
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff sends her thoughts after the conclusion of her most recent American tour.


by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Oppression is felt differently in different places and at different times. There are degrees to the level of one’s feeling of oppression. I know what I’m talking about: I’ve experienced it numerous times in my life. Let me explain.

When I lived and worked in Kuwait in the late 1990s, I already felt somewhat caged. I always like telling the story of how in pre-Amazon days I would visit Kuwait’s bookstores and marvel at the censorship imposed by the Kuwaiti (likely religious) authorities. There was little to no variety in the books I could buy, and many of those that made it onto the bookshelves were hopelessly outdated. For a committed bookworm, this was an oppressive feeling.

Oppression in Kuwait manifested itself not only in the lack of knowledge in the form of books, but also in the prohibition of alcohol and pork. Freedom to me means the freedom to live, eat, read, think, and speak as I wish. In Kuwait I was unable to eat, drink or read what I chose. I want to make my own choices, just as I do not choose to eat dog or roaches, but should be free to do so.

So, when I boarded a plane to Dubai or Oman I always breathed a sigh of relief. Mind you, freedom is always relative. Compared to the United States, Dubai is still a repressive society, but the contrast with Kuwait’s situation is staggering: parties, booze, pork, and other “vices”, as long as you as a non-Muslim follow certain rules. If not, and you are caught, you’d better have your passport and a fast airplane at hand or you’ll wind up in jail. Just check your local sob stories in the papers.

Fast-forward a few years to Tripoli, Libya. Seldom have I felt more caged, more jailed than in Tripoli at the beginning of this century. There was no way to spend money or free time, both of which were at hand in some abundance: no shopping centers like in Kuwait or Dubai to spend one’s hard-earned shekels — pardon, dinars; no movie theaters, even if censored; no decent restaurants; no beach clubs. Just a lot of socialism, Islam and sand.

So driving those three hours from Tripoli across the border to Tunisia was a relief: freedom! — to a degree, of course. Not the kind that I was looking for, but at least I was able to breathe freely, buy some beer and enjoy a beach club on the island of Djerba.

And so it was when I finally left the Arab world that I thought I had left Islamic-style oppression behind me. I settled in Vienna, my hometown, hoping to regain the freedom to move about, to eat what I wished, to read as much as I could (thank you, in this case, to the Internet and Amazon), to dress as I wished, to speak my mind, in short, to live my life in freedom. You see, one only realizes what freedom means when it has been taken away. In our circles, this statement is considered a platitude. It’s not really, however. And this is what I felt during my recent travels to the United States.

Living in today’s Europe, I never fully realized just how constricted my freedom has become in recent years. Of course, I KNOW that my freedom is being reduced on a daily basis by the European Union’s useless and annoying data protection regulations, which were tightened to the extreme this year, but I never really felt it as strongly, as overpoweringly, as I did at the end of this year. I actually found myself breathing a deep sigh of relief upon entering the United States, knowing that what I would be telling Americans would be protected by the United States Constitution and its First Amendment. One really does speak a different language if one doesn’t have to self-censor all the time.

And that is what we do in Europe; we just don’t realize it. Even I don’t. But I recognized the stark difference as I viewed my European self from an American perspective. Believe me when I tell you that I am still in shock, even if I am at the forefront of my fight for the restoration of freedom of speech in Europe. But never have I felt this level of despair at the loss of my personal freedom as well as a profound fear of the future for my daughter.

As the year draws to a close what can we do, what can you do?

Well, it depends on where you reside.

For those who live in Europe — and I am one — there is currently little hope. I really don’t know what else to tell Europeans. How do you explain the loss of a fundamental right to someone who never realized he had that right to begin with, who never knew he even needed this right? Who needs free speech to buy the latest model iPhone? Or the latest plasma TV? So what’s the use of free speech, then?

And why would you care about the impact of the European Court of Human Rights’ verdict against me, but also against every European’s right to express his views on a religion?

And finally, knowing what could happen to you, seeing what happened to me, or to Tommy Robinson, or to Michael Stürzenberger, or to all the other nameless victims of a repressive speech regime, would you really want to become active? No, I do not fault you for remaining silent and idle. But I do ask you to donate. A few euros here, a couple of dollars there will make all the difference to those on the front lines.

And now to readers in the United States: Hear our pleas for help. Remember your guaranteed freedoms, protect them, fight for them, and don’t forget your brothers and sisters in Europe. You’ve saved Europe before and I guarantee you’ll have to do it again.

Listen carefully to what I recently discussed in the United States. I’ve been warning for a decade now, and I will continue my warning. Come see me and talk to me. Watch my videos. Read Gates of Vienna. Support GoV and Vlad Tepes financially. At the end of the day, we can’t fight for your freedoms without your dollars. It’s as simple as that.

My Christmas wish is that one day I can travel to the US and talk to my audience about the restoration of freedom of speech in Europe. I want to be able to breathe the above-mentioned sigh of relief upon entering my beloved Austria, and thank God for the ability to live in a country that recognizes my right to express my views without being hauled before a judge.

If you want to contribute to my legal defense fund, you may do so here:

For previous posts on the “hate speech” prosecution of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, see Elisabeth’s Voice: The Archives.

8 thoughts on “Oppression

  1. The fight is not over yet! The EU is in chaos and that will increase as nations stuck in its Satanic Babylonian grasp tear at the tether holding them in. A couple of thousand useless “Bureaucrats” would run for their lives if we all made a stand or went on strike. I will never accept this evil entity…


    May and Co are on the ropes and everybody knows it. We see the whole evil edifice exposed for the criminal scheme it is.

    • The problem is that they never have to run for their lives. They are safe no matter what happens. We are over-civilized.

    • Agreed!!

      It seems so many people are very willing to continually accept ‘new normals’. Each week the ‘normal’ is altered and lowered another step to another ‘new normal’.

      We must demand no less than the sort of peace and stability we had before the invaders arrived. THAT normal was perhaps not a perfect normal but one under which we prospered and had a great amount of peace. I will settle for nothing less. Who knows, perhaps I will greatly fear violence and government oppression for trying to stand against this evil. Perhaps I will want to run away and be tempted to renounce my beliefs.

      Jimmy Carter was once asked if he was willing to die for Christ and he replied ” No I am not, but if that’s what He wants then He will help me do it.”

      • Poignant, personalized article! I feel your pain Elisabeth! Although we still have freedom of speech in America, we are now U.S. incorporated – owned by the technocrats, globalists & corporations. Say anything provocative about Islam, Muslims or people of color – bang you will be publicly shamed and let go by your employer – virtue signaling to protect profits at all costs! Just like in Europe, we are having smart meters, microwave cell towers and the Internet of Things forced upon us with no official notification, public vote or community consensus! Once a tower is secretly installed in neighborhoods the fully aware citizens speak out at townhall meetings in protest. The luckier ones may find a political representative who feels their pain and takes up a rollback or exemption for them. It’s taken 11 years for California firefighters to lobby and prevent microwave cell tower antennas (masts) from being mounted on their fire stations!

        https://youtu.be/61h_vuBujw0We – Firefighters win fight in California, however schools & citizens not protected against microwave radiation frequencies.

        Those of us not stabbed, beheaded, virtual signaled, and fired from our jobs will be *radiated* by the Internet of Things and/or burned alive and our homes leveled to the ground! In Sheffield UK telecommunications companies are chopping down trees to install 5G masts and towers! Microwaves lose signal strength and are degraded by trees, leaves, moisture and buildings. Trees which filter the air are easier to remove! I don’t think America can save itself and citizens from harm let alone Europe & planet earth! Sorry to be a “Debbie Downer” when you are seeking strength & encouragement. Put your hope and faith in Yeshua, not mankind! – Psalms nsrv 146:3 “Do not put your hope in princes, in mortals in whom there is no help.” Psalms 130:5 “ I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope”.

        https://youtu.be/MQbmcCCGVno – cutting down trees

        https://youtu.be/BUT5Al1JdPQ – BBC report

        https://youtu.be/ViLKCrfmdmw – smart meters and direct Energy Weapons (DEWs)

        • Well, if I’m going to be irradiated and microwaved to death, I ought to at least have the freedom to have them cook my dinner each night for free with those microwaves.

          Seriously though, this is troubling and not surprising.

          I read that cities will soon sell the ability for businesses to send an advertisement signal from objects such as garbage cans in downtown areas. The idea is that as you walk past a lamp post or garbage can, a sensor will detect your personal, identifiable presence through your phone and will then send you a personal advertisement to entice you to walk into the cafe just 20 feet from you.

          So many people choose to live as nothing more than a mindless consumer. They will enjoy all this.

  2. I wrote my Islamic Hijra-Jihad allegory “Wolfophobia On Dog Island” specifically to evade P.C. censorship in Europe. What a shame that we are reduced to speaking in code. Now it’s been translated into German (thanks Miss Piggy!) so that it can reach a wider European audience. I hope this link is shared widely. And FWIW, anyone is free to copy and share all of mys short stuff anywhere, anytime. No permission is needed.

    Wolfophobia Auf Dog Island

    Original English version:

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