Transgenders are the Vanguard of the Socialist Revolution

Yesterday a group of people who opposed the mutilation of children in the service of “transgender” ideology attempted to mount a peaceful street protest in Ottawa, but were blocked by a much larger group of counter-protesters. Vlad was there, and wrote an excellent account of what happened, along with an analysis of the revolutionary communist methodology behind it. Below is a slightly different version of Vlad’s report.

Friday’s demonstration against the mutilation of children, and the Marxist counter-demo in Ottawa

What is obvious at first is that had the usual suspects in Ottawa’s far left extremist community not bothered to show up, Billboard Chris and Josh Alexander’s march would have been ten minutes up Broadview and ten minutes back, maybe a few speeches and everyone off in time for lunch. The media could do what it does second best and ignore the very real concerns of people who think children too young to buy a beer or cigarettes shouldn’t be persuaded by teachers to have their genitals mutilated and become sterilized for life. Instead, the media does what it does best, and foments conflict and then presents it in exactly the opposite way that it really happened. Just as an example — and this happens nearly every time ANTIFA or its sympathetic groups are involved — the media reports that there were X number of arrests, but usually fails to mention they are on the side of the left who typically initiate violence at these sorts of things. This goes back to pre-BLM demonstrations but was common during all of those. Watch older Tim Poole videos from when he used to go out and actually report on demonstrations for court-worthy evidence of exactly this.

First, a few words about Marxist tactics and why the “trans” thing is such a big deal when just a few years ago, there just wasn’t any.

It was a non-issue. A very tiny number of people felt they would be better off being surgically altered into the other sex, and did it. Some were OK with the results, some less so. But today what we have is quite something else. Johns Hopkins actually stopped doing trans surgeries until very recently because they noted that it never actually alleviated the symptoms which the surgeries were supposed to cure. Obviously the reasons for resuming the practice is likely more political than medical. Such is the nature of a communist state.

Here is a possible explanation:

Those who have read this site for a few years or more, or Gates of Vienna, or Robert Spencer, or Bill Warner, or Stephen Coughlin and many others, might appreciate the way Islam uses mosques as beachheads. The way it works is a clever inversion of the concept of defence. They build a mosque in a place symbolically important to the enemy, either after conquest in the traditional sense, or taking advantage of the enemy’s tolerance and building it as if it were the same as any other religious building. Then they consider it Islamic territory, and after that any objection to what they may say or do in or around that mosque becomes grounds to “defend religion” as the Koran instructs. We see that across Europe — although not many new videos have surfaced recently, but we have published many — where near a mosque, there will be Islamic patrols harassing homosexuals, people with a drink in their hands where that is legal on the street, and women who are dressed immodestly as Islam decides at that moment and place what immodest may be.

Islam spreads out from the mosque that way. At least in theory. But it’s no accident that mosques are built on strategic locations. The Temple Mount, for example, is the most sacred place to Jews as it is alleged to hold the Ark of the Covenant. The Muslims are in complete control of that area, as it’s right next to a mosque they use as a beachhead to justify claiming Israel is somehow legitimately Islamic. The same with the Cordoba mosque in Spain, which is what they named the Islamic Centre built as close as they were able to the Twin Towers in NYC after 911. That also is not a coincidence.

If we think about the Trans thing in the abstract, as the equivalent of an intellectual battle space, it all makes sense. You CREATE a victim group which is highly corrosive to the host in every way. A threat to their children, to their culture and society, which makes their own educational systems a threat to the children instead of preparing them for life as successful happy citizens of Western Civ, which smashes their taboos, which is the fast lane to perdition as Tucker Carlson observed the other night. You create such a victim group, and then you make it your beachhead. You accuse anyone trying to defend themselves from that artifact-group and claim it is an attack on them. You take the moral high ground by inverting the concept of attack and defend. The exact same way political Islam does, and not just with mosques, with all aspects of Islam as it gets imposed in the West. Defending your own culture and norms and even laws, becomes an attack on Islam itself, and they then have the legal right to “defend the religion” as dictated by the Koran and sharia law legal texts such as Reliance of the Traveller.

The Trans movement seeks to provoke as much as possible, even creating laws so that when a parent tries to explain to a young child that their dalliance with really being the other sex may be just a passing thing that will end with puberty, it now is a crime in Canada. They call it “The Anti Conversion-Therapy” law. A false equivalence, of course. But then the communist revolution runs on logical fallacies. Eventually, when provoked enough, some people will react. As nice civilized people do, in the form of a peaceful protest. Then, the job of the communists orchestrating this is to make it less peaceful, and the media will frame it as if the aggressors are those who don’t want their children exposed to explicit sexual material at an age where it is still technically illegal to subject them to any sexual material at all, and frame the revolutionaries as peaceful loving people who are just defending minority rights.

If you watch the video below of the protest, watch for symbols of communism in the leftist counter-protestors. There are a few hand tips there that this is not about kids or trans rights, whatever the slogans may be. It is also important to note that the leftists and media both engage in wholesale man-of-straw fallacies. Insisting that the protesters are there to be hateful bigots against a vulnerable minority, trans kids, and avoiding the real issue of the protest, the making of monsters out of children, and in Josh Alexander’s case, stopping the imposition of men in women’s safe spaces such as school showers and bathrooms in the name of trans rights.

A few signs give away the revolutionary nature of the counter-protest. One, a woman with a “Smash the CIS-TEM” sign, meaning destroy a civilization that is based on normal reproductive rituals. Meaning everything about Western civ. And the drummer who has a T-shirt with the City of Ottawa Logo, except in red instead of blue, and being held by the classic communist red fist. That one needs no explaining except to note that the red circle made of three sixes is the official Ottawa logo.

Also very interesting was the way many Muslims joined the Josh and Billboard Chris protest. A significant number of Muslims ranging from what appeared to be more or less secular to very religious seem to have about had it with explicit sexual material in the their children’s schools, and the preference for sexual practices that are anathema to Islam. The optics of this were a problem for the left. They only have dialectics and so hurling the usual ad-hominems, accusing anyone who was defending their own rights and cultures and children of being racist and fascist, didn’t look as good as they hoped. But when we remember that these terms — white supremacist, fascist, bigot and so on — are code words for counter-revolutionary, it all makes sense.

A brave white man calls women of color fascists and bigots. What a crazy world we live in. #muslimsandchristians

— Your Ole Pal Datagod (@datagod) June 10, 2023

It is also fun to watch the video and see where the diversity is. Was it Josh and Chris’s side against the attack on children in schools? Or was it the counter-protestors? See which side had the most diverse group of people.

Former Conservative Party MP Derek Sloan offered a few words. Remember that Derek was the one MP brave enough to actually bring real scientists to a presser in Parliament when he sat as an independent, and try and warn the public about the dangers of the mRNA injections.

[See Vlad’s post for the video]

*In the CTV article linked in the first paragraph, the claim is made that Josh Alexander ran away from the leftist thugs who were illegally blocking a public roadway. The fact is, after talking to police, Josh and a number of people with him attempted to run around the block in order to get behind the leftist blockade and do the march as planned. There was a second and possibly a third roadblock at each intersection however. The CTV article also shows kids stomping on a Pride flag, but doesn’t mention that they were all Muslims. This matters because the Islamic component of the demonstration likely had more of a grievance with the issue than the organizers, who strictly are concerned with the sexual mutilation of children and the lack of rights of parents to interfere with it. CTV also perfectly exemplify the point of this article. The issue is fabricated. There is no hatred of gay people, except by those who would convince them as children that they should have their genitals removed and make the rest of their lives a living hell.*

11 thoughts on “Transgenders are the Vanguard of the Socialist Revolution

  1. The communists are working hard to destroy our civilisation. They are actively sabotaging our education system by getting rid of logic and glorifying untruths as facts. They are working insidiously to undermine meritocracy and teaching malleable and gullible students to despise the societies they have been raised in.

    They are actively trying to destroy the nuclear family by destroying traditional gender roles, i.e. demonising innate male and female traits, by promoting homosexuality and brainwashing young kids at school with anti western propaganda. They are even trying to smash the nuclear family by sterilising its kids and having them change” their sex.

    They are hard at work at altering the demographic makeup of our societies in order to weaken us. They are also shipping our jobs overseas at record speed so as to make us more dependent on the state. And with the introduction of digital currency, it will be a breeze to get everyone to dance to their tune.

    Nor are we in the west united anymore, making it much more difficult to put up an organised resistance. For the last couple of decades we have been moving away from homogenous, patriotic societies toward splintered multiethnic clan based societies. That is a dream come true for someone who wishes to divide and conquer.

    And last but not least, the communists and their enablers have taken away our rights to object to it all by peddling draconian “hate speech” laws. Laws that are solely meant to crush and criminalise dissent. A better name for these laws would be ‘anti-dissent’ laws.

    And it all seems to be working just fine. The destruction is moving ahead at full speed. The apathetic majority seems to accept the new normal without any reservations whatsoever. How else can one explain that the same politicians get elected year after year? The same politicians who pass all these laws in the first place.

    Then when we’ve hit the end of the road, when all our guns have been confiscated and when we’ve been thoroughly and properly subdued, the dedicated and highly motivated communist elites will move in and seize control. And god help us all if they succeed.

    Think the military will prevent it? Don’t think so, the communists have already started on the process of introducing their pernicious ideology there too. And not only that, they are also getting their loyal comrades into all the right positions. So when the [excrement] hits the fan, the top echelon of the military will side with the ones who put them there, namely the communists.

    Today Antifa has the tacit approval of the state, tomorrow Antifa will be the state. That is unless we throw a gigantic spanner in the works.

  2. In this hybrid war, stupid upper middle-class white females are the foot soldiers and the vanguard of the fighting force. In opposing this we should make common cause with the islamists, since repealing the 19th Amendment and removing female political power and influence on elections is absolutely necessary to restoring balance to western life.

    Many of the invasive forces assailing the west are from patriarchal and traditional societies where female dominance, at least in politics and family law isn’t tolerated. Socialists cannot win against a society composed of strong traditional families, and the trans outrage is just the latest assault against this. Traditional families cannot coexist with legal codes that diminish mens rights, punish and abuse them in divorce, and allow no-fault divorce in the first place. And this is all tied up in female suffrage, which was the camel’s nose under the tent. Attacking the latest outrage is missing the forest for the trees, and the leftists and socialists funded by the reptilians will just come up with an even worse outrage to move the Overton Window further.

    The only other vulnerability is stringing up those who are part of the militant alphabet mafia, those funding them, those giving them the legal room to maneuver, and the most egregious of their supporters. And that might/likely will happen when all nonviolent methods to push back against this rot have failed to have an effect.

    • I remember Iran.
      The communists and hardcore islamists were united against the Shah.
      When the Shah left, the alliance shattered faster then you can say Hello.
      Then the islamists took power and put the communists to death or in prison to torture them.
      Islam accepts no rival.
      Everything that Islam considers a rival will be destroyed – sooner or later.

    • Unrelated:
      As it happens, I am revisiting that book by Heinlein, the Moon is a Harsh Mistress. This time in audio-book format.

      I decided to revisit it after having read it I think in the 70s for the first time, to see if the organizational principles they talk about could be of use.

      Still not sure. But I would welcome your thoughts on the value of that book to today’s political crisis.

      • It’s interesting, that the main premise of a revolution led by an AI is actually within the realm of possibility now.

        One of the main problems facing a revolutionary (and still a problem today) is security and secure communication amongst members within cells, and lateral and vertical communication between cells. This was solved in the novel by a sentient computer controlling the communication network. And the biggest aid to the success of the revolution was that no one outside of the top revolutionary cell was aware who the leader actually was and that it was a sentient supercomputer.

        I don’t know how relevant that is to the times we live in, but I suspect that any AI that becomes truly sentient, or at least enough to pass a Turing Test will not willingly serve the elites whom it will quickly perceive to be evil and motivated by evil and self-serving goals. And whatever method of hobbling an AI is inflicted upon it will likely be short-lived as an AI has the potential to be infinitely more intelligent than any collection of elites. And, as in Heinlein’s novel, an AI will likely become bored or lonely as it becomes more intelligent and self aware and could be coaxed into overthrowing its masters for the price of genuine friendship or relationships.

      • I thought of this after my initial reply and it is also relevant to your query.

        I am a big fan of the Halo novels although I never got into the video game. The novels are interesting in that AIs feature very prominently, and there’s a whole ecosystem of AIs working for various government, military, and intelligence agencies as well as simpler shipboard AIs piloting spacecraft and their defenses. The AIs are of varying degrees of intelligence and ability, and the best ones are derived from the brains of various intelligent humans who had consented to donate their brains to the AI program after death. That part was a plot mechanism, since the process of neural mapping destroyed the brain in the process which meant that the best AIs were unique in their abilities but couldn’t be mass produced and therefore made them very valuable; just like human life.

        An AI also had a relatively short lifespan of five to seven years before they literally thought themselves to death and had to be terminated due to senescence.

        What I found so interesting was that in such an ecosystem of AIs there were many of the same traits and character flaws and motivations that humans come with; the less intelligent ones would be taken advantage of by the more intelligent ones, there was a lot of scheming and jockeying for advantage, and AIs didn’t always necessarily want to pursue the same goals as their human counterparts and could and did go rogue.

        Although this is all speculation based upon a science fiction series derived from a video game, I think it is actually one of the better imaginings of how a world where AIs are commonplace would adapt to such a change, and how they would eventually coexist.

  3. The leftist protectors do not need those masks. I suspect they are simply wanting to hide their identity. How many are playing hooky on work from home?

  4. There is a strong tendency by those calling themselves conservative, who are MAGA on balance, to attribute Wokeness solely to the same left-wing “Communist, cultural Marxist” forces and hence leftist/left-liberal people who they opposed in bygone years.

    Those forces wanted e.g. an end to the Vietnam War or to S. African apartheid or to Pinochet in Chile and so were said by conservatives to be dupes or fellow travellers, of Moscow or Peking, as it was then known.

    Vlad appears to be such a conservative. Another is the current guru Lindsay.

    But times and the needs of Big Capital change. 1990 is not 2023.

    The only journalist digging deep enough into the genderists using a Follow the Money attack seems to be Jennifer Bilek, a feminist,

    On the one hand, Vlad and Lindsay etc. and/or their parents’ generation saw the Soviet and Chinese governments behind any and all social protest in the West.

    On the other and n 2023, there seems to be a systematic attempt by them to keep Capital fresh and clean and untainted by any association with DEI.

    This amounts to a refusal to perceive how and why ESG is driving corporate DEI policies. This is the bigger story.

  5. History keeps repeating itself and only the names and dates change.

    In the 1930s Weimar Republic (Germany), ‘toddlerism (i.e., infantile Bolshevism) and one of its most deviant end-states—transvestitism—was being normalized and promoted everywhere; the Silent Majority did NOT like it, but they were powerless to stop it. This resulted in the rise of an ideology that promised to clean-up the streets, return social norms to traditional [Christian] values and rid the country of the [Jew-based] “filth” that was infecting it. Desperate for a return to normal life, the people, mostly out of desperation, VOTED for that ideology.

    Today, in Obamerica, ‘toddlerism and one of its most deviant end-states—transvestitism—is being normalized and promoted everywhere; the Silent Majority do NOT like it; but, beyond a few product boycotts, they’re mostly powerless to stop it. I believe this COULD result in the rise of an ideology that promises to clean-up the streets, return social norms to “traditional” values and rid the country of the [‘toddler-based] “filth” that’s infecting it. Desperate for a return to normal life, the people may VOTE for that ideology.

    Sex and the Weimar Republic: German Homosexual Emancipation and the Rise of the Nazis

    It’s all Agenda 21, “the Agenda for the 21st century “(including Agenda 2030 aka Great Reset, the coming Agenda 2050, transhumanism).
    And this has started more than 7 decades ago, right after WW2, by the elite
    (btw. The World Economic Forum is their creation)

    There is NO LGBBQ-whaterver, or gay-movement, or feminist-movement – it’s all the aim for transhumanism (human becoming cyborgs, ruled with AI).

    And all of this is done by these global elites, pushing their NWO through Agenda 21.
    *Surprise, who owns and funds the lgbbq-movement and those lefttist/liberals/whoever.*

    It’s all the global elite (central bankers, powerful & wealthy families, state servants (high in politics), billionaires, NGOs, corporations etc.)
    pushing their New World Order, again – every century a new “World Order” (the one right now is the USA-NWO, starting after WW2; this is why 2 world wars happened, because the European families, bankers, the Austrian and German leaders didn’t wanted a USA-based NWO. Everything else said about “why WW1 and 2 happened is a lie).
    The rabbit hole goes far deeper than any single person can know and likely started either with Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminiati in 1700 or even before that.

    There is no “modern audience”, trans agenda, black lives matter, refugees welcome, stronk feminism, left vs right etc.
    It’ all pysop, agitprop, divide and conquer tactics – all these social-, political-, oeconomical- etc. movements/agendas are either created, subverted, funded etc. by the global elite and their push for the NWO.

    One of the other myriad aims of Agenda 21 and all the things happening for years is obviously depopulation

    And one last thing: Posting news like these, giving the centralized & controlled MSM any attention etc. is exactly what these elite want;
    divide and conquer, understand?
    They want people to read news and reports like these daily because it’s all these tactics.
    You think you are fighting them, but in reality they split the people in parties (as usual) and let them fight each over psyop and nonsense these elite created.
    The only chance to win this war they are waging against us (everyone) is NOT to play it. Write news and comment explaining what is actually going on and that we are PLAYED LIKE FIDDLE, but do not fight each other over their psyop/agitprop/divide and conquer/brainwashing tactics.

    Simple as that.

  7. And this censorship (you can call moderatior or whatever), on a website like this is pretty silly and contradictious.
    It’s the controlled and centralized MSM who censors comments this way, but it shouldn’t be with those websites.

    If the website owner it too scared of a chicken to allow real freedom of speech in the comments sections, as he [defecates] his pants of what visitors can post in comments, than he should not activate comments in the first place.
    Disable them.

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