Question the COVID Narrative? It’s the Loony Bin For You!

It seems the West has gone full Soviet in its use of psychiatric diagnoses to put troublemaking dissidents away in psychiatric institutions. The following case was sent by our Norwegian correspondent The Observer. All it took was the word of a doctor to get this dangerous “conspiracy theorist” committed.

The Haaland Case

By The Observer

On the 19th of July 2023 a Norwegian man, Trond Harald Haaland, was forcibly committed to a psychiatric ward for posting Covid-19 critical vaccine posts to his personal Facebook page. This happened in Stavanger, Norway’s fourth-largest city.

On the day in question, a doctor and a health care worker showed up at Haaland’s residence, accompanied by two uniformed police officers. After a short conversation, they informed Haaland he had to come with them, and subsequently escorted him to the psychiatric ward at the University hospital in Stavanger (SUS) where he spent the next nine days.

This drastic step was taken based on a ‘cause for concern’ report filed by an individual whose identity has not yet been released, but who has access to Haaland’s Facebook feed. This was ostensibly enough to have Haaland committed to a psychiatric ward.

Upon learning of Haaland’s fate, his family contacted a lawyer to represent him. And thus a review board hearing was scheduled for Friday, July 28th. And this is where things get interesting.

Here is some of the evidence that was used to have Haaland committed to a closed psychiatric ward: The doctor who made the decision based her judgment on Haaland’s Facebook posts. In her opinion Haaland displayed manic behaviour, was psychotic and paranoid, and his actions were deemed not to be rooted in reality. This conclusion was reached based on the frequency and the content of the various Facebook posts.

When Haaland’s lawyer asked the doctor if she had read the posts in question, the doctor admitted that she hadn’t, given that she is not on Facebook!

Upon hearing the evidence presented at the hearing, the jury, which consists of a doctor and two lay judges unanimously decided to discharge Haaland with immediate effect.

Haaland’s lawyer has so far been unsuccessful in obtaining the identity of the person who contacted the health authorities, and whose report subsequently led to Haaland’s ordeal.

I know this sounds like something straight out of George Orwell’s novel 1984, but this story has been corroborated by Haaland’s lawyer, Barbro Paulsen. It has also been covered by two independent and trustworthy Norwegian news sites, and

The links to those articles are at the bottom of this essay. They are in Norwegian but can easily be run through Google translate for verification.

What we can take away from this case is that the authorities in Norway will in certain cases rely on a psychiatric diagnosis to stifle troublesome dissent. If they have a political gripe with someone, they’ll just whisper a few words in the ear of the local health authorities about their ‘concerns for the individual’s mental state’ and have the problematic person locked up in a psychiatric facility.

There are two cases that immediately jumped to mind when I first became aware of this story, and that is the ‘Breivik case’ and the ‘Gjesdal case’.

In the Breivik case, two court-appointed psychiatrists found, after extensive examination, that Breivik suffered from a severe mental disorder. These two court-appointed psychiatrists were replaced shortly after they published their findings because it was politically inconvenient for the authorities to have Breivik diagnosed with such a disorder. New psychiatrists were promptly appointed, and voila, Breivik was found to be of sound mind.

The second case, the ‘Gjesdal case’, happened in a small town not that far from Stavanger, where a family had their three children removed by the local child protection agency (barnevernet) for having lodged a complaint about the local mayor and her dodgy and highly illegal hiring practices. This case was covered by the local media, and luckily the children were eventually (after a lengthy period) returned to the family.

But so far, this latest case hasn’t received any mainstream media attention in Norway, at least not that I’m aware of. Only independent media outlets have covered it. I guess the same goes for anything that is critical of the excessive measures that were implemented during Covid, and in the aftermath when all the side effects, excess deaths, etc., started rising to the surface.

Only deafening silence, and let’s sweep it all under the rug and hope it all goes away. After all, the mainstream media are the authorities’ loyal puppets, so one shouldn’t really expect any other response.

Here are the links. I’ve also included a link to an English language article about the case. I don’t know anything about the site, but the info posted there is correct:

11 thoughts on “Question the COVID Narrative? It’s the Loony Bin For You!

  1. Not Orwell, it’s right out of “Idiocracy”. The courtroom scene there seems to be the screenplay for this case.

    • Stalin’s CCCP was more law abiding.

      Those doing the evil things to their countrymen were following the orders of Stalin and didn’t dare deviate from what they were told to do.

  2. Does anyone seriously believe that this rot of the institutions can be fixed without bloodshed?

    Anonymous accusers, abysmally ignorant judges, agencies with the power to throw you into prison/funny farms, agencies with the power to take away your kids based on heresay or dissent?

    There is no fixing this, like there’s no fixing a gangrenous limb. The only way it can be dealt with is the wholesale removal and liquidation of the offending agencies and the individuals who staff them.

    • @ Moon

      There is no fixing this even with bloodshed.

      A dark era has descended on us.

      It’s over, Moon. Not necessarily for every individual or group or nation, but for the West as a whole. It’s already over.

      • I know that its over.

        However, just because it’s over doesn’t mean that some measure of vengeance, revenge, or vigilante justice shouldn’t be meted out to those who so richly deserve it for hastening the end. And it might even by some miracle turn this mess around if enough of them are put to the sword.

        Likely its not a very christian sentiment, but I am long past caring.

        “Nuke them all and let God sort them out” is where my sentiment lies these days.

        If there is a God then it will all be settled on Judgement Day; the guilty judged and sentenced to Hell and the innocent will sit on clouds in Heaven and sing hallelujahs for eternity. If there isn’t a God, well, the guilty are still dead and that’s satisfaction enough.

    • You are correct Moon, there is no fixing this, always remember, there are too many drones who will follow orders. So the only fix is, when they come for you, make sure none are left to tell the tell and make them always fear the unknown, and hunt those who gave the orders, all the way to top and bottom.

  3. Happened to a medical doctor in Canada, too. He was arrested and also drugged against his will, if I remember well. VladTepesBlog posted the details last year or so.

    In Hungary doctors were layed off and their homes searched back in 2020 for questioning the official ‘rona narrative. And a man was arrested for a Facebook post that contained “false data” about “the spread of the infections”, in March 2020 I guess.

    In a way all of us were called crazy by the media and politics for “denying” the ‘rona. Also by friends and family who swallowed the propaganda sideways.

    This is a known old Soviet method to arrest the enemies of the system and imprison them in psychiatric institutions after they are “diagnosed” with madness.

    The hidden core of all this is a sort of “blasphemy” committed against the tenets of the of the Religion of the Common Good (communism). Then “blasphemy” gets weaponized to be used for abitrary violence and tyranny.

    It works beautifully: in Hungary the believers of the Sect of the Common Good — even people who think of themselves as “conservatives” — have already started lynching (only in words, so far) those who question the latest Common Good Narrative: Mother Earth Sickened by the Climate Flu. I have been called an idiot recently in comments for pointing out that the real goal of climate scam is actually mass behavior modification and control.

    With ESG, the lynching and the control will be more tangible.

    The brainwashing machinery of the climate scam has apparently been started and I see that the brains are visibly whiter, smoother and smaller every day.

    In the face of a (fake) danger of a disaster, an “idiot” would endangers the society according to the NWO narrative, and hence they must be annihilated in one way or another. The era of petty tyrants is on the rise — wicked neighbors taking revenge for any suffering in their miserable lives.

    It’s the masses of ignoramuses, cowards, covert psychopaths, conmen, moles, murderes, perverts and the like with sickly motives and a personality full of power trips that get to dominate such a society and voluntarily help policing the sane and well-intentioned by calling them mad.

    Previously sane and benevolent will also join the camp of the mad, in order to prove themselves that they are still sane and benevolent when they are not any more. So that the can maintain their self-image of sanity and kindness, they will engage in cruelty in blasts of virtue-signalling. Such a known act is “reporting” the sane to the mad authorities — after which the mad will go to bad with a smile on their faces, firmly believeing that that they have helps preserving general sanity and safety.

    These uselful idiots of the mad, who go mad themsleves, will be absolutely sure that they are the only ones that are sane. That will be the majority.

    Therefore madness becomes the norm and sanity becomes the danger that threatens the norm that must be maintained at all costs for the “common good”. In such circumstances the mad who take the lead also feel personally threatened by the sane.

    In the meantime the society that’s turned upside-down gradually loses its ability to give psychological stability to people who lose thir grips on reality, further exacerbating the atmosphere of general madness.

    And since the new norm of madness becomes the new order, it will be the attitude that is financially more beneficial as well. And vice versa: robbing the sane of opportunities and wealth will enrich the mad for a while. Then that sort of permanent mass-robbery deprives the society and economy of its effectiveness and eventually everybody becomes equally poor (but the top dogs). That’s called socialism — where sanity is anti-social.

    Most of those who manage to maintain their sanity against all odds, will pretend madness in order to look sane and remain on the safe side. Therefore lying will become the norm and truth itself will become dangerous as well, enhancing the arbitrariness of tyranny and truth itself.

    That opens the gate for the introduction of pseudo-realities that seize material and spiritual realities and become the weapon of war. From that moment, in order to occupy a new psysical territory, the enemy only has to enforce a new pseudo reality. Since this Matrix-like process of owning the realites of others directly translates into wealth and power, every new arbitrary pseudo reality is sanctified and therefore the “denial” of such a new collective reality become “blashpemy” and “madness”.

    Actually war is almost entirely being waged by imposing pseudo realities on groups of people — traditional weapons are only needed to herd the dissenters and keep them within the realm of the artificial reality.

    So the few sane are now the bloody enemy.

    That is the totalitarian social logic, in my opinion, why the mad persecute the sane in communism … that is now.

    Behind that phenomena of course there is a huge top-down pressure of tyranny that induces and enables it all.

    It’s not the future. It’s been happening for a while.

    • correct, therefore it is important to note that the people who you describe who were burning, looting and murdering and demanding abolition of police so that their evil could be redefined as deterministic, they were properly dealt with by Carl Rittenhouse under the American Constitution.

  4. Gosh they must have a lot of psychiatric beds in Norway!. Many other countries like Australia, psychiatric services are so overwhelmed they try not to diagnose people at all because they have no beds. Paranoia and imagining everyone is trying to poison one is not enough for them to treat someone. Paranoid delusions don’t get hospitalised here.

    • Correction:
      They always have psychiatric beds for the “right” people.
      In any country.
      Not ever for the real patients in need of care.

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