It’s the Religion, Stupid

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this German-language post from Twitter:

Thought experiment shows: Climate narrative has long since become an ideology

Let’s assume for a moment that science finds out that temperatures on earth are falling, that CO2 is not the main driver of the climate, or that climate change has a positive impact on crop yields and prosperity will impact worldwide. In other words, the climate panic would be canceled for one of the reasons listed.

What would sound like good news would have massive consequences for the course chosen. The agreements between states to reduce emissions would be invalid, and the restructuring of industry and energy supply that has taken place so far would be meaningless in the new context. Capital flows amounting to thousands of billions of dollars would suddenly be called into question. Party programs would have to be rewritten.

In the thought experiment we can now test how realistic it is to assume that these new scientific findings would actually become widespread. Would the truth be stronger than all party-political, industrial and ideological interests? No, of course not. This assumption would be naïve. No one in power would simply agree to change the climate narrative and put their own interests aside. There is far too much at stake for that.

If this is not the case today, what year was the “point of no return”? When did the climate course become set in stone? The course was set at the latest with the Paris climate agreement in 2015. Presumably already with the establishment of the IPCC in 1988, which had the task of proving man-made climate change.

When viewed from a meta-level, the matter is clear: the climate narrative is an ideology. Science is no longer open-ended. Since probably 1988, at least since 2015. Everything else is wishful thinking. The harsh treatment of critics, the censorship we experience, the massive propaganda in the media underline this result of the thought experiment.

Afterword from the translator:

What the author said is something I’ve been saying since I watched Al Gore’s pack of lies An Inconvenient Truth, and I was already there and then viciously attacked by those who do not use their own brains for critical thought, but only for storing propaganda, no matter that reality daily shows us a different scenario or that the climatic history of the planet also shows a different and recurring scenario than is being projected.

But the Lie, that we are the ones at fault, is embraced, rather than facing the real inconvenient truth that we cannot escape the planet’s cycle of natural climatic changes. Most people seem to have become so reliant on others for their own daily survival, such as the growing of food and livestock. They can’t adapt anymore to nature and refuse to see what is right in front of them, namely constant changes in which our ancestors lived their lives, adapted and thrived. They have all forgotten that the future is written in the dust, and the slightest breeze will alter it and that NOTHING is permanent. Especially the WEATHER.

4 thoughts on “It’s the Religion, Stupid

  1. It’s even worse than that: It is a “suicidal religion”…

    People would be making fun of the old brimstone and hell preachers who would preach “ye are all sinners, repent!”

    Now the green horse of the apocalypse preaches “ye are all sinners, get rid of your property and die, die already!”

    …and many people think it’s ok.

  2. Watch events about to happen in UK. I am party to some of the information but the release of the Biden Junior info and the incoming exposure of the shennigans of the Royals will bring rapid change. A lot of people simply will not accept what is coming and lie to themselves. The “British” have unfortunately become a very stupid lobotomised people. IQ has dropped to around 85% and we are paying the price.

    During the Summer Olympis July 2024, a signal will apparently be broadcast to the Islamists in the hotels dotted around UK and Europe for them to start committing atrocities with the evil intentions of creating a European “Gaza”. This is the new form of asymmetric warfare.

    The liberal morons have destroyed the RN to the point there are not enough men to crew two brand new frigates. The British Army too is woefully short of sldiers and recruits put off by woke politics….and the increasing dire results of the vaxxes all were forced to take.

    Typical leftist idiocy… All is ideology not cmmonsense. See the same in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Whether what is left of the European population and culture may simply not be able to cope with the bloodshedand incoming violemce. Europe is finished, as is I suspect European civilisation. The idea of the British nuclear deterrent in the hands of the new Islamist masters beggars credulity. They will use it.

    The vax was a terror weapon and anybody that has taken any of it seems shortly about expire from Planet Earth, so removing the dreaded carbon. Carbon is a life supporting gas. I date the archaeology from the past using instruments capable of detecting C14 trace emissions from decaying organic materials. Our estimates project a loss of 50% to 80% of western populations by 2030. Our warning fell on deaf ears.

    I have lost all my family and friends that simply refuse to help themselves or myself spread the reality of this dreadful crime. I am moving abroad and secured land in order to do so. I simply will not tolerate stupidity and fair waether “pals” I have plenty of those onhand but I dumped the lot. This is now a matter of simple survival and I like my own company,

    • Don’t fret Bishop, human nature and the day of the strong ruthless men taking over is at hand, once these hard ruthless men take over, a Great Purge will take place, especially when all the Queensbury rules go out the window. So all is not lost.

  3. The elite would wants all us the plebes to all do a collective suicides’ ,almost all they would keep a few of us around to be used as servants, guards and sex toys. I like to tell all these idiotic sheep who worship at the altar of this “green new deal” to [depart hence]. These green new deal religious zealots are as much a threat to the world as a whole as Islam.

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