Cut ’Em Loose!

Police in Cologne were able to thwart a planned Islamic terror attack on Cologne Cathedral on New Year’s Eve. Fortunately for the Great Jihad, however, three of the detained mujahideen have since been released.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Cologne Cathedral: Judge releases terror suspects

Three migrants who are said to have planned an attack on Cologne Cathedral are free again. A judge lets the go after just one night in custody. [They were planning the attack for New Year’s Eve of 2023 and since New Year’s Eve of 2023 is past and we’re in 2024 now. Therefore they are no longer a danger. It’s obvious, duh, isn’t it? So there is no reason to keep them in police custody any longer. (irony off)]


A judge released three of four men who were taken into custody on New Year’s Day for a planned New Year’s Eve attack on Cologne Cathedral. The 25-, 30- and 38-year-old Muslims only spent one night in police custody.

The Cologne police announced this without providing the court’s reason. A total of five men are suspected of planning an attack on Germany’s largest Christian church. Four of them have Tajik or Uzbek nationality. A German-Turk was also arrested in Bochum on the last day of last year.

Cologne Cathedral massively protected on New Year’s Eve

However, a 25-year-old Tajik, who was among those arrested on New Year’s Eve, will remain in police custody for 14 days “after a thorough investigation into the case.” A 30-year-old countryman who was arrested on Christmas Eve in Wesel, 100 km north of Cologne, is also expected to stay there for two weeks, “to avert danger.”

Shortly before Christmas, the police received information from a foreign secret service about a planned Islamist terrorist attack on Cologne Cathedral. The security precautions at the church were then massively increased. On New Year’s Eve, a large police force protected the cathedral.

Afterword from the translator:

Luckily for Germany and Germans that they are monitored by “foreign” secret services. After all, their own has its hands full with the heroic fight against the “Right” and the AfD.

And now they’re free again? Well, everything’s fine, then, in the “Best Germany of all time”, I guess, and everything is business as usual and as planned by their globalist overlords.

But I wouldn’t worry too much if I were a devout, non-thinking and ideologically retarded voter of the CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, LINKE and Greens; these “problems” will be solved by real Sharia courts in the near future, and as long as they carry on paying the jizyah it will be “peaceful”. If not, it will be a good dose of mustard gas for the kuffar to show them their “error” and who’s in charge now. And the police, now they can take their frustrations out on the indigenous pensioners, women and children. After all, they already have had good practice over the last four years, and are close to perfection at this by now.

5 thoughts on “Cut ’Em Loose!

    • Just wait until they get marching again, then you will see these parasitic vermin run for their lives, oh the fun and reindeer games that is a coming.

  1. I’m sensing a shift in the way the PTB weaponize Islam against Europe.

    At this point it is being used as a bogeyman you are not allowed to name. The “terror threat” is being trumpeted all over Europe but at the same it is not being handled (moreover, it is most probably encouraged behind the scenes).

    If the goal was the preservation of classical Western societies and values, the Islamic terror threat would be uprooted (by expelling muslims en masse and outlawing Islam), eliminated or at least silently contained. The propaganda media would not stress out the population with it. The authorities would not destroy Xmas markets with loads of soldiers armed to teeth. No.

    If the goal was to protect the society it would be left alone in peace so that it can thrive — but the exact opposite is happening. Islam is still being used as a vector against the West but in a relatively new way (new since 9/11), in order to further disempower the little man and his grassroots circles and transfer the power to those on the top, thereby dismantling the remnants of a once coherent and capable society.

    Clear signs that all the above is indeed taking place are:

    (1) The redirection of the Jihad threat to the society under attack by pretending that the “terror” was “far-right”.

    (2) Blaming “terror” instead of Jihad. Terror is a tactic, Jihad is a strategy. They do not want us to know that the root cause of the “terror” is Islam, because they want us to allow Islam to stay and completely annihilate us as culture. That’s why they talk about “Islamism”, not Jihad — because the latter does exist and naming it would address the real problem: Islam. And they want the problem to stay. (I would jail those “experts” who keep talking about “Islamism”.)

    (3) Double bind forced on the society. You must love Islam and Muslims. In general, you must love your oppressors (otherwise you turn against them). You cannot name Muslims and Islam as the (real) source of brutal oppression.

    This double bind causes confusion and schisofrenic division and freezes, disempowers, thus victimizes, the society in the face of Islamic Jihad threat. When they “beat” you, you must love them even more: induced Stockholm Syndrome. It’s the slippery slope to Dhimmihood. We’re already paying the Jizya in many ways — in the form of the lifeblood of the organism that carries a deadly parasite on her back. Every drop of “blood” we lose fattens Islam. Every single cultural structure we lose builds Islam up. Every single right and freedom we lose enforces “Submission” (the name of Islam). Bit by bit.

    It’s a complementary process that requires our active engagement in our own demise.

    I agree with Dr. Bill Warner that Civilizational Jihad is still much more of a poison to the (former, classical) West than “terror” itself at this point. Even if Mohammed’s central credo is the infamous “I’ve been made victorious by terror” [Bukhari 4.52.220], Jihad terror could still be handled at this point — if “we” (or rather our globalist overlords) wanted to, because the Muslims are still relatively few here (not in France, and some other places, though). But they just do not want to handle it, obviously (on the contrary).

    Because they want to let the number of Muslims grow to the point where NOBODY will be able to handle Islamic terror (it must be about at an average 40% to 60% Muslims per area, I guess — the point when violent Jihad turns into sporadic genocide and Sharia starts to officially take shape).

    Another authoritarian trick of using Islam against us, really.

    That’s the huge fuss around the Cologne Cathedral (and elsewhere in Europabia) all about, I think. Or did anyone believe that the authorities are there to protect the non-Muslim society?…

    • Yes, Islam is the lytic agent being used to dissolve societal institutions. Eventually the lysis will reach all the way down to the nuclear family, and there will be nothing left of Western institutions.

      At that point, I presume the Powers That Be think they can somehow get rid of, or at least continue to control, the Islamic monster they have imported to destroy us. But I’m not taking any bets on the outcome of that struggle — Islam has at least 1200 more years of experience in political strategy than the communists do.

      • Reminds me of the film of “Cabaret”, when a handsome “Ayran” Nazi youth sings “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” at a biergarten, and all of the customers (except one disgruntled old man) join in.

        Brian says to millionaire Max, “Do you still think you can control them?”

        The film was shot in and around Munich; Joel Grey, who played the MC and is Jewish, recalled his apprehension at entering the heartland of National Socialism.

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