Tom Vandendriessche: “We Never Signed Up for This”

Tom Vandendriessche is a member of the European Parliament for Flemish separatist party Vlaams Belang. In the following video he describes the emerging totalitarian state that the European Union has become.

I agree with everything he says, except for one point: he says that we must take back control before it is too late, but unfortunately it’s already too late. This same is true on my side of the Atlantic. All we dissidents can do at this point is to watch what happens and chronicle it for as long as we can.

More than fifteen years ago, when I first started writing about these matters, I said that it was still possible to turn the situation around, but we didn’t have much time, maybe ten or fifteen years. Well, those fifteen years have come and gone, and conditions have gotten much worse since then. The means of state control have been welded into place, and there remains no peaceful way to dislodge them. We have passed the point of no return.

Many thanks to H. Numan for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   Once upon a time, the European Union was about economic cooperation, prosperity and peace.
00:06   But this is no longer what the European Union is about. On the contrary:
00:12   Eurofanatics like Guy Verhofstadt want to dismantle the free member states of Europe
00:17   and subjugate the free citizens of Europe.
00:21   They want to replace democracy with a technocracy,
00:25   where they decide everything above our heads.
00:29   They want to control our entire lives with their climate madness.
00:35   They want to bring millions of Africans to Europe every year with the EU migration pact.
00:42   They want to replace us and wipe out our identity.
00:47   This European Union is a complete devaluation.
00:51   We never signed up for this.
00:55   We must take back control, before it is too late.
01:00   In 2024 we will take back our country and our freedom.
01:06   That is our mission. Both in Flanders and here in the European Parliament.
01:12   Putting our people in first place.
01:15   Always and everywhere.
01:18   I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Hat tip: Hellequin GB.

19 thoughts on “Tom Vandendriessche: “We Never Signed Up for This”

  1. “The means of state control have been welded into place, and there remains no peaceful way to dislodge them. We have passed the point of no return.”


    “History’s shown that it generally takes a decade of demonization of an “enemy” to incite war. By my reckoning, it’s been just about a decade since ‘Affirmative Action’s first election, which inspired and released his comrades of violent, anti-American Muslim-leaning hyphenated-infantile Bolshevism upon the United States of America. Eventually, as is always the case, there was gonna be an equal and opposite reaction—whether real or feigned—to the violence and demonization. It’s human nature. We’re now at that crossroads.
    As’s been said before: ASSIMILATE, SEPARATE (a peaceful Two-State Solution) or ASSASSINATE (war)—those’re the options. Hopefully, in the long-run, cooler heads’ll prevail and we’ll [peacefully] choose one of the first two before the third option’s foisted upon us by events. But once large numbers of Americans’re unable to work—either due to widespread protests/riots, financial calamity or political chaos—I fear that the collectivists’ cheese’ll slide off the constitutional cracker.
    The clock’s ticking..” —posted to fb (Oct 2018)

    Legend: ‘Affirmative Action = “Barack Obama—America’s first affirmative action president” —Thomas Sowell

  2. Here is the website of Euro-med, it’s a bit more muted than about 10 years ago but you can see that all the muslim countries along the Mediterranean, including Turkey and Nauretania, a black muslim slave state is included and it is NOT on the Med.

    This is half of the actual EU that is funded by EU countries.

  3. It’s far too late for Europe. That ship has sailed.
    Their globalist EU/WEF overlords will always kow-tow to the invaders they invited in, and now the power has shifted decisively. This morning Paul Golding posted a video clip of jihad invaders patrolling “their” French neighborhood with AK-47s. I reposted it with this comment:

    Europe is far past having any chance to mass-deport the jihad invaders.
    [Who were deliberately allowed to invade by European TRAITORS.]
    Short @GoldingBF video clip at the link:

    Any serious attempt at mass-deportation would result in immediate bloody civil war, and European cities burned to the ground. Since their AK-47s came from the Middle East or Ukraine, they are fully-automatic. Rifles, grenades and RPGs are MUCH easier to smuggle than people. They don’t need food, water or air, and they can sit in a cargo container or other box for years.

    Below: screen cap from the video clip showing a “French” jihad invader with an AK-47:×900

    • “It’s far too late for Europe. That ship has sailed….Any serious attempt at mass-deportation would result in immediate bloody civil war, and European cities burned to the ground.”

      Bingo! Give that man a cee-gar.

      “[Repeat] Prediction: Europe is kaput (Obamerica’s circling the drain).
      If bookies aren’t taking bets on which EU country’s gonna fall to Mohammedanism first, I reckon they will soon. Their ‘Resettlement Jihad’ is in full-swing. Half of Belgium’s kinder’re born to Mohammedan parents and, excepting the V-4, it’s the same throughout the EU.” —posted to fb in 2020

      • Europe isn’t kaput yet, I have faith the European male will rise to the occasion and do what he does best when the gloves come off, eliminate all that vexes him. It’s coming, it is just a matter of when , where and the event that kicks it off until the Great Purge takes place.

        • “Europe isn’t kaput yet, I have faith the European male will rise to the occasion and do what he does best when the gloves come off, eliminate all that vexes him.”


          By the time that “male” gets motivated, “he” will likely find himself strapped to a table with some five-fingered ‘toddler (in a Jill Biden-designed tutu) standing over him posing the question, “How many fingers do you see?”

          • Never ever dismiss human nature when man the European man get angry. History has shown this time immortal, it will be no different in the US when the SHTF when the economy starts failing, then it will be race, religion and politics are your uniform where scare resources will be concerned. When you ask? Good bloody question, but I believe there will be a Black Swan event that will galvanize the natives that will get them a purging. Until None are left.

  4. …belong to “THE REMNANT!”

    History has shown–there are ALWAYS a few survivors who endure, survive, and re-build.

    “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” — Admiral James Stockdale.

    • “I still think this can be turned around.”

      How so? Can you articulate a process that can be successful [in excising the Mohammedanists from Western, (previously) civilized nations] without significant bloodshed?

    • Not without a massive amount of bloodshed and complete elimination of all 3rd worlders and the leftist marxist WEF types that allowed it in the first place. Bottom line, you ain’t voting your way out of this mess, it’s going to take ruthless hard men to get the job done.

      • “Bottom line, you ain’t voting your way out of this mess, it’s going to take ruthless hard men to get the job done.”

        As’s said, you vote your way into socialism, but you’ve gotta shoot your way out.

  5. Many years ago, the political class began a slow descent from a life of principle into a life of amoral ease and comfort. All these parasites had to do in exchange for a privileged, easy lifestyle was make a few clever speeches now and again. This allowed them to persuade themselves that they were quite clever, and therefore deserving of that privileged lifestyle.

    Even now after everything they has happened to our societies, they are so intent on maintaining their own lifestyles that they refuse to accept what they have done. Their egos will not allow them to acknowledge that they were wrong to embark on this social engineering project.

    Instead they are twisting and turning and coming up with ever more fantastic excuses for destroying our cultures and turning command of our countries over to the darkest force that has ever walked the earth.

    They are all traitors, to their people, their countries and their God. In days past they would have met a suitable end.

    I take some comfort in knowing that every one of them is going to burn in hell.

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