The Latest Murderous Culture-Enriching Loony

A Moroccan culture-enricher who had just been released by police after committing an earlier violent crime attacked without warning and killed a white citizen, the father of a family. Now it has been determined that the unfortunate criminal youngster was in fact mentally ill. Why? Because he smoked some weed. Conclusion: he shouldn’t be prosecuted.

Makes sense, right?


Well, apparently it does, if you’re German.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Next asylum murderer declared not guilty

He kicked a father of a family down the stairs in a train station from behind. The victim died. Nevertheless, a rejected asylum seeker from Morocco can hope not to be prosecuted for the crime. It is not the first case of its kind.


An 18-year-old Moroccan who attacked and killed a father of a family in Uelzen train station in July can apparently expect not to be convicted. “The expert sees indications of a psychiatric illness,” said a spokesman for the Lüneburg public prosecutor’s office, according to the Bild newspaper. The reason is that the foreigner regularly consumed cannabis. [The perfect “Hassassin”.]

Background: The migrant had kicked his victim down the stairs to the platform for no apparent reason. The man suffered a severe traumatic brain injury and died on the steps. The crime occurred early in the morning on July 14th, around 1:30 a.m. The victim is a kitchen helper from Lüneburg. He only met his murderer by chance. According to the police, the victim was suddenly pushed or kicked, fell down the steps and lay motionless.

He killed after the police let him go

The Moroccan had already been arrested the day before, first for pickpocketing in the city center and later for assault at the central bus station in the same city. To protect the public from him, the police took him into custody — but released him again at 9 p.m. A few hours later, he killed a man.

The public prosecutor’s office is currently examining how to proceed and whether it wants to press charges at all. If it follows the expert’s advice, the 18-year-old tolerated asylum seeker may be placed in a psychiatric institution. [To be released within a month back among the unsuspecting public so that he can kill again.]

Similar case in Ravensburg

Most recently, another migrant in Ravensburg was also declared not guilty after he attacked a four-year-old girl from behind in a supermarket with a 20-centimeter-long knife and tore her stomach and intestines. The child barely survived. During the trial, the Syrian said he had had a divine inspiration.

In his statement of reasons for the verdict, presiding judge Veiko Böhm said it was “difficult to bear” that the AfD parliamentary group was making inquiries about the case and thus exploiting the crime for its own ideology. “The knife attack has nothing to do with Islamist radicalism, it is solely the result of a mental illness,” he stressed. A Swabian man could also do something like that, but in this case “there is no AfD parliamentary group that is making an application.”

Afterword from the translator:

Well, dear Germans, if you still haven’t grasped that your judicial system has already been turned into Sharia courts when it comes to migrant Muslims and their — by you perceived — crimes against the “kuffar”, then I can only say… Rest In Peace, because that will be the only peace they will ever allow you to have if you don’t fight back in seriousness. To start, just gather around mosques on a Friday and start singing the French National anthem “La Marseillaise” to drown out their unholy wailing. The lyrics is most appropriate for this.

Allons enfants de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L’étendard sanglant est levé! (bis)
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes,
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras
Égorger nos fils, nos compagnes!

Come, children of the homeland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us tyranny’s
Bloody standard is raised,
Do you hear, in the countryside,
The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
They’re coming right into our arms,
To cut the throats of our sons, our friends!

It’s been done before

Here are a few comments made by concerned citizens.

Tuvia Deuczman says:

Aha, ‘not guilty’. Germans, on the other hand, are dragged to court for posts critical of the government. Such as Akif Pirinçci, who addressed the phenomenon of gang rape that goes hand in hand with illegal mass immigration. Are these all coincidences?

Eberhard Schmidt says:

This is the inevitable price of freedom and a boundless show of humanity.

We Germans deserve this because our ancestors were once very evil and we will forever have to make amends for that, but we will never succeed.

Anyone who doesn’t understand this is evil and a Nazi.

IchwillwahreGeschichten1 says:

This justice system is rotting and stinking. What is going on in this country is simply disgusting.

Bernd Schmieder says:

They are allowed to do that. It seems to me that illegals are almost always not guilty. Thank you, dear voters.

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