A Free Pass Into the EU For All Afghan Chicks

This is insanity at a level that can scarcely be believed: the European Court of Justice has ruled that any female from Afghanistan is entitled to claim asylum in the EU, just because she is an Afghan female. No other criterion is required.

You can’t make this [solid waste] up.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

ECJ ruling: Over 20 million Afghan women can immediately apply for asylum in the EU

European immigration authorities no longer have to examine asylum applications from Afghan women individually. Female gender alone is sufficient to obtain a residence permit. This has now been decided by the European Court of Justice.

The background to this was a lawsuit brought by two Afghan women who had initially taken the case to the Austrian Administrative Court. The first case involved an Afghan national born in 1995. After her father wanted to sell her, she fled to Iran with her mother, she told the Austrian authorities. After a stay in Greece, where she married at the age of 14, she traveled to Austria in 2015, where her husband lived, and applied for asylum there.

The other person was an Afghan national born in 2007 who had never lived in Afghanistan. She applied for asylum in Austria in 2020. Her brother, who is also from Afghanistan, already had subsidiary protection status there. In this application, she claimed that she had fled Iran, where she lived with her mother and two sisters. Since none of them had a residence permit, she was not allowed to go to school and her mother was not allowed to work. She wanted to live in freedom and have the same rights as men.

Austria rejects grounds for asylum

The Austrian Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum decided that the first woman’s story was not credible and that the second woman was not actually at risk of persecution in Afghanistan. The office therefore denied them refugee status, but granted both people subsidiary protection. The Afghan women took the case to court. The Austrian administrative court ultimately referred the case to the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

On Friday, the ECJ ruled on the question: Can the numerous forms of discrimination that women in Afghanistan are exposed to be considered together and do they constitute persecution under the Geneva Refugee Convention? The court ruled: Yes. The discriminatory measures are to be regarded as “persecution” “due to their intensity and cumulative effect,” according to the ECJ’s ruling.

For the court, an “act of persecution” can therefore also be an accumulation of several discriminatory measures. These include, for example, the “lack of any legal protection against gender-based and domestic violence,” forced marriages, the obligation for women to cover their bodies completely and to cover their faces, the restriction of access to health facilities, the prohibition or restriction of the exercise of gainful employment, the denial of access to education, the prohibition of playing sports and the denial of participation in political life. This would impair human dignity “through its cumulative effect.”

As a result of this decision, all female Afghan citizens who apply for asylum must now be recognized as refugees in European countries, regardless of their individual situation. There are currently over 20 million women living in Afghanistan.

Afterword from the translator:

I wonder whether a ruling that only women from Afghanistan are entitled to asylum even stands up to a claim for equal rights? Has that already been clarified? No matter — in no time their fathers, uncles and brothers will follow through “family reunification” shortly afterwards.

This verdict, if upheld, is the death knell for Germany and Europe. Also, I can already see millions of Muslim men flocking into Germany and declaring themselves as Afghan women. After all, you can do that in Germany several times a year if you feel so inclined, changing your “gender”, that is.

Islamization is definitely being promoted on the highest level of the traitor-class! Something will have to give, and it won’t be pretty.

Mors incautum manet. — Death awaits the unwary.

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