The New Lebanon

Filip Dewinter of Vlaams Belang recently tweeted the following video with this introduction (translated from the Dutch):

A prophetic Jean-Marie Le Pen @lepenjm 35 years ago: ‘The foreigners who come here bring their way of life, their customs, traditions and religion and will sooner or later impose them on us like in #Lebanon.’

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   We need to solve the problem of immigration by reversing the trend of immigration.
00:04   Because if we do not, we will be progressively submerged
00:08   not only by the social tide, if I may say,
00:12   but also by the religious tide, by the cultural tide.
00:16   My dear compatriots, how could I not draw your attention
00:19   to the fact that foreigners who come to our country
00:24   bring their own customs, their own habits, their own beliefs with them.
00:29   They do not adopt ours; and one day, if we don’t pay any attention to it,
00:33   they will impose them on us, as they do in Lebanon.

4 thoughts on “The New Lebanon

  1. Simple solution, send them home and stop bombing their countries. Build a wall around their countries. Trouble is people in the west are so greedy they want to get them out of the way so they can rip off their assets.

    • People in the West? Greedy? What about vacuous? Born into a vacuum of values. Two new religions to choose from. Market fundamentalism underpinned by the dismal science of economics that has never correctly forecast anything but nevertheless assures us that the Innovators should own everything because they put it to best use. Or International Trotskyism because he was Moral and Good and pay no attention to Stalin. Religions backed by oil and industry in the first case or information management in the second. And both aligned with endless war and eugenics. The third religion to come is war of all against all and the Levianthan solution because the Law is currently a naked servant of the Masters. Everything in nature is greedy, but prioritises its own immortality through production and enhancement of survival of its progeny. The atomised people of the West no longer have even that source of solace as they only borrow their children from the State. Understandably the people in the West are greedy for stuff to shove into the God-sized hole. Anyway the people of the West may or may not want to control all resources from everywhere but they have no say in the matter, and most of their agitation seems to have been co-opted or even manufactured from the outset by the Masters. When the situation gets desperate enough the people of the West will attach to any solution that makes it stop. They will be greedy for survival. Meanwhile the greed of all other peoples to take everything that was West is patently obvious, but is no doubt cast in different terms on every Friday, five times a day.

    • This! Is why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, all emotion and feelings, instead of common bloody sense, logic, and simple reasoning skills beyond their comprehension. I would explain this to you, but, this is way beyond your ability to comprehend it all.

      • My response was independent of sex – for all I know sara is a bricklayer named Bruce.
        Everything happens within an economic framework which is dominated by prevailing technology.
        Last Industrial Revolution the excess men were shipped off to the garbage dump that was Van Diemen’s Land whilst the employed were used as an argument in favour of slavery because the Masters take better care of what they own rather than hire. The women and children’s nimble fingers in the Dark Satanic Mills combined with the Machine to destroy the Indian cottage industry. The other women had multiple short-term husbands aka prostitution.
        The beginnings of the current Industrial Revolution have seen the excess men dumped in the welfare dump on the Prisoner’s Island. Their otherwise wives are better off with the State as their husband. For the middle class I understand that the television dramas present the new normal as Interesting and Challenging for these new Heros. What the women’s liberation movement failed to get is that their success did not come from the maniacs with the megaphones but rather the quiet stories of the quiet people. In my life’s journey I first saw a large contingent of men who were liberated from responsibility, hence worse than useless for the next generation. The women complained about non-appreciation for their responsibility for the children. Increasingly I saw that what a large contingent of them desired was the same liberation from responsibility as men. Now I am quiet when a quiet man will quietly tell me his quiet little story and I am full of quiet little stories that I cannot unhear or unsee where the former protagonist could only have been a man but is now a woman who has no idea that this is not normal. Because it is normal. I was raised on the false idea that women were intrinsically responsible because of children and were therefore to be given benefits. The benefits remain and I withdraw. And the children? Middle class or dumping ground – I cannot unhear or unsee. The Machine must be fed. What’s to be done? Last time a man railed against the Machine, he discovered that all he had to offer instead was Coolaid. What to vote for when the Machine provides pretend money in compensation for pretend work while the more or less valuable few meld with the new technology? Floated by debt that the Masters will one day declare non-repayable. The people united could perhaps do something, but western people are divided across every possible divide, not least of all sexes. Indeed the divide is so pronounced that it cleaves the individual in far more than two. Some day soon I will reflect on this moment of luxury of overview, followed shortly by incapacity to recall such a time as now. Then we will see once again that everything happens within an economic framework – except when it doesn’t. When the probability of sudden violent death is high enough that wealth moves into the temples as storage against the next horror and as a gamble that the gods will repay sacrifice with mercy.

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