Tennessee ACLU: The Left’s Biggest Hypocrite (Part 5 of 5)

Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice.

Newsletter #181 — Tennessee ACLU: The Left’s Biggest Hypocrite (part 5 of 5)

The Red-Green Alliance goes after the South

Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) understood the value of penetrating the traditionally conservative political South, especially, religious organizations in the Bible Belt’s buckle of Middle Tennessee. Once IAF connected with religious communities in Nashville that were starting to drift left, they were able to access people and money and launch TNT (Tying Nashville Together).

As documented in The Newer Deal: Social Work and Religion in Partnership,” [a]t all TNT activities, members pray together and emphasize that their raison d’etre is to fulfill their religious calling.” Meaning, TNT members demand that the government perform the charitable work otherwise demanded by TNT members’ religious doctrines.

TNT was short-lived. After the failure of TNT, remaining members moved on to groups like Gamliel and NOAH in Tennessee.

While the professional left was doing its work to transform religious communities, the Islamists were busy transforming the ACLU.

The ACLU abets the Muslim Brotherhood agenda

A 2012 Investors Business Daily editorial questions the Islamization of the ACLU, a change reflected in the cases and positions advocated (or not) by the ACLU. The change has brought deeper ties with Muslim Brotherhood groups like the unindicted co-conspirator organization CAIR.

This may be why in 2010 the ACLU remained silent at the capitulation of the media and law enforcement when the cartoonist Molly Norris was forced into hiding after proposing “everybody draw Mohammed day.” Norris received no protection from law enforcement, and no objection was made by the ACLU.

In stark contrast, however, the ACLU did file a suit on behalf of the father of al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki, objecting to the government’s issuing a kill order for him.

The ACLU has publicly defended ICNA’s charitable fundraising despite ICNA’s Muslim Brotherhood ties, its questionable donations to organizations connected to HAMAS, and it leadership’s support for other Islamic charities our government has shut down because they fund terrorism.

Just like Alinsky’s IAF, the Muslim Brotherhood’s ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) also has a Southern strategy. Starting with the Southern Islamic Convention designed to reinforce ideas like global sharia law, using materials that promote hatred of Jews and Christians and dawa (Islamic proselytizing) in U.S. public schools.

ICNA is well entrenched in Tennessee. Rafiq Mahdi, ICNA’s Director of Outreach for Southern Region for their charity arm, ICNA Relief USA, lives in Knoxville. He also serves as the “unofficial imam” of the Knoxville Muslim community.

If the ACLU didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all

In Tennessee, Hedy Weinberg uses her ACLU office to abet the Islamist agenda.

One stunning example of Weinberg’s support for all things Islamist and her own hypocrisy, is her lawsuit against the Sumner County school district.

In 2011 ACLU-TN filed a suit against the school district because of alleged promotion of Christian beliefs to students by school personnel. A settlement agreement was reached that prohibited school officials from promoting their personal religious beliefs to students, prohibited the display of “religious symbols and items…in a place publicly visible to students,” and “…the schools can no longer take field trips to religious sites.”

Two years later, a high school located in Sumner County, in direct violation of the ACLU settlement agreement, took a group of freshman on a field trip to a mosque where they listened to readings from the Quran and a were given copies.

There is no public record indicating that the ACLU objected to this Sumner County school violating the settlement agreement. Why?

Are churches waking up?

Real Catholic TV has posted a video “CCHD and Saul Alinsky,” exposing the infiltration by Alinsky’s IAF and the fact that it does not align with Catholic doctrine, despite continued funding from the CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development.)

Albuquerque Interfaith, an IAF affiliate, has been exposed for trying to disguise its leftist agenda as being consistent with “decades of Catholic social justice teaching and authentic Catholic action.” For example, the report details:

  • how Alinsky’s principles are not ethical while “Authentic Catholic Action” (ACA) is always ethical
  • how Albuquerque Interfaith is tied to an IAF group Call to Action which opposes the church’s teachings
  • how Alinsky organizing promotes liberation theology which is not consistent with either ACA or the church’s teachings
  • that Marxist ideas of class warfare are likewise not consistent with ACA which “promotes cooperation and respect among all members of society.”
  • Alinskyian organizing replaces the mandate to serve the poor with government programs that often harm the poor.

Leftist media help out where they can

This year, the leftist media outlet The Los Angeles Times, named Muslim Brotherhood’s CAIR director Nihad Awad one of the nation’s “new civil rights leaders.” Awad has publicly voiced his support for the U.S.-designated terrorist organization, HAMAS, the jihadi arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.

CAIR, a named unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing prosecution, is also a designated terrorist organization in the UAE.

The Tennessean “reporter” Bob Smietana set the strategy for the newspaper by silencing any criticism of Islam. The newest editor, David Plazas carries water for the Islamists by promoting CAIR director Paul “Iesa” Galloway, who now runs the Muslim American Center for Outreach (ACO).

What can you do?

  • find out whether your congregation was a TNT member. Do they still profess to the socialist goals? Educate your friends about where this leads
  • if you belong to a Catholic church, share the report about the Albuquerque interfaith group that exposes how Alinsky’s IAF partners don’t adhere to authentic church doctrine
  • all churches want money — your money. But if your church is going to the red-green alliance, consider withholding your tithe to the church and instead, direct your tithe to a more worthy charity
  • work to wake up your fellow congregants and your pastors and explain why leftist organizations undermine personal responsibility for our fellow man
  • spread the word to expose the ACLU for the hypocritical and destructive organization it is.