Burned Out From Exhaustion, Buried in the Hail

The following post is based on a Skype conversation I had with Vlad in the wee hours of this morning. It was prompted by my post last night of Hellequin GB’s translation of the story about German leftists who went to Hungary and violently attacked a German they identified as a right-winger.

The translated article featured a Twitter video of the attack. I found it disturbing because the modus operandi of those lefties is the same as that of Muslim culture-enrichers:

1.   Attack from behind without warning.
2.   Only attack lone victims or people in pairs who are vastly outnumbered.
3.   Use grotesque, excessive ultraviolence.

All that’s missing is the Allahu Akhbar.

Knock them down and kick them in the head to further social justice and/or establish the rule of sharia.

I think I may be burning out. This stuff is getting to me.

I posted that translation about the attack by German leftists in Hungary. Then I collated the items for last night’s news feed. This is the intro I wrote for the feed:

Two police officers suffered serious head injuries as they escorted an AfD politician in the German city of Essen. The officers were kicked in the head by attackers, and had to be hospitalized. Seven other officers suffered less serious injuries. The assailants were able to escape.

Meanwhile, a court in Munich ruled that the state of Bavaria may place the AfD under surveillance as a suspected extremist group. Also, Dusseldorf Administrative Court ruled that members of the AfD cannot legally possess firearms because the party has been deemed a suspected extremist group.

There’s no word yet on whether the people who kicked the policemen in the head in Essen are suspected extremists.

I’m telling you, this [excrement] is really, really getting to me.

23 thoughts on “Burned Out From Exhaustion, Buried in the Hail

  1. You get what you vote for. I have no idea how Europe is going to settle its political problems but here in the United States we will be using firearms. Our country is awash in them, and we are beyond talking. When Biden demonstrated his dementia onstage for the country to see and the Democrat response led by Brak Obama and trumpeted by the MSM is don’t believe your lying eye’s well that is the last straw. When the steal is announced this November for whoever the Democrats install in the offal office the shooting starts.

    • @foot

      Re: “You get what you vote for. I have no idea how Europe is going to settle its political problems….”

      Events are accelerating in Europe, so in a sense she is the proverbial canary-in-a-coalmine for the rest of the world, including the U.S. If one steps back and looks at the big picture, the ruling “elites,” so-called, over there have socially-engineered things such that heads-they-win, tails-the-people-lose. In other words, no matter who the people vote for, they win.

      That the fix is supposed to be in is evidenced by how frantic and unhinged these so-called elites act when someone unapproved by them slips their net and manages to win high office anyway.

      Exhibits A and B for that could be Holland – where the coalition of anti-Islam, anti-immigration populist Geert Wilders won, and France, where French nationalist Marine LePen won a landslide victory against the Macron government.

      These and other so-called “far-right” parties and coalitions are garnering more and more support across western and northern Europe, as the de facto invasion by the Mohammedans becomes more and more obvious to everyday Europeans.

      It is also germane to note that the European Union, itself a supra-national body, was conceived and implemented in part to head-off and block such nationalist counter-attacks against the globalist agenda.

      If the authority to grant or deny immigration into the EU isn’t vested with the member nations, but with the EU itself, then who wins the election as prime minister or president isn’t as relevant anymore, is it? Which is entirely the point, as far as the globalists in Brussels are concerned.

      Ultimately, of course, the European Union itself will have be renounced and rejected, at least as long as it operates in a manner antithetical to the interests of its member nations. It was never meant to serve the interests of ordinary Europeans in the first place, but those of the ruling class and billionaire oligarchs – as yet another stepping stone on the road to the NWO.

  2. So a crowd was able to beat up a bunch of cops, but were all able to escape. That’s some pretty messed up rules of engagement there.

    The rulers could stop the crazy, but they need to appease the crazy parasitic scum that stuffs ballot boxes for them.

    Looking at the [sump] living environments that they create, it’s just not credible that elections are anything like honest. (D)irtbag voters tolerate the crooked system and are happy because it keeps people like Trump down – but they end up ruled by the crooks who use the crooked system for their own evil purposes.

    • The people who vote for national suicide are themselves egregiously morally compromised.

      Reminds me of the Weimar period in Germany: Most citizens whooped it up, ridiculed their neighbors as prudes, and praised the debauchery of their fellow “free thinkers,” aka libertines.

      These libertines are blinded by their own sin, not only in matters of their own personal habits, but also in the discernment of the motives and actions of fellow countrymen.

      It’s their escape mechanism, escape from the gnawing guilt they can’t quell: they can’t face their own wretchedness. The more they “escape” the greater their inner terror which must be narcotized.

      It’s a preview of hell.

  3. Baron, I think we both know that it’s going to get much worse. If and when Donald Trump is reelected president, I am expecting there will be another four years of incessant violence all across the US. The same here if Nigel Farage and his Reform party make significant inroads into parliament. The same in France and the Netherlands.
    It seems to me that islam and the commies have united to do their collective best to destroy our countries. What is not clear is what will it take for normal citizens to start fighting back.

      • @tharmon

        Re: “And when all is said and done, the Islamists will off the commies.”

        Given the vast gulf between what the Mohammedans believe, say and do and what the communists believe,say and do, one might think that such an untimely end would be possible for many of the ‘Reds now allied with the Muslims. But there is another possibility ~ one more and more common in left-liberal circles: Conversion to Islam.

        I am old-enough to remember religious-spiritual fads like the Hare Krishna movement in the 1970s, when a lot of young and impressionable people converted for lack of anything better to do.

        The current fad with Islam amongst young leftists is something like that, in that it supplies meaning and a place of belonging to many people who lack those things. Few of these people, it should be noted, know the long and often-violent history their new creed shares with rest of the world.

        I would have been skeptical of such conversions unless I had seen them with my own eyes a few times when inside large, big-city colleges and universities, to name one example.

        You are correct, though, that a dramatic “sorting out” is due to occur when the alliance of convenience between Red (the communists) and Green (Muslims) has run its course.

        Muslims are permitted to engage in prohibited (haram) conduct and behavior for the good of Islam, and to associate with those infidels so engaged ~ but once the need is passed, all bets are off as far as the imams and religious police and their like are concerned.

        I recall reading a story out of Saudi Arabia about a decade ago. There was a fire at at an all-girls school, and a number of young women and girls ran from the flames out of the building.

        But because they were not covered in accordance with sharia law, they were forced by religious police (Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, also known as Mutawwa) back into the flame-and-smoke-filled structure and perished.

        This is the level of fanaticism of which the believers are capable when they are aroused to action.

        • “I am old-enough to remember religious-spiritual fads like the Hare Krishna movement in the 1970s”

          You obviously haven’t been to Ol’ Blighty recently, because the Krishnas’re still clinking, clanging and dancing (for cash) on London streets. If nothing else, these cats have staying power.

    • Yes, the red-green axis dates back at least 3 decades.

      At least in former times, ca. mid-Century, we still enjoyed the village or town square (city park) speechifier who was given a soap box on which to state his concerns.

      There will — literally — be hell to pay for those attempting to build a Tower of Babel from which to imprison the rest of us and gloat over their mastery.

      To the people of Germany, I say: Return to Luther while you have breath.

  4. I don’t understand why the police don’t use their firearms on these terrorists. To allow themselves to be molested like that is appalling. All the police services should strike and refuse to operate without being able to crush these terrorists. Russia understands these people, just thinking of how they dealt with these threats in Beirut back in the day…

    • @ Cassandra

      Re: “I don’t understand why the police don’t use their firearms on these terrorists. To allow themselves to be molested like that is appalling.”

      Perhaps it is because this play being staged for the masses is nothing more than security theater. What is meant by that is the following…

      The ruling class elites and billionaire oligarchs are globalists, which is to say that they believe the nation-state system to be obsolete and they want regional and then world government in its place, with themselves in charge.

      For that to happen, distinct individual nations and the people in them must be deracinated, erased and otherwise destroyed – along with their cultures, traditions, ways of life and identities as Swedes, Germans, etc.

      The globalist elites have chosen a variety of means by which to make their agenda a reality; one of these is that they have decided to flood the developed world – especially the West – with the diaspora of the Third World, especially Muslims.

      Why the Mohammedans? Surely chief among the reasons is the fact that Islam has been at war with the West for well over a millennium, and the soldiers of Allah need no prompting or orders to wage jihad against the West and European civilization, since their creed already commands eternal warfare against those who have not said the shahada and converted to the ‘one true faith.’

      Thing of the culture-enrichers as a wrecking ball attached to a crane being operated by the globalists, leveling what remains of Old Europe, and you won’t be far off the mark at all.

      The police, those who genuinely want to protect their nations, communities and people, are caught in a bind: The people below them are being terrorized and assaulted, but their superiors higher up the chain of command either will not authorize them to take the gloves off, or simply pretend that the problem of violence by these “migrants” doesn’t exist at all.

      At best, the police can make periodic arrests and raids on mosques, things that make a splash in the media and look good for politicians – but the root causes of the problem never seem to get addressed, and the flow of newcomers into their countries keeps coming. Which is why I term these actions “security theater” rather than the genuine article.

      • If there are still good cops who want to protect the people (I doubt because just look how they treated the unjabbed during the Corona Scam) and they want to do something, there is something they could do.

        South America, death squads.
        After your shift ends, you continue to wear the uniform, arrest a leftwinger, drive him to a not nice spot…

  5. “I think I may be burning out. This stuff is getting to me.”

    It’s frustrating to continually WATCH the [now predictable] dissolution of civilization and be [legally] unable to ACT to stop it. You’re not alone.

  6. “The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” —(generally attributed to) Winston Churchill

    To wit: I just had the 1001th debate with a coupla ‘toddlers (who vote) on fb that supports—with laser consistency!—the quote above. Elections may have consequences, but voters armed with “facts” that run 180 degrees out-of-phase with reality habitually (and unerringly) elect….well, the likes of Prince Aricept, President Affirmative Action, Rishi, Macron, et al.

  7. Right now look at what is going on in France ,with the Olympics are suppose to be there this summer .LaPen party seems to be getting a majority in the government and The usually savages have hit the streets in major cities to do their burn, loot and murder dance because they are unhappy with the results. This August 20-23 in Chicago with the democratic convention should be an interesting freak show of protests Hamas supporters ,Trans activist ,run of the mill communist ,BLM hooligans , Soros hired hands, eco-Nazis , they just elected another useless democratic progressive mayor there. If the Chicago police are smart they will stand down let slow short bus Biden call in the national guard .As Chucky Schumer said they have planted the wind let them face the whirlwind of their “democratic” voter,s violence.

  8. I still peek in, Baron, I miss ya! And for Numan’s missives. I try to ignore the rest. I don’t know how you can do this (to yourself) day after day.

  9. It would appear that they are using Hitler’s playbook. If you do not agree with me and properly salute me then you are a despicable traitor that should be slaughtered or sent to a camp to be worked to death. Ain’t nothin’ changed, only different actors.

  10. Ned, I came to a real crunch about the state of the world a few years ago – I’m not as resilient as you are. I was talking with God about all the absolute madness: “have you seen this place? They are loosing their minds! No-one can be reasoned with. The destruction is irreversible!”

    You know, I’m sure he said to me: “What did you expect the end of the world to look like?”

    That struck me as typical of God – short, to the point and putting everything into perspective. And as someone told me years ago when you’re wondering whether the voice you’re hearing is God’s: “If I hear a voice smarter than me I know it’s Him”.

    So come now, given all we have been told in the Bible what did you expect the world to look like just before Jesus returns? It will get worse yet, so lean on Him, He’ll see you through it.

  11. Spain took seven centuries to throw off the yoke. Hungary and the Balkans about three. But they all did it. Thinking of the Persians and the Egyptian Copts, they were closest to where the cancer broke out and first to be eaten by it. But there is still resistance. Individuals suffer immeasurably through the dark generations, but to really kill a civilization takes more than a single conquest. The West’s current weakness is entirely self-inflicted. If it goes down for good it can’t be blamed on the invaders, they are simply the opportunists seizing opportunity. If there is still strength in it, we will shed all the wilt and rot in the coming battles. The traitors will meet their grisly end. How many times has Europe been decimated to great extent, and come back? It’s always darkest just before it turns pitch black. But nature works in cycles.

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