“Democracy Completely Contradicts Islam”

In the following video, an estimable “Frenchman” of the Islamic persuasion discusses the incompatibility of Islam with secular institutions, especially the institution of democratic governance.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   I don’t want to be a secular Muslim. It’s lying to myself and lying to God.
00:03   And lying to other Muslims. What does it mean to be a secular Muslim?
00:07   It’s something like “I take what I want and I reject what I don’t want”.
00:10   It’s not even logical. I don’t know — maybe my logic is not like yours,
00:15   but to me, according to my logic, that is not logical.
00:19   And democracy? —Democracy is even worse.
00:22   What do you blame democracy for? —What do I blame democracy for?
00:25   What I reproach democracy for, basically is…
00:28   Of course, if by democracy we mean freedom, human rights, I totally agree with all that.
00:32   But if we talk about real democracy, which is the right of the government to be controlled
00:36   by the people, then we are talking about the same errors as secularism.
00:41   That is to say, if people accept that —
00:45   I don’t know — that wine becomes illicit,
00:48   then all right, it’s good: Islam matches with what people want.
00:51   It doesn’t mean anything either. It’s the same. In fact, we have to give ourselves limits.
00:56   It’s not us, it’s Islam that gives limits.
00:59   We can be democratic and respect these limits.
01:02   But democracy as government, the fact of governing the people by the people,
01:07   that completely contradicts Islam.

15 thoughts on ““Democracy Completely Contradicts Islam”

  1. Europeans and their courts defend their executioners. It’s rather hard to feel sorry for them, since they’ve done so little to stop it. My biggest concern is the disposition of vast conventional and nuclear weaponry France and UK have amassed. Once in the hands of mohammedans, we yanks are truly in trouble.

    • I wouldn’t worry about that. They’ll never get access to the arming codes. They could use them as dirty bombs of course.

      • Re: “I wouldn’t worry about that. They’ll never get access to the arming codes. They could use them as dirty bombs of course.”

        “Never” is a strong word. There is a perfectly feasible way in which a Muslim could get access to those codes – namely, by being elected President of France. Demography is indeed destiny, and once Muslims have a clear electoral majority in France, they’ll elect one of their own and then the game will well and truly be up.

        Of course, there are other safeguards in place which are supposed to prevent irresponsible and/or rash use of such destructive weapons, and they may well function as intended… but it is false optimism to pretend that such a scenario could never happen.

        France is already in the process of falling to her ancient enemies in the Islamic world, and absent dramatic changes in the status quo, that process will continue to its conclusion.

        Historians, it has been said, are professional worriers, so maybe my fears are unwarranted. Time will certainly tell.

    • Admittedly there is some cause for concern; however, let’s not get too wrapped around the axle with the hyperbole of “amassed” or “vast”.

      Ask the Ukrainians how “vast” the conventional arms of any EU province, they voted away their right to be considered countries with sovereign prerogatives, are. The Israelis probably have more functioning nukes, with functioning delivery systems, than UK and France combined. Not to mention maintenance and repair.

      As to “amassed” both UK and France have been hollowing their forces since the turn of the century. Add to that the fact that neither has fielded a new, major, weapons system since circa 1980 (agreed the US hasn’t either) and the Ummah seizing UK and French military arsenals recedes somewhat as a source of anxiety.

      The tragedy will the final subsummation of the heart of Civilization by the forces of Global Socialism.

      The US will not be far behind. A few thousand Driveway Alamo’s not withstanding, the Blue Caps will take whom they want and most will (do) cower behind their doors and pray there is no knock on it.

      What would happen if a couple of million people descended on the District of the Capital and, instead of listening to a parade of eunuchs blathering about things they’ll never actually do, demand that they all were inside the Capitol bldg 1-6-23 and demand that they all be arrested and tried?

      What if Vlad the Putin declared war on the District of the Capital, not the US but solely and only DC. Would a significant number of Americans say, “Meh, ok.” After all DC is not too worried about Texas being invaded and some would say (looking at you Diana West) that the Executive has been a Russian satrap since 1933 anyway.

  2. The young man in the video is speaking the truth as a devout Muslim sees it.

    The founder of modern fascism, Benito Mussolini, is famous for having said ““Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” If one simply replaces the word “state” with the word “Islam,” the quote works equally well to describe life in an Islamic theocracy ruled by sharia law.

    Like other totalitarian ideologies, Islam permits its followers to have no competing loyalties, no allegiances other than those provided by the faith itself. None that can challenge the supremacy of Islam itself.

    “Democracy” means something very different to a Muslim than it means to a western, especially a secular westerner. At worst, the believer sees it as a perversion and an affront to the faith, and at best, as simply another means of affirming its supremacy.

    The neocons around U.S. President George W. Bush acted shocked when the Iraqis emerged from voting with purple fingers almost twenty years ago, having decided overwhelmingly to affirm sharia as the law of the land, but should not have been. The vast majority of people in Iraq were practicing Muslims, and they simply did what they had been bred to do ~ they reaffirmed their way of life.

    That’s what “democracy” means to many Muslims: Using their numbers to win elections whereby sharia law is affirmed as the law of the land.

    It has been said before, but it bears repeating: Muslims did not come to the West to become like us; they came here to make us become like them. To make infidel lands part of Dar al-Islam, to absorb the kafirs into the umma.

    • “That’s what “democracy” means to many Muslims: Using their numbers to win elections whereby sharia law is affirmed as the law of the land.”

      You betcha.
      It’s called the “Resettlement Jihad” and it’s been quietly undermining the west since 9/11. To my way of thinking, the best bet Obamericans’ve got is that the south-of-the-border ILLEGALS will out terrorize the Mohammedanists before the Mohammedanists finish destroying Obamerica and the west. That said, I’m hedging my odds by betting on both sides—the ILLEGALS and Mohammedanists (I reckon, that if we don’t take-up arms against both sides, we’re gonna lose either way).

      “It has been said before, but it bears repeating: Muslims did not come to the West to become like us; they came here to make us become like them. To make infidel lands part of Dar al-Islam, to absorb the kafirs into the umma.”

      Trouble is that by the time western leaders come to realize what’s going on, the signatories on their bribes’ll all be Mohammedanists. And you know what they say: The hand that feeds you, owns you.

      Aloha Snackbar!!

    • Muslims NEVER speak the truth. They practice takkiyya because their toilet paper book tells them to lie to Hebrews and Christians.

    • Muslims did not “come here” on their own, they were invited purposefully, and per Obama’s promise, they are here to fundamentally change our way of life.

      • “Muslims did not “come here” on their own, they were invited purposefully, and per Obama’s promise, they are here to fundamentally change our way of life.”

        BINGO! Give that man a cee-gar.

        For reference, President Affirmative Action (aka PAA; aka Obama) inspired my original attempt to describe the sophisticates who’re destroying (what’s left of) the USA, in particular, and modern [western] civilization, in general.

        These “eternals” [see “Zardoz”] are: “anti-American, Muslim-leaning Bolshevik two year-old commie-toddlers”. Why? Because they are infantile Bolsheviks. However, for brevity’s sake (and because they don’t warrant the additional syllables), it’s been shortened to “‘toddlers”.

      • “Muslims….per Obama’s promise, they are here to fundamentally change our way of life.”

        I disagree….somewhat.
        I don’t think the Mohammedanists’ INTENTION was to “change our way of life”. Rather, I reckon their INTENTION was to spread their Caliphate and to impose Sharia wherever the Caliphate wasn’t fought (and destroyed). Changing the indigenous inhabitants was a bonus rather than a feature (of the Resettlement Jihad).

        Certainly, a nuanced difference, but we live in a time of COLOURED shades.

        • Just wait until human nature kicks in, the Balkans are going to look like a Sunday picnic in scope and scale. In the end human nature is tribal.

  3. @ old coyote

    Re: “Muslims did not “come here” on their own, they were invited purposefully, and per Obama’s promise, they are here to fundamentally change our way of life.”

    Yes, that is certainly true, but their faith also obligates them to go forth into infidel (non-Muslim) lands and conquer them in the name of their prophet.

    Islamic doctrine divides the world into two and only two spheres: Dar al-Islam, which means in Arabic “The house of Islam,” and Dar al-Harb, which means “The House of War.” The former is the Muslim community, or umma, composed of all Muslims worldwide no matter where they reside. The latter is composed of all non-Muslim or infidel lands and the people in them, no matter where they are.

    The soldiers of Allah are called forth to go into Dar al-Harb and wage jihad (holy war) against the kafirs and unbelievers until they are eradicated, conquered, or converted to the ‘one true faith.’ Infidels living under Islamic suzerainty are dhimmis, or de facto slaves or second-class citizens who survive only at the behest of their rulers in the caliphate, and who have few, if any rights, of their own.

    It is germane to note that one of the rights of which dhimmis are deprived is the right to self-defense, the right to own weapons such as firearms. In many lands under Islamic rule, these tools of self-preservation are allowed only to those whom the caliph designates, which usually means Muslims only.

    Of those who have intentionally thrown open the gates of western civilization to admit the oldest and most-implacable of its foes into the heart of Old Europe and Christendom, it must be asked: To what end?

    By now, it is obvious that “multiculturalism” and “DEI” ~ “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” ~ are just a politically-correct smokescreen for an undertaking far-larger and more ambitious. The controlled demolition of the West at least, and introduction of a ‘brave new world’ technocratic dystopia at the worst. Something along those lines…

    • The muzzy’s, 3rd worlders, leftist self haters keep poking the polar bear truly believing that the polar bear won’t awake, they will all be shocked and horrified when the polar bear sudden awakes and mauls them all with no regard to any so called civilized rules, legal nonsense or Geneva conventions where they all are concerned, it will as history has demonstrated time immortal, tribal warfare, only on an unpresented scope and scale beyond your wildest imagination.

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