Defending European Women From Predatory Culture-Enrichers

Collectif Némésis is an identitarian feminist organization based in France and Switzerland. Its primary concern is the danger posed by third-world migrants to native white women. Because of this it has been condemned and shunned by mainstream feminist groups.

In the following video from Collectif Némésis, a young man named Augustin describes what happened when he intervened singlehandedly to defend a group of women who were being harassed by Africans. He also talks about the necessity for groups of men to band together and proactively defend women who are being menaced by migrants.

One of the interesting things about his story is the fact that the women he was beaten up for defending didn’t consider the behavior of their African tormentors to be out of the ordinary. They were used to it; it was part of their new normal.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   I saw four women in the city center of Lyon, while they were being harassed
00:04   by a group of five young men of African origin.
00:07   As soon as I watched this scene, I didn’t hesitate to go to see them, immediately.
00:10   Tension rose and a brawl followed. I have an older sister:
00:14   if the same thing happened to her, I would want someone to come to her rescue.
00:17   Augustin’s testimony:
00:20   he was attacked in Lyon,
00:23   for defending some women who were being harassed. —My name is Augustin.
00:28   I’m 21 years old, and when I was 17, I helped out some women in Lyon who were being harassed.
00:32   It was August of 2019. Four women were at the Place Bellecour, right in the city center of Lyon.
00:36   I watched them while they were being called to,
00:39   by a group of five young men of African origin.
00:42   I saw the girls walking away from that group, very fast,
00:45   and those men started chasing them. They tried to ask for the girls’ phone numbers.
00:49   They were insisting forcefully. The girls repeatedly said no.
00:53   The men went on and on, until I intervened. As soon as I saw what was happening,
00:56   I didn’t hesitate to go to see them, immediately.
00:59   So I went to the girls, asking them what was going on, if they were in trouble.
01:02   All of a sudden the men changed their target and turned to me.
01:05   These young men started engaging me directly.
01:09   Tension rose, and a brawl followed.
01:12   After being beaten, I found myself on the ground.
01:15   They left. The four girls immediately came to me to see whether I was okay.
01:20   But I ran away at once, as soon as I realized the danger had passed.
01:23   Because I was bleeding profusely and I wanted to rush to the emergency room. Thus far
01:28   the judiciary has done nothing, because they classified the case “closed without further action”.
01:31   Following this event, my brother wrote on Facebook about what had happened,
01:36   pointing out the origin of the attackers, who were Africans, of course.
01:39   And because of that, Antifa militants threatened me on social media.
01:43   After the attack, the media coverage has made different versions overlap.
01:48   They claimed that I had received just one blow,
01:51   whereas I was on a medical leave for 21 days after the events.
01:54   My jaw was fractured. I had several surgeries in order to have it fixed.
01:58   My teeth were broken. I had several issues on my body, on the cervical area.
02:02   So I didn’t receive just one blow. Since I was a militant of the Action Française,
02:06   I didn’t receive the same treatment as others. I didn’t receive neutral treatment.
02:10   After the attack, the four girls spoke on social media.
02:13   Even if they found my gesture kind and benevolent,
02:16   they thought it was normal to be chased by those five individuals,
02:20   because they are actually accustomed to being “hit on” like that, in inverted commas.
02:25   And it’s not something normal, of course. After my attack, numerous people said, on social media,
02:29   that one should help out the members of their own family, or their own girlfriend, or wife, only.
02:34   I think the opposite. I think we should help out all people, even if we don’t know them.
02:39   I have an older sister, and if that happened to her, I would like someone to come to her rescue.
02:42   If I had to, I would do it again, maybe taking some precautions first, such as asking more people
02:46   to intervene alongside me. It’s pretty dangerous to act alone.
02:50   The problem of lack of safety is not confined only to big cities.
02:53   We often hear these things occur in Lyon, Paris, Nantes, Marseilles.
02:56   Unfortunately these phenomena exist in small and medium-sized towns, as well.
03:00   For instance, in the city I am studying in, right now, in Vandée.
03:04   Many of my female friends have been harassed and insulted many times, even by the same individuals.
03:08   It often happens that they are chased on the street.
03:11   In order to avoid that, I think there are several ways we can act.
03:14   Such as accompanying girls while they return home, or while walking out of bars. The more we act,
03:18   the more we set an example, the less girls will be in trouble while walking on the street.
03:22   The girls from my circle of friends have been victims of the lack of safety.
03:26   Facing the government’s inaction, we organize ourselves to help them the best we can,
03:29   by using some gimmicks, and with very simple arrangements.
03:32   For example, a WhatsApp group has set a specific ringtone,
03:36   and in the case a girl is harassed, she just has to send her own address at once,
03:40   and that’s how we get to know she’s in trouble and we can find out where she is.
03:45   As for the women walking on the street, I recommend that they buy a gas canister.
03:48   I bought my sister one. It’s useful to save them from an attack.

9 thoughts on “Defending European Women From Predatory Culture-Enrichers

  1. 1. white women invited them in and also dislike assertive white men who might help them. They like gay, high prolactin males who are effeminate and against violence.
    2. Not safe any more for white men to be on their own here in Australia. Once our Africans started rampaging in large gangs of their brothers and cousins it was obvious children from much smaller families were at a disadvantage.
    3. Their brothers and cousins are often unemployed so free to come in large numbers at a moments notice to bash you up. If your relatives work, they can’t drop what they are doing and come quickly and help you in a punch up.

  2. “The right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”
    Get Armed. Get Trained. Get Going.

  3. Re: “n the following video from Collectif Némésis, a young man named Augustin describes what happened when he intervened singlehandedly to defend a group of women who were being harassed by Africans. He also talks about the necessity for groups of men to band together and proactively defend women who are being menaced by migrants.”

    Readers of GoV know that so-called “sharia patrols” by groups of Muslim men are now common in Islamic areas of many larger cities and towns across Europe. These enclaves, which are majority Muslim, are de facto under Islamic control even though they may lie within France or whatever nation.

    The “secular” or non-Muslim authorities, such as the police and EMS personnel, often will not venture into these areas without additional armed personnel to protect them, if they go into these areas at all. Westerners who enter these areas do so at their own risk, and this is especially true of western (infidel) woman who are not dressed modestly in accordance with Islamic custom and law.

    Readers are probably all-too-familiar with the likely fate of these women who dare to flout sharia law and custom. They can expect to be accosted by a sharia patrol, harassed, and intimidated…. or worse.

    And this is where Augustin’s idea of groups of non-Muslim men to protect infidel women gets interesting. We are all aware of the fact that the authorities – local government and law-enforcement on up to national government – have taken a “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” approach when it comes to the presence of Muslims in their midst.

    Whether by design or by happenstance, the Saracens seem to be allowed a great deal of latitude in what they do and say, both in wider European society and within their own areas. Now that it is well-established fact that the authorities have allowed, and are still allowing, sharia patrols by Muslims, how will they react to mirror-image groups put together by non-Muslims? How will they react to safety patrols by groups of non-Muslims?

    The reaction of the powers-that-be will be illuminating and informative, no matter what form it takes. If the authorities clamp down on non-Muslim security patrols, but allow sharia patrols to continue, that tells onlookers something important. Namely, that the rules, regulations and laws are not being enforced equally and impartially.

    If, on the other hand, such “infidel patrols” are allowed to form and conduct their activities, that too conveys useful information.

    So in closing then, the idea by Augustin has a lot of potential for use as a tool to expose the hypocrisy and two-faced nature of those who rule much of European society. To expose the corruption, treason and betrayal so common in certain quarters of European society and governance. And that is all to the good.

    • Muslims are able to assemble in great numbers if needed and they know OPSEC and keep their mouth shut.

      Antifa can do the same.

      But not we.

      I remember an article on the page of Sarah Hoyt: Principles by John Ringo.
      There it was said that we always live according to ideals even if it kills us, because if we behave like the others we go down into the dirt and we should be better.

      Just imagine we would be like the enemy.
      (I once saw an evil meme on the Internet.
      First picture: That happens when black people get angry – burning streets.
      Second picture: That happens when Europeans get angry – WORLD WAR)

  4. Nothing will change until the West’s economy collapsed – and the sooner the better.

  5. Train daily in martial arts, firearms combat, military tactics and always carry iron. Forget the moral high ground. It’s the place of your death. Forget leftist tolerance and understand. It’s the ground of your death. All of these people who write and speak of high minded moral ideals aren’t going to be there to protect you when Mohammed and Abdul are kicking you to death. Therefore, they are ALL irrelevant. Nobody is going to protect you, but you; not the police, not the government, not the church, not the corporation, not the media. To the corporatocracy, you are nothing but a blood sacrifice to their interests. Act accordingly. Grow a pair. Arm yourselves. Clear your mind. See reality for what it is. Protect the women whether they like it or not.

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