Justice for Pamela

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this follow-up from Il Giornale to the horrific murder in Macerata last January. The alleged perp was a member of what has been called the “Nigerian cannibal mafia”:

The uncle of Pamela accuses the parish priest: “The church paid for Oseghale’s house”

According to the uncle of Pamela, and lawyer for the Mastropietro family, for three months, a parish of Macerata paid the rent of an apartment for Innocent Oseghale, where the 18-year-old (native of Rome) was killed and dismembered

by Cristina Verdi
January 21, 2019

It is still wrapped in mystery, the death of Pamela Mastropietro. On February 13 the trial against Innocent Oseghale, the principal suspect in the death of the young girl, will open in court.

But today there are still many obscure points in the matter.

Marco Valerio Verni, Pamela’s uncle and lawyer for the Mastropietro family, lists them in an interview given to Affaritaliani. Beginning with the support offered by a parish of Villa Potenza, a small municipality of Macerata, to Oseghale, who at the time had already been convicted for drug offenses. According to the reconstruction by the lawyer, the Nigerian, already excluded from the refugee protection program after being caught dealing, and awaiting expulsion from our country, had been identified by the parish priest as a person in need of help. Because of this, for three consecutive months, funds were collected for Oseghale and his companion, Michela Pettinari, €450, which served to pay the rent for the apartment where they lived.

On January 14 a year ago, to celebrate the migrants’ day, Oseghale actually went up to the pulpit to read the pastoral letter written by Pope Francis, and the church community donated a basket with blankets and groceries to him. Only two weeks later, in that same apartment paid for with the money of the faithful, he is believed to have consummated one of the most atrocious crimes of recent years. “This perhaps explains the truly indifferent behavior of the bishop of Macerata and the silence of the church in that horrible matter,” said the lawyer for the young girl, remembering how the bishop of the Marche [state in Italy] didn’t even get involved to bless the stone memorial placed at the scene where the dismembered body of the 19-year-old was discovered.

Pamela’s uncle has moreover denounced the “strong pressures” in the investigation. “I had recently requested access to the apartment of the horrors with my advisers: I was refused,” charged the lawyer for the young girl, interviewed by Affaritaliani. Moreover, it is not clear, continued Verni, “how Pamela could have taken opiates in the two months preceding her death” despite being kept in the community. Also the doubts regarding the traces of DNA of an unknown person found in both trolleys. Circumstances that lead a person to think that Oseghale didn’t do all this alone. But there is also another shadow in this matter. That which concerns the fate of a diary that Pamela was writing to tell her difficult story. A manuscript which, complains the uncle of the victim, has never been found. And which, perhaps, hides inside elements useful to discover the truth of that tragic January 30.

2 thoughts on “Justice for Pamela

  1. Perhaps the priest should have been examined too for traces of “Innocent” Oseghale’s DNA, or at the very least for traces of his drugs. The motive for getting involved in this sordid affair by the Catholic Church seems rather suspect to me. I don’t for a minute believe it was benevolence on the part of the local bishop that prompted the diversion of parish resources. Likely, there are many more layers to this scandal and the truth will never see the light of day due to the numerous institutions that would be scandalized by it.

  2. If people consider themselves Christian they must follow the words of Christ:

    “…be wise as serpents and innocent as doves…”

    “…do not throw your pearls to swine, for they will trample them then turn on you…”

    Christ knew exactly what would happen if His people acted as liberal socialists.

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