The End of the Big “Gimme”

The following essay explores the possibility that the German welfare state may crash and burn sooner than most people expect.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Ansage. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

More and More Expenses, Fewer and Fewer Depositors: When Will the Bitter End Come?

The welfare state is becoming more and more bloated, but thanks to a constantly increasing number of benefit recipients — citizens’ benefit recipients, migrants, pensioners, recipients of other benefits (such as child benefit, soon basic child welfare), subsidies for heating replacement and ever more spending for Ukraine — it receives less and less revenue. The many allowances and additional benefits for MPs and civil servants do the rest. All of this costs hundreds of billions of euros every year. And there is no end in sight. Quite the opposite — more and more migrants are coming with many more children, and more and more people are retiring. In short: expenses will continue to rise and taxpayers’ income will continue to fall. [Just like in South Africa, which has around six million taxpayers and about thirty million people who are receiving government hand-outs.]

The positive thing about this indisputably bad trend, however, is the inevitable associated fact that it’s going to blow up all the faster. In other words: the more money spent, the sooner day X will come when the federal government must finally realize that there will no longer be enough, or at some point no money at all for all the state transfer payments mentioned, that the citizens will gradually have to cope with less, and that asylum seekers will have to try their luck elsewhere in the future. The fact that other countries with significantly lower social benefits have significantly fewer asylum seekers and that they also (have to) work much more frequently shows the enormous influence that the level of transfer payments without consideration has on the willingness to immigrate. The pull effect is not a hypothesis, but a REALITY.

Things cannot continue as they are for much longer

It’s no longer a secret that more and more migrants are flooding Germany and more and more people — including Germans — are living voluntarily at state expense, since the transfer payments are simply too high for people to willingly forgo or go to work. But that can’t be the case in the long term. It cannot go on forever, with millions of people living at the expense of others. If everyone thought like those whose well-being is the main concern of today’s politicians, there would never have been any money to distribute at all. So if the dreadful end comes soon, then many people “seeking protection” and poverty migrants would at least partially understand or at least have to realize that Germany is not the right place for them, and the many recipients of citizenship benefits, who as I said are not just foreigners, would have to get off their [fundaments] and go to work. It remains to be seen whether this realization will take place without social upheavals or militant uprisings. [I guess they will soon be chanting Julius Malema’s favourite “song”: Kill the Boer, kill the White.]

One or two politicians, who ultimately only live at the expense of the state, for whom there may not be quite as much money left (although it is clear to me, of course, that the normal citizen has to bite the bullet first), may also look down the tube. The fact is, however, that the state coffers will be empty at some point, and if the money is now spent with both hands, all the better, because then the awakening will come so much faster. Anyone who is already receiving citizen income at the age of 30 and therefore has no incentive to work may wake up in a few years. He can then at least still be relatively fit and possibly even motivated to go to work. However, if this is only the case in twenty years, the now 30-year-old has become a middle-ager, who has “learned” to do nothing but hang around for twenty years or has acquired expertise in pursuing criminal activities and vegetating at the expense of the state. It will be difficult for him to get used to the changed circumstances.

Pensioners will also have to restrict themselves (even more). [I guess they’ll soon have to fight over the bottles for the deposits.]

Furthermore, many (prospective) pensioners will still experience their blue miracle. Many of the future seniors have already calculated the amount of their future pension and are looking forward to a pension of at least €1,600, for example. That’s not much, but it’s usually enough to live on, especially if you own your own home. Unfortunately, too many future pensioners do the math without the landlord, because who knows what the €1,600 will even be worth in the future due to inflation?! These are bare numbers that always have to be put into perspective, quite apart from the fact that too many seniors can only expect a pension that is already too small to live on.

And another important aspect: With every euro of citizen’s money that the state pays today, not only is the overall collapse getting closer, it is also increasing what is wrongly complained about as a “shortage of skilled workers” — because fewer and fewer people are willing to work forty hours or more a week for the minimal and shrinking remaining difference between citizens’ money and what paid employment brings them. But if no one works anymore — including teachers, educators, bakers, doctors, craftsmen and workers — the downward spiral spins faster and faster and the country goes substantially down the drain. The increase in citizens’ allowance by a further €62 per month, which was decided on for January 1, 2024, is therefore a false incentive in exactly the wrong direction.

The rethink will come. [ I know exactly how that will be done by those in the seats of power: they’re going to double down, and the Devil take the hindmost.]

Long story short: Everyone has to understand, for better or for worse, that in this country, when it comes to state support, the situation will soon be gone and that one can therefore no longer rely on any state dough… at least not at a level that makes a relatively good life possible, as is the case today. Which, taking into account child benefits and allowances, is already financially equivalent to the salary of many full-time workers, or even exceeds it.

Prospective pensioners should see whether they can make provisions for themselves in other ways (not just by collecting deposit bottles), and able-bodied recipients of citizens’ benefits without an incentive to work, regardless of their nationality, should also think about tomorrow and realize that they would be better off paying for their own living expenses now. Because sooner or later there will be no one else to take care of them. Possibly the Germans would then have more children in times of need, because in addition to immigration, the low birth rate of the indigenous population over the last 55 years is also responsible for the shortage of depositors. Due to now-horrendous government spending, thank God a rethink will occur sooner rather than later — and so more and more people will understand that in Germany those who rely on others will soon learn that they are lost.

Afterword from the translator:

Another Ponzi scheme that is coming home to roost. Imagine my shock finding out that politicians haven’t the slightest idea of basic mathematics! But maybe they believe themselves to be a kind of messiah who can feed the multitude with a few loaves of bread and a couple of “gefilte fish”. Well, I guess their hubris will bite them soon and hard in their posterior. Not that they really care, since their jets are fueled up and their suitcases packed.

19 thoughts on “The End of the Big “Gimme”

  1. The article and all the 31 comments in German under it suffer from the inability to do joined-up thinking.

    That is because neither the pending effect of AI on German jobs nor the ongoing excess death and disability rates in Germany due to the Con-vid Jab are factored in. There is nothing to indicate that either the authoress or her commenters have even mentally registered the Scamdemic since early 2020.

    For example, German political commentator Ernst Wolff, still in Youtube, said a couple of days back that all 5m German public service jobs are threatened by AI.

    Btw, I have seen nothing in print about the German, or US or UK or French, for that matter, jab policy towards all incoming country-shopping welfare migrants.

    Country-shoppers at the Serbia-Hungary border or the Rio Grande need not show proof of their Con-vid boostering to border guards, where such exist.

    So I suspect that said shoppers are pressured to get jabbed only if and when they want or have to perform some function in the economy such as working in the health sector.

    But being jabbed seems not to be needed when applying for gimmedat welfare payments. Anybody know any different?

    • As far as I remember during the height of COVID if you wanted to enter the unemployment office you had to provide proof of being jabbed. Otherwise you were not allowed to enter the building.
      While certain things could be done via mail or online if the people at the unemployment office wanted to see you, you had to enter the building. If you didnt (illness, but the you needed a doctors certificate) or couldnt (because being unjabbed) then that was classified as “obstruction, not working together with the unemployment office” and then you were given a warning and later a reduction or total deletion of state money – if they even started it.
      From the times before COVID I know that you had to deliver the documents for state money in person otherwise they didnt start the procedings for paying state money.

  2. If the collapse of Germany’s welfare state were ever to come, the symptoms would be indistinguishable from Germany’s present situation.

  3. “it is also increasing what is wrongly complained about as a “shortage of skilled workers” — because fewer and fewer people are willing to work forty hours or more a week for the minimal and shrinking remaining difference between citizens’ money and what paid employment brings them.”

    The rentier class needs to be fed to the wood chippers.

    Parasites financial and economic who produce nothing, as in landlords who raise the rent constantly yet don’t provide anything additional for the cost, speculators, pretty much any kind of financial job above the level of commercial banking, and economic vultures who offshore companies or buy them in order to sell them off piecemeal like Romney did are all included in this category.

    Not working and going on the dole is a rational reaction to parasites who abuse labor and their workforces by offering them a pittance for pay then complain that no one wants to work. Which is an incorrect statement; no one wants to be abused by working for those who are making more in a week than they will earn in years of labor, yet can’t deign to pay their workers enough to allow them to cover their meager requirements.

    As for the orcs, like locusts they’ll move on to more promising fields once all the resouces have been exhausted and not a single blade of grass is left standing.

  4. Germany is dead , I just blame the own people who naively voted for the same traitors again and again.. and now is too late , this enormous damage never be recovered..

  5. All writers in a similar vein don’t understand one thing: The state coffers are never empty. Money is no longer a physical thing, but the image is so sticky in people’s minds that even many critics don’t see beyond it. Debt just keeps getting rolled over, and new debt is piled upon it. The fiat money system is arbitrarily expandable. That there are existing laws against taking this too far, nobody cares. A state of emergency is declared and then just conveniently made permanent. As said, the system won’t end by starvation, but it will collapse in a colossal default when debt service exceeds the capacity to keep up even just with interest rates. And interest rates themselves are not fixed, but are going up again lately after having been extremely low for many years, which has been fuelling the debt party even more. People got used to it and it will now explode into their faces. And when the gravy train to the migrants ends, the real fun begins.

      • It doesn’t matter, it’s all so rotten to the core that we cannot vote ourselves out of this mess anymore. Gravity, the natural flow of events and consequences will determine our near future. I don’t know what the world we’ll be living in after the smoke has settled will look like, but there will be fewer people in many places.

        • Same goes for the FUSA.

          Far fewer people is certainly baked into the cake. Just about everyone with medical conditions requiring regular treatment or medications is probably likely to perish. Those with addictions and the morbidly obese, single moms and their brats dependent upon the state, and single older females with jobs irrelevant to basic survival are also going to have a very hard time surviving. And of course, just general settling of scores and class and race-based violent conflict within a heavily armed populace will probably kill off many who might have otherwise survived. Lastly, personal stupidity will probably kill just as many as all other causes put together. I recall when there were ice storms in Texas a few years back that caused wind turbines to freeze solid, and the lack of power and cold caused natural gas to no longer be piped to houses, many people froze to death because they were too dumb to figure out how to stay warm or lacked basic skills and mental ability to do so.

    • The western nations get away with this fraud since they hold the whip hand and have been able to compel the rest of the nations of the world to use dollars or else. In this vein, BRICS and its promise of an alternative currency and a alternative means for transactions and commerce which bypasses Western control is ultimately what will put an end to the fraud of dollar dominance which has funded western militaries and western economies and generated the ability to print money to allow the massive welfare state and mass orc importations.

      A silver lining to this is that once the fraud collapses, the parasites and orcs will likely leave of their own accord or be put to death should they turn to crime to feed themselves since without funds the ability of the state to sustain a massive police state will be limited. At least this would hold true in the US since in the more conservative and better fiscally managed states of the Midwest and upper Midwest the population is armed to the teeth and the orcs are few.

      For Germany I would expect history to rhyme, with a period of ineffective and weak Weimar-style governments trying to take the place of the strong government which had preceeded it while the population suffers under massive hyperinflation and unemployment. And after a long enough period of this the appearance of a strongman who will be gladly received since he will put an end to the chaos and disorder.

      I believe that provided western civilization manages to avoid a nuclear war or an apocalyptic breakdown of civilization like “The Road” eventually a system of strong leaders ruling by decree is likely to emerge. The lesson from history will be that allowing the people to choose their leaders is a terrible idea, since minus a strong sense of morality and the social restrictions to make it stick, and a highly educated and homogeneous population, voting inevitably devolves into popularity contests rigged by the elites who gradually take over all the reigns of power within a society.

      The starting point of most western countries at the beginning of last century was such a highly educated and homogeneous society, which universal franchise and it’s resulting and inevitable dumbing down of the voting pool brought about worse and worse outrages until you have what we have today with idiots arguing over whether men can become pregnant while eagerly welcoming hordes of subhuman orc rapists and criminals all funded from the public trough. Whatever comes out after the destruction of the west runs its course will have to severely restrict or limit those who are allowed to lead, administer, and choose who will lead, in order to create and maintain a stable and prosperous society which looks to long term issues instead of election cycles.

      • …”it’s resulting and inevitable dumbing down of the voting pool brought about worse and worse outrages until you have what we have today with idiots arguing over whether men can become pregnant while eagerly welcoming hordes of subhuman orc rapists and criminals all funded from the public trough. “..
        Like always brilliant analyze.
        It’s known Commie-Fascist strategy as ” negative selection “..
        We experience that in Poland last 55 years (since 1944 )

    • …”And when the gravy train to the migrants ends, the real fun begins “..
      From your daily account in Germany..Will this happen ? How soon ? if yes..
      Regards from Poland

  6. Germany is already a “poorish country” and ranked 19 in terms of GDP per head according to IMF, World bank etc.
    I was feeling like I was getting poorer in Australia as we have had massive migration but we rank 10 against Germany 19. I had always believed Germany was a wealthier country than Australia, but not on a per head basis already. In Australia we pay ourselves well out of mining exports. In Germany they need to make stuff. They can’t now with energy prices and no one working. They will fall down the tables very quickly. Only countries with cheap energy will stay on top. In a few years the table will look very different with energy rich at the top and green energy losers at the bottom.
    Yes, I do agree Germany will be broke very soon. They have already told EU they can’t put in any extra money. Ukraine will have to be cut off from the Euro 5 billion they have garanteed.

  7. …”herzliche willkommen “..hihihihi
    Germany..sick Man of Europe ,did it again..
    Nuke them..

  8. Only retarded people think that politicians are idiots…well…they are…but they are manipulated by individuals with very clear targets and strategies.
    Europe need many unskilled people from Africa, Asia and other nice places, just because we know that increased number of parasitic life is accelerating the economic disaster.
    And combined with some other problems, there is no way to exit the disaster course.
    Now…all these millions will leave Europe when there is going to be no more money ?
    Nope….they are the dark soldiers killing Europeans. They have no problem with cutting the head of somebody for a bread. They will eliminate all weak people for food, heat, resources in general. Only when there will be no more to steal, they will consider going to warmer places instead of staying in cold, winter Europe. But, as long there will be gas, diesel, petrol, wood, food to steal…they will gradually eliminate all those not ready to defend what they have.
    This is the main reason for bringing all races in Europe, preferable analphabets.

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