AfD Supporters Must Be Silenced

As the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) grows more and more popular, the German political establishment is becoming increasingly alarmed, in much the same way that the Deep State in the USA views the popularity of Donald Trump with growing dismay.

The solution, of course, is to crack down on AfD supporters who voice their opinions on social media.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Apollo News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Kretschmer calls for restrictions on “new media” due to high AfD polls

Current surveys show the AfD in Saxony with 37%, ahead of the Union [CDU (national) + CSU (Bavarian)]. The incumbent CDU Minister-President Michael Kretschmer sees social media as a reason for this and is therefore calling for strict regulation of the “new media”.

The latest survey results from Saxony have caused a stir in the political landscape in Germany. With 37%, the AfD would currently be the strongest force there — even ahead of the CDU. A great danger for the incumbent Minister-President Michael Kretschmer. At a New Year’s reception on Friday, the CDU politician blamed social media, among other things, for the Alternative for Germany’s current rise. [And I’m pretty sure that he would’ve blamed the Printing Press 500+ years ago, since it’s never their own fault that people turn away from them and their LIES.]

“We do not yet have an enlightened approach to these new media,” explained Kretschmer in a speech to the Saxony Industry Club. Kretschmer sees an explanation for this in the fact that many people in Saxony no longer regularly read daily newspapers, but rather get their information via social media. He calls for stronger regulation of the “new media”. [That’s funny, the propagators of darkness calling for enlightenment. I guess that’s going to be by striking a “lucifer” and lighting the faggots for an Auto da Fe with freedom at the stake.]

CDU is preparing for state elections

The AfD’s current poll numbers should be taken “seriously,” but the situation could still be changed, explained Kretschmer. Elections will take place in Saxony in September. The tone of all parties is becoming more tense. On Friday evening, during a closed meeting in Bad Schandau, the CDU state executive committee agreed on a proposal for the state list for the state elections on September 1st. Accordingly, Minister-President and party leader Michael Kretschmer will run as the top candidate in first place on the list.

The other places planned are Culture and Tourism Minister Barbara Klepsch, Secretary General Alexander Dierks, state parliament member Susan Leithoff, parliamentary group leader Christian Hartmann, as well as state parliament members Ines Saborowski, Georg-Ludwig von Breitenbuch and Sandra Gockel. Also on the list is Minister of Education Christian Piwarz. Oliver Schenk, head of the State Chancellery, was nominated as the Saxon CDU’s top candidate for the EU elections.

The final confirmation of the CDU lists for the state elections and the European elections is to take place at a representative meeting on January 20th in Dresden. There is a possibility that there will be opposing candidacies for some places on the list.

Afterword from the translator:

Of course there will never be censorship in the “Best Germany of All Time” for those who toe the line.

I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said, and I’m paraphrasing: “Only lies need the support of state power; the truth can stand on its own.”

In normal democratic times, such statements would have been enough to be observed or checked by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

May I remind Mr. Kretschmar of Article 5. (1) of the Basic Law?

“Everyone has the right to freely express and disseminate their opinions in speech, writing and images and to obtain unhindered information from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting through radio and film are guaranteed. A censorship does not take place.”

instead of:

“We still don’t have an enlightened way of dealing with these new media.”


“We have no desire for freedom of expression since we can see that people are increasingly distancing themselves from our state propaganda. We are losing our ideological influence on the population. That can’t be allowed to happen.”

This type of arrogant behavior is one of the many reasons why more and more people want right-wing policies, why the AfD is becoming stronger and why their still amateurish attempts to prevent it will hopefully fail. Not because there are more and more imagined — native — Nazis in Germany, but because the left spectrum — and the CDU/CSU is now part of it — has become unelectable for people with enough remaining understanding of what is at stake, namely their LIVES of their families and their FUTURE, and the disobedient middle no longer has a problem with being unjustifiably redefined by the Left’s twisted definition of “right-wing.”

Here are a few suggestions for protection of DEMOCKERACY:

1.   A fact-checklist against “new media”.
2.   A quotation ban on irrefutable and true arguments that are considered harmful towards Demockeracy.
3.   Demockeracy training with a final test for voters is mandatory, which is to be repeated — for a fee of €50 — each year.
4.   Newly founded parties are only allowed to enter parliament after three successful elections in which they reach 100% of the votes, with one seat.
5.   Old parties are allowed to remain in parliament for a minimum of three legislative periods, even if they did not get above 5% in new elections.
6.   To protect Demockeracy, parliamentary seats of old party members are hereditary.

13 thoughts on “AfD Supporters Must Be Silenced

    • The most powerful entity in the West today is the immigration industry. When we manage to get an anti-immigration politician elected, they typically can do nothing since the immigration industry blocks them.

    • I have just posted about that link to the disgusting German language.
      The Germans that started 2WW and was leading the Muslim immigration in Europe.
      Criminal nation, we will never forgive them and never forget them.
      I hope Germany will eventually dissolve and disappear

      • I think you’re completely wrong in that assumption.
        Germany never had had Colonies or Protectorates that had an entire Muslim Population.
        France and Britain and the Netherlands on the other hand had, and they had long before the first Turkish “Gastarbeiter” came to Germany in the early 70’s a fairly large Muslim population in their countries already.
        I know, I grew up on the French German Border and when we went to visit family on the French site we were always warned not to go into certain areas where the Algerians lived.
        We didn’t have that problem on our site.
        Enoch Powell warned Britain about it in the 60’s and a French Cardinal warned France about it in the early 70’s.

      • Wrong, the old Germans of WWII would never in a million years have let the vermin of the 3 rd world into Europe. What we have here today are Germans of the marxist bent doing the rest of the Germans and Europe dirty. At least bloody try to be semi-accurate where history is concerned. Also blame the Marxist left in your nation, for yours are no better.

        • G I see your need to be aggressive takes over.I see your posts.
          But I am right .Germany destroyed Europe 3 times.
          They are a nation that should never have been allow to reunify ever.
          Nasty criminals.Of which you are apart of.
          Your aggressive posts prove to me that in writing you may be a warrior but in reality [insult redacted]

  1. Democracy is dead in Germany , the only party is AFD !, it’s the only one left in this madness!!, it’s really sad what is happening over there ..

  2. As I understand it, in the time leading up to and during the American Revolution the British Governors made every effort to hunt down and silence any pamphlet writers who expressed opinions counter to the official British narrative.
    The more things change…

  3. Any sensible person in the West today will support the “fascists” so long as the elites continue to support the Islamo-fascists.

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