macron is approaching La France Insoumise [hard left]
01:19   and he’s saying… Ask the Qataris. Just imagine. It’s an epiphenomenon.
01:24   The Qatari army and the Qatari tanks that roll in the streets of Paris. What does that mean?
01:30   The Qataris are the ones who finance Hamas. They are the biggest funders
01:34   of all of Islamism in Europe.
01:37   So it’s about… Can you imagine if instead of Qatar, we were to have the Israeli army?
01:41   Can you imagine that in France? Can you imagine that? How would the people in the streets react?
01:45   They would throw bombs. They would attack the small armed groups.
01:49   So we have something. It’s a form of concession, of redemption in the face of something.
01:53   We’re saying that since the Qataris are the only ones who can stop the riots in Gaza
01:56   or in the suburbs… Remember, last June 500 cities rose up, 50,000 young people took to the streets.
02:02   It was stopped by barons of drug dealing. So the danger, in truth, is there,
02:06   Islamists wanting to conquer Europe. It’s extremely clear.
02:11   They want to conquer Europe. They have wanted that since October 7. October 7 was, for them,
02:14   a mythological moment which, all of a sudden, gave them their dignity back,
02:17   their will to conquer the world. And they attack with either soft power, or hard power,
02:22   or the threat of rioting, or terrorist attacks. And on the other side, with the people who arrive
02:27   in suits and ties and take up all the positions within the institutions. So we’re dealing
02:30   with a phenomenon that is much bigger. We can understand the concept of saying that it’s good
02:34   that the Jews will live in the diaspora. In 2000, we could go to London, we could go to New York.
02:37   Today, there’s not really anywhere to go. There’s not really anywhere to go.
02:41   So will Jews come, despite them? They don’t know. It’s incredible!
02:45   Me, from Jerusalem, I’m going to tell you that the Jews will come and they don’t know it yet.
02:49   They’re not going to come right away, because that’s not how it works in the short term.
02:53   But in the long term, they will end up coming. The long term means several decades,
02:57   at least, certainly. But at a certain point, they’re not really going to have a choice.
03:01   They will be pushed out. The only nationalism they can identify with is the Israeli one.
03:07   You saw [Éric] Zemmour, who tried to claim a French nationalism, but they told him:
03:11   “But you’re not one of us.” So if you want to have a strong identity,
03:15   based on the land, the culture, inner coherence, participate in the project
03:19   of the Jewish people who come back to their land, — excuse me for sounding like a bit Zionist —
03:22   putting an end to 2,000 years of wandering, but this is where it happens.
03:25   And here, we have our youth, who are full of enthusiasm, who are perhaps on the front, who fight,
03:31   who are sometimes injured, but who fight and who manage to do incredible things,
03:34   who turn out to be filled with energy and who want to build a country, an extremely clear project,
03:38   a national solidarity which is extremely strong, because we have a project. We feel it.
03:41   Energy is everywhere in Israel. So we can be afraid,
03:45   but we have to look at it in a different way.

7 thoughts on “Jews Will Have No Choice — They Will Be Pushed Out of France

    • Well, I hope so. Jews from Sweden are also migrating to Israel because of harrassment by Muslims.

      This is especially sad, and ironic, because in WW2, the Nazis decreed that all Jews in Denmark should wear yellow stars, and the Danish king appeared in public wearing one*; later the Danes got wind that the Nazi were about about to deport their Jews, and got most of them to safety in Sweden.

      *This was the same king who, when Hitler complained that the British and Americans were using Iceland (then a Danish posession) as a military base, said “what do you expect me to do about it?” This, as the Jews would say, was a true “mensch”.

  1. Do you mean they will go with the Jews under the sword of Islam? All of Europe is under severe threat if they continue to coddle their Islamist population. The same encirclement will happen like is happening to Israel now. The West should be helping Israel in this struggle as their own countries in the crosshairs next.
    First the Saturday people, then the the Sunday people is their agenda.

    • well said. we live in the information age, and people are still this ignorant about modern western history after ww2, and those who shaped the culture and took over the west.

  2. Genesis 3:15 tells us the “jew” is born of their father satan (which is why the jew hides their paternal ancestry), but God prohibited them from being destroyed so they must live amongst Adamic man constantly a thorn in his side.

    Matthew 13:24-30 tells us that ultimately the jew (“tares”) will be uprooted and cast into the fire…

    The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

    24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ”

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