Culture-Enriching Hero Becomes a Thug

Cast your mind back to March of 2019, when a Senegalese culture-enricher hijacked a bus full of schoolchildren in Milan and torched it. He was later sentenced to 24 years in prisonfor his actions. (The videos we posted back then were on one of Vlad’s channels that has been taken down, so see this ANSA story for more on the incident.)

Amazingly enough, none of the children were hurt, thanks to a resourceful 13-year-old on the bus who managed to retain his cell phone and summon the police. He was a culture-enricher himself, of Egyptian origin. Interior Minister Matteo Salvini praised him for his quick thinking.

That was then. This is now.

The same resourceful Egyptian youngster has just turned 18. The video below recounts the actions of a gang led by him, in which a young Italian was set upon and severely beaten by the “youths”, who then stole his cap.

It just goes to show that like blood, cultural enrichment will tell.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:01   He agrees to speak for the first time, but he does it with his face covered
00:05   because he has already been threatened: the father of a 17-year-old boy brutally beaten
00:08   in the very center of Crema. He was thrown on the ground, beaten and robbed of his cap.
00:13   He was chased. One on a bike ran him over, then he was beaten up, until he passed out.
00:19   Kicks and punches in front of dozens of people, all just to steal a cap.
00:25   He couldn’t move. When you see your son spitting blood out of his mouth, regurgitating blood,
00:30   this remains imprinted on your mind. As a parent, watching that scene has remained with me.
00:35   It will remain an indelible picture, indelible.
00:38   The leader of the gang that attacked the boy is Ramy Shehata. He just turned eighteen,
00:43   is of Egyptian origin and has Italian citizenship.
00:46   In 2019, all of Italy spoke of him.
00:52   Do you recall the bus of the middle school of Crema, hijacked by a Senegalese terrorist
00:56   on the Milan highway?

One thought on “Culture-Enriching Hero Becomes a Thug

  1. I just wonder when the Iti’s are finally going to say enough is enough and grab the torches and pitchforks(since they unarmed) and start mass vigilante reprisals?

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