She Had it Coming

This is an unpleasant issue that has been bothering me for a while. It’s not something that I really want to write about, but a discussion seems warranted.

I’ll make up an example of what I’m talking about, because I don’t want to target specific commenters or argue about any particular news item.

Imagine that a young Swedish woman is visiting Italy, and gets gang-raped by African culture-enrichers in a park near the central railway station in Milan. When the news comes out, I post a translated subtitled video about the incident, and soon afterwards comments like these start rolling in:

Swedish women voted for the refugees-welcome, open-borders parties, so she has only herself to blame.

White Western women love the rapefugees and support sanctuary-city policies. She got what she deserved.

Liberal white women voted for more immigrants. She had it coming.

Etc. etc.

Mind you, all of these remarks are made without there being any information whatsoever about the victim’s political opinions or which parties she voted for. Readers know absolutely nothing about her, except for the fact that she was raped in a park in Milan.

Not all Swedish women support mass immigration — I happen to know personally a number of them who oppose it. The victim in Milan may be one of those. She may be one of those dedicated people who works tirelessly as a volunteer for organizations that oppose mass immigration. She may even have been in Milan to attend a Europe-wide conference on stopping the migrant-ferry NGOs, and had the misfortune to be at the railway station late at night.

But none of that matters to the commenters. She’s a white woman from a country dominated by progressive politics. She deserved what she got.

In other words: your political opinions and personal actions don’t matter. The only thing that counts is whether you’re a member of a particular class — the class of white European women, or straight males, or suburban Christians, or whatever group happens to be a particular target of opprobrium at any given time.

White guys have it coming. So do straight males. And Episcopalians. Boy, am I in trouble!

If you happen to be a white person living in a certain country (or in a certain state of the United States), then you are condemned. You’re from Minnesota? Then you deserve every bad thing that ever happens to you!

Think carefully about these matters. Is this really a path you want to follow?

One of the most widely-noted characteristics of the Left is its imperative to judge people solely by their membership in one or more identity groups. Black people, brown people, and Muslims. Lesbians, homosexuals, and (more recently) “transgenders”. Poor Latinos. Aboriginals. Homeless people. Persons with disabilities. Persons of size. And on and on and on.

I don’t see the difference between all that and saying that a woman deserves to be raped because she is a citizen of a country where most voters favor liberal policies, or lives in a state that elected a progressive governor, or works in a city that is noted for holding potluck dinners to welcome refugees.

If group identity is all that matters, then white people in Seattle or Oslo or Amsterdam, regardless of their personal political opinions, might as well just slit their wrists right now and get it over with.

33 thoughts on “She Had it Coming

  1. I know who posted comments like this
    I consider that person as being a sexually frustrates individual that was refused one too many
    As well as being probably cheated by a white woman etc.
    Sick sick guy that I bet would like us all in hijab at home with 10 kids and not able to read and write.
    At his core this individual is a psychopath and will do well as Muslim

    • It’s not just one person. One of the disturbing things is that a number of people express the same sentiments.

      Some of the comments along those lines are really vile, but those I just delete out of hand.

  2. The Elite and their Orcs want their world and they want it NOW!! And anyone who does not bow the knee to them they want GONE!
    Don’t worry, they will get their wish after Jesus calls us up to come home with Him as He parades us in front of the demon hordes that hang out in the atmosphere. Pity, they will only get seven years and those years will be filled with judgment, so they won’t really get their way at all, just hellfire, sniff!
    The clock is ticking so loud that everyone now can hear it. The only question that remains is what will the folks do about it? Stay tuned, film at 11:00.

    • Ok. But what is a woman doing at a railway station late at night? Even I don’t hang around such places anymore. It’s just too dangerous.

      • Exactly what I want to say, alone at night in a city you do not know?
        I would like to hear from this young woman, why?
        In the 1970s I went with a friend to Morocco. We crossed the Strait of Gibraltar on a ferry, the ferry was manned by Moroccans. There were 2 very blonde girls, from Nordic countries or Holland. They immediately approached the Moroccan captain and were hustled away to a private area. We could still see them, cosied up to two Moroccan men. Just something that has stuck in my mind for 50 years.

  3. Thanks for this, Baron.
    I’m originally from MN, and now live in Ontario, Canada (double whammy!) I am staunchly against the policies that have brought the likes of Ilhan Omar to MN and made Canada a destination that “radicalizes” Muslims.
    I strongly object to any notion that I would “have it coming” were some depraved immigrant to attack me. I didn’t ask them to come!

    • Do you vote for the “opposition” that gives legitimacy/authority to the regime? Do you go along to get along with the regime? Do you support the system?

  4. Your basic humanity, common sense wisdom and moral rectitude shine through, Baron…. well-done!

    One of the things about the idea of the United States of America which had such magnetic pull to people in the old days ~ foreigners who wanted to come to the U.S. and build a life ~ is that you could escape the chains of the traditions, customs and ways of doing things in the old country.

    Dinesh D’Souza speaks about this in his book “What’s So Great About America?”: In India, where he was born, certain things would be off-limits to him permanently simply because of where and to whom he was born and into what stratum of society and class. He would be expected to follow in his father’s footsteps in choice of career, and a marriage would have been arranged for him.

    Whereas in the U.S., he could build a unique identity for himself, one suited to him as an individual with his own peculiar tastes, wants, likes, dislikes and so on. His core identity would not be handed down to him as a member of a caste, but his alone and based upon his inner-most thoughts, beliefs and values.

    This original way of being an American is the very antithesis of identity politics.

    Whoever it is who is writing those hateful comments about the victims of attacks in Europe is doing a reprehensible thing, but more than that, the individual in question is showing himself to be un-American in the most-dramatic manner possible. Isn’t the “American Ideal” based on the notion of the individual in the first place?

    • Georgia, the problem is, by letting in millions of 3rd worlders into our western countries, is it Balkanizes the country to a point where identity politics is the same from where they come from and increasingly don’t think of themselves as Americans ,or any other western country for that matter, but as hyphenated Americans and group identity first and foremost, thus turning western lands into the same 3rd world cesspools they came from, and from there it turns bloody, as history has demonstrated time immortal. Diversity from European countries has worked because have similar beliefs and ideals, 3rd worlders don’t and never will, sorry, the exception does not out weight the rule. What do you think is going to happen when these 3rd worlders that have been invading our borders don’t what they demand and the average American sees that they are being given our hard earned tax money and our vets /elderly/disabled are being thrown under the bus, for diversity don’t you know, the American is starting to get angry and this ain’t going to turn out well for these invaders and those that support them, the same thing is now happening all over the western world. This at some point going to get nasty, brutal and very bloody. History says so.

      • @G

        Don’t presume to lecture me on history or anything else. Why are you hijacking the thread? Did you even read my comment or those of the others, or Baron’s original article? It sure doesn’t seem like it, because your post has nothing to do with the original topic.

        In other words, get a clue…

        • Georgia, your missing the entire point, because we have been invaded by the 3rd world, this happens every single bloody day in a city near you. There is a breaking point and it’s off to the Balkans on steroids.

      • “This at some point going to get nasty, brutal and very bloody. History says so.”


  5. Yes, blaming the victim is so much easier, that way no research is required.

    The Nazis called this “Sippenhaft” – guilt by association.
    It’s “nice” to know that this “lovely” practice has been fully embraced and is still in vogue with a certain kind of mindset and from what I’ve seen, it’s spreading rapidly again.

    It just goes goes to show, when you’re really fallen into the faeces, you can always count on someone to pile another load on top.

    • This thinking seems to me more Soviet than Nazi. Women, as a class, voted for immigration, therefore,women, as a class, deserve it if they get raped, therefore this particular woman, being a member of the class of women, deserves what she got. Replace women with kulaks, and raped with robbed,and you’ll get a historically accurate 5-year-plan. It’s an evil mindset, deserving of censure.

    • Men in their multitudes also voted for these destructive policies. That 60% of women support them as opposed to 50% of men, does not mean they wouldn’t have been enacted without the female vote. If women did not have the vote, you might find that 70% of men vote for these policues, 50% because they believe, and 20% to please their wife.
      Society as a whole has become feminized. This is what is driving these destructive policies, much more that the female franchise. This feminization is a consequence of many social trends (e.g. the pill, no fault divorce, 3 generations of peace, etc.), but was not caused by the female franchise.

      When the disastrous consequences of some great folly become inescapable, it is often tempting to suppose that a particular subset of one’s nation deceived you, and led you, unwilling, to destruction. Jews have traditionally been the preferred subgroup to blame. Don’t make the same mistake with women.

      • “Men in their multitudes also voted for these destructive policies.”

        Some of those men aren’t men, the rest vote that way to placate their women. If not, they won’t get laid.

      • My wife has paid more attention to politics than I have until a few years ago ads she came to the realization some years ago that the 10th Amendment to the Constitution was a bad bargain along with the 16th and 17th. She argued that men want freedom to act whereas women collectively want protection for themselves and their children. It is a whole different mindset.
        Women should be allowed to hold office and vote in legislature but not vote for officers and legislators.

  6. women should not have the right to vote, the establishment gave it just because they are more easy to control and handle. statistically women are the most supportees of open borders also because they will never have to die in combat to defend borders. elite forces of military and army are all men. also all this proniscuos and degenerate culture is mostly caused and supported by women. in geberal women stand with faggots and support “free love” proniscuity. women in general in western world do not understand even what adultery is, for them is normal to commit. women are not the problem but are the mass of public opinion that ruined every poll in the so called “denocracies” (women did not vote in ancient greek athen where they invented democracy, neither in the senate republic of rome).

    i coould continue for hours but i ll stop here. mostly cases of rape are women behaviour fault, so statistically blameing women for this kind of crime is more than correvt in average.

  7. I don’t say women deserve it per see, but women’s lack of general self awareness, risky behavior and the fact that in our major cities after dark are now dangerous places because they are no longer homogeneous but filled with the dregs of the 3rd world, yet they go to places their instincts tell them not to go, thus we end up with thousands of these tragedy’s every week. The fact that governments refuse to do anything about it, but cover up is very telling by it’s self, and make excuses for the perpetrators only to let them go without sanction. This will breed vigilante justice and right wing death squads, you see it on a smaller scale in small towns and villages where people know how to keep their yaps shut.

  8. “If group identity is all that matters, then white people in Seattle or Oslo or Amsterdam, regardless of their personal political opinions, might as well just slit their wrists right now and get it over with.”

    Is that not what the anti-whiteism movement wants anyway? I see the most gruesome violent death wishes against white people on X every day. It’s not even veiled anymore.

    So for so-called “conservatives” to say these things like White Western women love the rapefugees and support sanctuary-city policies so they get what she deserve, and have it coming, to me is double disturbing.

    Because to me, men should find ways to protect these women (even from themselves sometimes), and not blame them. Sure, a lot of younger women these days act as if they don’t NEED protection, and they certainly don’t act deserving of it. But that doesn’t mean they don’t still do. They just don’t know any better. It would be up to these women’s parents, and the men in their lives, to teach them HOW to know better.

    Liberalism, leftism, progressivism and wokeness has left generations of younger women entirely defenseless; not just physically, but psychologically as well. All the bra burning of the 6o’s hasn’t changed the fact that women of today are screwed. All the ‘yes we can’ of the 80’s and the 90’s and all of the left’s ‘so stunning, so brave’ platitudes of the 2000’s have had opposite results so far.

    Modern women almost always vote against their own best interests, because of those having laid the groundwork for second and third wave feminism that is completely disconnected from reality. These young modern women need help, not judgment, by self righteous “conservatives”.

    It’s especially terrible considering the fact that I thought we were over the “she wore a short skirt, she was asking for it” concept in our civilized Western society. I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same…

    • Riddle me this Nash, why do feminists say absolutely nothing about 3rd world orcs raping and molesting them on a street in any large US and European city near you? But have fits of rage against any western man who points out obvious things? Feminism has all but destroyed the nuclear family and young females are told they don’t need a man anymore?

      • Because the feminists ate upper & middle class, and the girls are working and under-class. Affecting not to care about them is a form of status signalling.

  9. Nobody votes for cultural enrichers to come to their country to rape, assault, mug, or murder them. These poor souls think they are being compassionate. They don’t deserve the fates they have invited upon themselves and their fellow countrymates; one can only hope they learn from the many examples and correct their own thinking before it is too late.

    My inlaws told me in 2016 told me how wonderful it was that the doctors and egineers of Syria were coming to Europe. They actually believed the claptrap told them by the European MSM.

    Having said that, I admit I get a great deal of schadenfreude from stories of MSM suffering at the hands of the cultural enrichers. They truly deserve their fate for participation in the destruction of Western civilisation.

  10. Blaming the victim is not only wrong in terms of logic and the evidence, it is morally reprehensible. If you want to blame anyone for these horrific acts of violence, the blame should rest not on the voters or ordinary people, but upon the traitorous ruling class in Europe and the West who have instigated the “great replacement” now underway in so many western cities and nations.

    By finger-pointing at one another and playing the blame game, we are doing precisely as the “elites” wish us to do, i.e., wage internecine conflict and fictional struggles amongst ourselves thereby allowing them to get off scot-free. Divide-and-rule has been around a long time, but that doesn’t mean we have to fall for it.

    • A small fraction of the people bear all the blame/responsibility, everyone else are completely innocent, had/have no agency?

      • @Elky

        I’ll thank you not to attempt to speak for me, whoever you are. The straw-man fallacy is still a fallacy, you know…

        You’re also attempting to engage in a false dichotomy, which is another logical and argumentative fallacy.

        You’re really on a winning streak, illogically-speaking… congratulations!

        • You wrote: “the traitorous ruling class in Europe and the West”

          So I ask: A small fraction of the people (ruling class) bear all the blame/responsibility, everyone else (most people/the majority) are completely innocent, had/have no agency?

          • @Elky: “A small fraction of the people (ruling class) bear all the blame/responsibility, everyone else (most people/the majority) are completely innocent, had/have no agency?”

            Considering how the election was stolen in the US, I’d argue most of us here in America (not talking about Europe, as I don’t know enough about their elections/politics to form an opinion) have no agency. Most of us don’t want all these illegal immigrants coming in. We did our part and voted for Trump in 2020. Where did that get us? The American ruling class, as you put it, definitely bears the blame and responsibility for the mess we’re in.

  11. “Fictional” should read “factional”…. apologies for the typo…

    Auto-correct isn’t what it is cracked up to be!

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