An Invasion of a Culture Hostile to Our Way of Life

Despite his decidedly un-Iberian name, Hermann Tertsch is an MEP for the Spanish anti-immigration Vox Party. In the following video from the floor of the European Parliament, Mr. Tertsch delivers some pointed remarks about Jew-hatred and “Islamophobia” in Europe.

Many thanks to Brunhilde for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

More information is available at RAIR Foundation.

Video transcript:

00:00   I think there is a trap here, already in the title.
00:04   Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are presented as if they existed equally and were the same.
00:09   That’s a lie. There are two anti-Semitisms that make Europe again very dangerous for Jews.
00:15   We import an anti-Semitism with open borders,
00:19   at the illegal and uncontrolled entrance of millions of Jew-haters.
00:24   We have seen European cities, we have seen
00:27   them full of Muslims, asking for
00:30   the extermination of Jews and the destruction of Israel.
00:33   And there is the other anti-Semitism, which is the anti-Semitism of the left,
00:37   disguised as anti-Zionism, with Israeli professional haters like Pedro Sánchez,
00:41   to whom the terrorists of Hamas congratulate,
00:44   or its Minister Rego, who leads demonstrations
00:47   asking for the disappearance of Israel.
00:51   Islamophobia, on the other hand, is an invention of that same anti-Semitic left to intimidate
00:56   Europeans and force them to accept the unacceptable
00:59   with this invasion of a culture hostile to its way of life,
01:02   of millions who do not come to integrate
01:05   but to a territorial conquest that has already begun.
01:10   Rejection of invading attitudes is not hatred of ideology or religion.
01:15   It is self-defense of those who are attacked and are not defended by their rulers.

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