A Well-Integrated Culture-Enriching Rapist

In Modern Multicultural Germany, a culture-enricher can skate free on a rape charge provided that he is “well-integrated”. Whatever that means — maybe it means he can speak a few words of broken German.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from eXXpress. This case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%:

“Well-integrated”: Judge lets rapist “Mohammed” (23) go free

You’ll have to read the verdict twice: Because he was “fully integrated”, a judge from Regensburg, Bavaria, let the admitted rapist of a girl (16) go. The refugee was given 22 months probation and one condition: he is only allowed to drink a little beer now.

If it weren’t so sad, it could be an episode from the “Royal Bavarian District Court” (TV-series from 1969-1972): In Regensburg, the Afghan refugee Mohammad M. (23) had to answer for the sexual harassment, coercion and rape of a young teenage girl. Despite his confession, he left the courtroom a free man. The shameful verdict: 22 months probation, participation in anti-aggression training. And: In the future, the Muslim may only consume so much alcohol that he has a maximum of 0.5 per mille in his blood.

The very fact that a 23-year-old sex offender enjoys the benefit of juvenile justice is galling. But the refugee, who arrived in 2015, says he was 19 when he started his series of attacks on young women. Legally, he was treated as an adolescent.

It started on a park bench near the main train station. The drunk Mohammed M. harassed a girl, fondled her under her clothes. Only after fierce resistance did he let go of his victim. A little later he sat down next to the teenager (16) and raped her.

Weeks later, he forced a young woman to perform oral sex in a railway underpass. He harassed other victims, sexually molested them. He was charged with criminal offenses against five women. After a complaint, the police arrested him at the airport on his return from home leave in Kabul.

The traumatized victim politely declined compensation

According to the defense attorney, the judge is said to have described the accused as a “perfect example” of “how to be positively received in Germany”. After all, after immigrating, he had completed his secondary education and completed an apprenticeship with a heating engineer. The Afghan also plays in a local football club.

Mohammad M. offered the rape victim, who was still traumatized, voluntary compensation of €2,500. The young woman politely declined.

Afterword from the translator:

Did I understand this correctly? This “refugee”, who allegedly fled for his life from Afghanistan, goes back there on holiday? Am I missing something here? How come that guy cannot be deported back? After all, he’s a good Muslim and only rapes kuffar at the instruction of the Quran, and will therefore not be prosecuted by the Taliban. The opposite is more likely, a “hero’s” welcome.

And from the looks of it, with a completed apprenticeship you can rape with impunity in Germany, but only if you’re not a native German. What kind of judge is this?? 22 months probation for rape is not a punishment, it’s an invitation for further crimes.

And to top it all, this verdict is a massive slap in the victims’ faces. First the women are raped by the perp and then buggered by the judge all over again. And then this offer of €2,500 for the act, did he plan to make a whore out of her? And the whole action took place in the courtroom and was offered to the victim by four men. Judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, and perpetrator all seemed to agree that €2,500 is fair reward for involuntary violent sex, and on top of that, it was sold to the victim as the perpetrator’s good will. More contempt for the victim is not possible. Of course she refused with the remaining dignity that a human being needs to survive. What kind of signal is that for all the other economic migrants? They’re laughing their heads off at this judiciary. I could puke.

18 thoughts on “A Well-Integrated Culture-Enriching Rapist

  1. This is not sustainable for any sort of advanced society.

    The German leaders are deliberately choosing the degradation of their own citizens with these policies.

    The end result is the removal of German leaders by Islamic invaders, replacement of the legacy citizens, a static society, and the loss of German industry.

    • Wrong! Sooner or later, people will take the law into their own hands for justice is denied them and they will exact brutal justice as they see fit. Europeans have so far put up with this in the vain hope that their political betters will see the light and protect them, and the anger is now starting to rise and the odds of one of these 3rd world orcs harming the wrong mans female members is going to come to bear, then the fun begins, especially if the that man is really creative and goes medieval on the 3rd world orc that crossed him. At some point, the dam breaks after too long under pressure.

  2. The problem isn’t the afghani orc, or even the communist sow that initially allowed the hordes in.

    At this point those with whom blame lies are the traitorous judges, the weak willed cops who didn’t beat this creature to death when they arrested it, and the male family members who didn’t end this creature along with the judge in the courtroom when the farce of a verdict was announced.

    • In fact, most – if not all – of us are to blame.

      We – peoples of post-Christian countries – have gladly accepted the scrapping of patriotism, traditional Christian family, traditional Christian relationship between the two biological sexes, in a word – the faith and the worldview that used to be the firm bedrock of our civilisation.

      We traded our souls for a pottage of lentils, for an orgy of consumerism that has made us weak and irresolute, a conglomerate of egotistic atomised individuals unable to treat seriously anything but our bank accounts and the physical health of our bodies.

      Thus we became defenceless before the crazy ideologists who confused our minds and the hordes of savage aggressors who have at least some sort of faith that gives a meaning to their lives and justifies their religious, cultural and even sexual aggression.

      If we do not come back to traditional Christianity, which is the only basis on which our society can stand firm, we are doomed.

      • I would like to think that such a Christian ideal once existed, but I think the truth is more complicated.

        I myself don’t have any desire or trust in any church, as they are all tools of the elites if not the devil if one believes in that sort of thing.

        However, that’s not to say that there is no value to encouraging the establishment of churches and public piety, and at least paying lip service to morality and the Ten Commandments. Shaming and shunning those who publicly flaunt their wickedness is something that is desperately needed. Morality-based campaigns against corporations like Blackrock, Amazon, Walmart, and reptilians like Larry Fink, Jeff Bezos, and the heirs of Sam Walton are probably in order to humiliate and shame them into treating their workers better, and in the case of Fink, for plain greed.

        I would be hesitant to wish a more theocratical society since I myself do not believe all the fairy tales that have encrusted the actual remarkable story of the man Jesus. But we in the West have fallen to such a degree that drastic measures are necessary. There needs to be a serious repression of numerous dysfunctions and pathologies in the Western world and a rooting out of all manner of immorality. And this needs to last long enough for the most wicked to die off and for a generation or two to grow up without the corrupt and self-destructive influences that permeate society today. The hookup culture, pornography and those that produce and distribute it, apps that facilitate infidelity and fornication, even the smartphones themselves, social media, militant feminism, divorce and family law and lawyers, etc, etc, etc., all need to be crushed, cast-out, repealed, suppressed, etc.

        Basically we would need a theocracy or something very much like it for at least several generations to try to undo the damage and instill new generations with at least the habits of virtue until such time that it could survive on its own without repressive measures.

        • I think that the original ideal was pushed aside when “Christianity” was created by that Herodian Saul/Paul to further his or Romes agenda in dealing with the rebellious and very religious Jews.
          After all, Jesus was a Jew and Paul/Saul was a gentile.
          Jesus was a Maccabean and Paul was a Seleucid/Herodian.
          It’s like trying to mix oil with water.
          To me “Christianity” always looked a bit a mix up of Egytian, Babylonian, Sumerian and Mithraic myths jumbled with jewish/Essene teachings.
          Made by men to rule over others.
          Ptolemy showed them how it’s done in Egypt when he created the god SERAPIS to garner support from the Greeks and Egyptians.
          So it’s nothing new, and as we have seen with the Climate and Covid driven “religions”, it’s the sole purpose for utter control over people.
          To me, anyone that lays claim to the absolute truth and deems themselves to be the voice of “God” on Earth, is a sharlatan at best and a power-hungry massmurderer at worst.
          Mohammed was definitely both.

  3. It all reads like an adult version of Alice in Wonderland. Too horridly absurd for words.

    If you told a German in the 1970s that something like this would happen in his country he would not have believed you.

    That makes one think: what new unbelievable things will become reality in a couple of decades?

    • “That makes one think: what new unbelievable things will become reality in a couple of decades?”

      I reckon the more salient question is: Will western civilization—in its modern (i.e., pre-pandemic), Judeo-Christian form—still be here in a coupla decades?

    • What makes you think you have a couple of decades to think about it? Events are moving faster than you can process, the reality is, you are completely unprepared for what is coming, a literal civilizational correction that in scope and scale that hasn’t been seen in over a millennium. There will only be sheep and wolves, don’t be the sheep. Or to make it more clear, only killers and victims. If you ain’t armed by now, you’re the sheep.

      • “What makes you think you have a couple of decades to think about it?”

        Just a guess.

        “Events are moving faster than you can process”

        I’m pretty good with technology and the processing of it (I’ve worked in AI since the ’90s).

        “the reality is, you are completely unprepared for what is coming, a literal civilizational correction that in scope and scale that hasn’t been seen in over a millennium. There will only be sheep and wolves, don’t be the sheep.”

        Throughout history, during times of great upheaval and/or turmoil, for most, life goes on with little change until sometime AFTER the upheaval has ended. Typically, measured in years or decades.
        So, considering that communication/news today travel in minutes, hours or days today, I reckon whatever changes may occur will take some number of years to affect the majority of wage-earners (or dole-receivers, as we may be in some future incarnate).

        “Or to make it more clear, only killers and victims. If you ain’t armed by now, you’re the sheep.”

        On this, we mostly agree.
        When training, I generally explain that heavily armed people can’t be forced into gas chambers or cattle cars.
        Get armed. Get trained. Get going.

        • Fred, what is coming is going to be a Balkans on steroids with a religious and ethnic deep seasoning and everyone will be affected and no way out of it, no where to flee and the old ways will come back with a vengeance. Uncle Sam spent millions training me to create mayhem, chaos, disorder and horror, so I’m good.

          • “Fred, what is coming is going to be a Balkans on steroids with a religious and ethnic deep seasoning and everyone will be affected and no way out of it, no where to flee and the old ways will come back with a vengeance.”

            You may be right.

            “The US is NOT headed for Civil War!

            However, we’re definitely on a crash-coarse for armed conflict, just not one separated by a geographic dividing line. Think: Bosnia, not Gettysburg.

            During the US Civil War, the country was severely divided over three principal issues: states’ rights; the right of individual states to secede from the union; and “Bleeding Kansas”—whether new states would be permitted to choose whether to implement slavery or not. On virtually all other issues of law and morality, the country was in complete—Judeo-Christian, constitutional—lock-step.

            Today, however, hyphenated- and non-hyphenated Americans can’t even agree on the definitions of “victim” and “victimizer”—the basic building blocks of law and morality; and the foundational moral and legal tenets around which healthy civilizations must coalesce. And therein lies the difference….and the great danger. When civilizations forced to live amongst one another lack any shared foundational understandings—with radically contrasting and, on one side, ever-“evolving” views of right versus wrong, good versus bad, success versus failure, legal versus illegal—they must inevitably and unavoidably find themselves confronted with three options: Assimilate, Separate or Assassinate (i.e., go to war); and history offers no other solutions that I’m aware of.

            With one side armed with the Bill of Rights and the rule of law, and the other actively working to erase them, I fear we’re on a divisive and chaotic carnival ride that isn’t likely to end where it began.” —Me (June 2020)

  4. Germany is not a country.
    It is the worlds largest brothel.

    And the Judge is the Pimp.

    Sorry to say it, but that is the truth.

    Women and Coloureds have enjoyed decimating the White Males for centuries.

    So why then would we be expected to have sympathy for these devils?

  5. Right the “Coloured ” who sold other “coloured” capture in warring tribes conflicts to the slavers in America ,Europe and Mideastern Moslems ? The lucky ones came to America to be freed in the 1860s and have a standard of living today light years ahead of “coloured” or I would say the average Africans still in Africa. Of course the Moslems in the Middle East, Africa and Europe are not devils to their woman folk as they beat them murder them in “honor killing’ marrying of girls as young as 9 to old men . Marrying as many as four women to one man if they can afford it ,keeping them under covers never to leave the home along for fear of rape by other Moslems.Yes the mean old “white devils ‘who have their women get protected under law, who cannot be forced to marry a 50 year old man by an arranged marriage when they are 10 years old. Women of the west can leave the home alone, get married ,not marry , marry anyone they want even another woman. .They can work ,own property be treated as equal persons as men under western law, vote ,hold public office ,work outside the home ,get child support ,ect .Let Sharia get hold of western law they will lose all rights and be treated like women in the Middle eastern countries as live stock. An example is how this German judge gives into Islamic law that it OK to rape a women alone not with a male relative in public.
    Yes the Judge is a woke pimp to the Islam and the imported pets of the elite
    Sorry to say that is the truth.
    Enjoy your woke nonsense as your countries slip in third world status for the people you vote into power!!

  6. “We’re through the looking glass, people. White is black and black is white.” —Jim Garrison, “JFK”

    “We Got Robbed!”
    By who? <-rhetorical question (hint: one of the miscreants were "deported", the other released – connect the dots)
    Watch (esp UK'rs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPdLsMciCDw

  7. I cannot wait until the headlines read, father eliminates all his daughters rapist in a most horrific , brutal, and medieval manner. It is just a matter of odds and circumstance that one or more these orcs is going to rape the wrong man’s wife, daughter or relative and takes matters into to his hands, for he see’s with his own two eyes that his family will not get justice under the current system and so enrages him that he get’s medieval as the system has failed him , thus setting off a series of unfortunate events that leads to a cascade that cannot be stopped. Much to the horror to those who allowed it to get to this point.

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