A European Union of “We the People”

Tommy Robinson returned to Dresden tonight and gave a speech that also served as an announcement of a Europe-wide movement to resist Islamization. The new transnational alliance is planning simultaneous demonstrations in a number of countries on February 6, 2016.

The video below shows Tommy speaking, with pauses to allow Lutz Bachmann to read the same text in German. According to the notes accompanying the video, the two men were speaking to an estimated 25,000 people who had gathered in Theater Square on a rainy Monday evening for the weekly PEGIDA rally in Dresden:

The full video of the rally is available here.

Below are excerpts from the prepared text for Tommy’s speech:

Hello Dresden! Hello PEGIDA! We meet again!

It is great to return to this beautiful city which is so full of promise for the future of Europe. The weekly gatherings of PEGIDA are an inspiration and encouragement to the faint of heart throughout Europe. When people look around and wonder what can be done they see PEGIDA and your weekly gatherings in this city and say to themselves: I can do that too.

Since my last visit I have been in discussions with other PEGIDA and patriot groups throughout Europe. We agreed, and I have been authorised to make an important announcement today. We are calling for and will plan the first European wide series of demonstrations for 2016 on Saturday, 6 February.

Dresden and Germany was and still is an inspiration for this movement. It is appropriate to announce here this new unity of purpose for the saving of Europe.

PEGIDA and other patriot groups in solidarity with PEGIDA have agreed to demonstrate with one voice on 6 February. The countries involved so far include: Austria, Belgium, Czechia, England, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, and also Australia.

We will unite in common cause and under one banner.

Save our culture, save our country, save our future. Unite to build a better future for our children!

People throughout Europe and the world are inspired by you the people of Dresden. I have no hesitation in saying that I too am inspired. You have reignited the ‘fire in my belly,’ and you have encouraged me to step back into this fight.

From within our own resources we call forth a European Union of ‘We the People.’ We do not rely on the politicians and bureaucrats who brought us to this impasse in the first place. They have brought Europe close to destruction. They are responsible for it and many of them continue to act in a way that brings us closer to the edge.

The carnage we saw in Paris on 13 November is just one extreme outcome of this politically directed transformation. And who doubts that more carnage will occur? As sure as I am standing here, who doubts that there are thousands of jihadists in Europe right now, who are sharpening their metaphorical swords, and making ready their real guns and bombs, and planning the next attack? Islam is never asleep to the possibilities of terror.

We unite to oppose the Sharia pushers, the murdering jihadists and the Islamification of our countries. We want a Europe free from fear.

We want a Europe:

  • free from terrorists who shout Allahu Akbar,
  • free from roaming Muslim rape gangs who target our young girls,
  • free from the dark shadows and visual scars of minarets,
  • free from the sounds of the ‘call to prayer’ in our towns and city centres,
  • free from the genital mutilation of girls,
  • free from the Quranic sanction of wife beating,
  • free from Halal foods which are often imposed an us without our knowledge,
  • free from people who cover their faces, walk around our streets and refuse to integrate,
  • free from the constant push for special privileges in our communities,
  • free from the death threats we all face for daring to speak out against the Quran and against Islam.

We must ask a simple question: Why are we sowing the seeds of our own destruction? Why are we importing millions of Muslims into Europe?

We must emphasise a few principles of our movement, for as long as I am involved in this movement: We are a movement that is free from Jew-hatred, a movement that is free from racism. At the charge of racism, we ask: ‘What race are Muslims? What race is Islam?’

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

For links to previous articles about PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) and related movements, see the PEGIDA Archives.

26 thoughts on “A European Union of “We the People”

  1. Tommy says, “we call forth a European Union of ‘We the People.'” It’s interesting that he would use a phrase from the preamble of the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps half the time I see this phrase, it is in a grammatical context, as here, that calls for the objective case: “of us the people”. I wondered how this would be handled in the German translation. Answer: The decision of whether to use the nominative or the objective case is avoided by using the slogan “Wir sind das Volk.”

    • Re. objective case: In both the English and German version, ‘We the People’ and ‘Wir sind das Volk’ respectively, is taken as an opaque term or a name, hence the extra quotation marks around it. Like e.g. if you use the title of a book in a grammatical object, you don’t alter it.

  2. EU leaders will now redouble their efforts against PEGIDA. This is their project, and they will not tolerate anything resembling a voice of the people speaking up against it. Next year is going to be an interesting one. I thought my marching days were over. Apparently not.

  3. “Why are we importing millions of Muslims into Europe?”, asks Tommy.
    A modest refinement:
    “Why are our politicians importing millions of Muslims into Europe?”

    • Why are we voting for politicians who are importing millions of lazy, unproductive, spiritually dead, kill the Christians and Jews and everybody else, Muslims into Europe? The most baffling question in all recorded history. We are NOT the Romsn Empire.

  4. Why are we sowing the seeds of our own destruction? Why are we importing millions of Muslims into Europe?

    i have an answer for you. For the same reason England imported hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the Holy Land when it became obvious that the Zionist entrprise was getting serious. For the same reason that Amin Al Husseini was made Mufti by the British government on British mnadatory payroll despite his open blatant and violent antisemitism. For the same reason Britain blocked the Holy Land against the Jews to whom it was mandated as the National Home by the British government and league of Nations. Everything ever perpetrated on the Jews is now coming home to roost.
    So to reverse course britain must first repudiate its own collusion with the islamo-Nazis she brought into the Holy Land, dismantle the Palestinian hoax she invented as a countermeasure to the Jewish rights to the Holy Land, stop all support for all Arab aspirations to Kill the Jews (Itbach Al Yahood) then together we can figure out how to put the Islamist Genie back in the bottle.

  5. Great stuff.
    Anybody know if TR’s rumored upcoming autobiography(?) is the real deal, and if so, how to get hold of it? Nothing about it on his website.

  6. “Why are we sowing the seeds of our own destruction? Why are we importing millions of Muslims into Europe?” – EU is ruled by traitor elites who want to destabilize the region and profit from crisis and wars. They will keep on provoking russia till a ww3 breaks out.

  7. We all know that Angela Merkel has stated that Germany needs immigrants because their projected population numbers will not support the German economic system down the road. They talk of not having enough people to run their factories, produce their cars, etc.

    This is a legitimate worry. So what I say now is serious though it is tinged with a bit of humor that is known to people of a certain age in America. Those that remember the great talk show host Johnny Carson who was a mainstay of American late night TV may recall the old joke that birth rates would be down because everyone was watching his show [which for those who don’t know who the heck he was he was a terrific host, funny, and serious, and had huge ratings for his late night show for about 30 years] instead of engaging in the first stage of child production.

    I seem to recall before Mrs. Merkel went on her jihad to get a million Muslims with more to come into Germany she used to publicly say that Germany needed more babies. This is no secret. And it is not a secret that this is a problem not only for Germany but much of Europe. This of course goes to the point raised by many that the so called good life, the obsession of constant entertainment, the devaluing of unborn children excised from the womb, small families in general, etc. has led to the opening for mass Muslim immigration.

    So assuming she isn’t working for the other side (and I see there are stories about her that she worked for the East German police, I don’t know how true or false that is) there is a message out there for not only Germany but for all of Europe. Even if Europe gets through the current attack on its people and culture Europeans better start producing children or those that are there in 20 years will face the ugly fascists of Islam later on and with an even smaller population to defend themselves and their culture.

    Last, I just want to commend Tommy Robinson for once again in his consistent decency making sure (and in Germany yet) he mentioned “no” to anti-Semitism. I mention this particularly for a friend of mine who harbors hatred for Europeans for the Holocaust. (And I join him in that for the leftists and others who currently cheer on the Jew hatred). So three cheers or more for Tommy and those others across Europe like him.

    Mike from Brooklyn

    • This is so obviously true. Why is nobody talking about about the again obvious fact that we are aborting ourselves away?

    • It is a misconception that the populations of Europe need to increase their birth rates.

      The vast majority (if not all) European countries have populations that are relatively high when compared to the population sizes of 50 or 100 years. The world is over-populated and would benefit from reducing its population size.

      I am aware of economic arguments but they are an artificial construct that are purely based on GDP. There is no argument for population growth that is based on access to the basic necessities of life, or even many of our creature comforts.

      We need to stop accepting immigrants from the Middle East and Africa to ensure that the countries they are originating from are forced to take action to curb their population growth. Right now we have many couples in Europe who are not having more babies because of a sense that it would be socially irresponsible to have more children in an over populated world – meanwhile Muslims are encouraged to multiply to outbreed us.

    • The problem with Merkel’s argument that immigrants are needed to support the ageing popoulation in Germany [Europe] is that, shortly after the beginning of the recent mass arrival, there were reports online about extending the retirement age — so that the ageing Germans [Europeans] could continue working to support their new dependents. (Can’t find the link now, but the reports should still be out there.)

  8. This problem can’t be handled because you can’t see the totality of it. I mean if there was only-say 2 million and that’s all–one could deal with a finite number of refugees. But this matter can’t be boxed in as the number keeps growing.

    There’s also no end and Putin seems to be feuling this by supporting Assad. The west doesn’t want to go in to stop it. You can’t deal with a problem that has no end. I WISH THIS WAS SAID MORE. Tommy has the only safe solution Given the above.

    Stop letting people into the country

  9. “He either fears his fate too much
    Or his deserts are small
    That puts it not unto the touch
    To win or lose it all”

    James Graham, 1st Marquis of Montrose.

  10. So, demonstrations everywhere on Feb 6th, 2016 – even in Australia, but NONE in North America?

    I guess France will be using their Emergency powers to arrest demonstrators and we’ll see whether Merkel declares a State of Emergency too, or bans the demonstration under the excuse that there is a bomb threat. And the media will refuse to give it much airtime. I can imagine the BBC will be talking about the Nazi-Right.

    But we can’t do nothing and it’s better to bring things to a head by action than endless talking.

  11. The question is not “Why are we sowing the seeds of our own destruction? Why are we importing millions of Muslims into Europe?”
    It is whom. If not for a supine press and authorities, it would be easy to expose who is doing it. As for the “why” there is only one answer that fits: the genocide of the European population.

    If we make it out of this hell, I hope future generations never forget and are finally adamant about denying islam and marxism any place in our Civilization. Not by forbidding them but by ridiculing them constantly and finally admitting that the Soviet Union was not our “ally” and islam is an ideology of war and savagery and that Peace© isn’t worth any price.

    I feel like Winston Smith (but then what doesn’t these days), on his dilemma of “how does one communicate with the Future?”

  12. The question is not “Why are we sowing the seeds of our own destruction? Why are we importing millions of Muslims into Europe?”
    It is whom. If not for a supine press and authorities, it would be easy to expose who is doing it. As for the “why” there is only one answer that fits: the genocide of the European population.

    If we make it out of this hell, I hope future generations never forget and are finally adamant about denying islam and marxism any place in our Civilization. Not by forbidding them but by ridiculing them constantly and finally admitting that the Soviet Union was not our “ally” and islam is an ideology of war and savagery and that Peace© isn’t worth any price.

    I feel like Winston Smith (but then what doesn’t these days), on his dilemma of “how does one communicate with the Future?”

  13. The population question is a complex one with many layers.
    Many European countries are jam-packed full of people, the united Germany is about the size of Texas, but has almost 90 million to Texas’ 13, France is of approximately equal size with 60+ million, tiny Holland 14, Belgium 10, the UK 55 or so, a population about equal to that of the US in less than half the space.
    There are serious shortages in housing, huge unemployment figures, no need whatsoever for any immigration from anywhere.
    However, since most of western Europe became social democrat-governed welfare states after WW II, there are MASSIVE bureaucracies of benefits- healthcare- and retirement programs to uphold, and the baby-boomer generation did not replicate themselves anywhere near enough to accomplish that.
    Subsequent generations faced never-before-seen challenges, such as The Pill, abortions becoming the norm, a massive push towards smaller families, multi-layered guilt complexes and traumas heaped upon children and grandchildren (my own mother told me with frightening frequency that getting a woman pregnant was the absolutely worst crime anyone could ever commit), self-hatred for being European after decades of propaganda brainwashing, ennui and boredom with a civilization perceived as having become stale, just to name a few.
    To put it quite primitively, Frau Doktor and Herr Kommerzialrat want their pension benefits Klaus- Jürgen and his life partner want to spend their 2 month summer vacay on the Maledives and Françoise can’t be bothered to read to her 1 child (she’d rather have the Romanian nanny do it), so we need half of Aleppo.

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