Washington Promoting Jihad in Schools

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Washington Promoting Jihad in Schools

by Clare M. Lopez

“Blame Federal Government for Rise of Teen Jihadists” by Carole Hornsby Haynes at World Net Daily, December 8, 2023

  • What is allowed to be taught in GovEd schools across America is influencing impressionable young students to accept and even embrace Islam, sharia, and jihad.

“Pro-Hamas White House Staffers Protest Biden’s Support for Israel in Front of White House” by Kristinn Taylor at Gateway Pundit, December 13, 2023

  • Why were White House staffers allowed to demonstrate on White House grounds against Israel and in support of HAMAS? Did they face any consequences for their actions?

White House condemns CAIR director’s recent comments about Oct. 7 attack” by Alex Gangitano at The Hill, December 8, 2023

  • A follow-up here on the Biden administration distancing itself from Nihad Awad’s despicable post-October 7 comments.

“Biden’s ‘Historic’ Muslim Judicial Nominee Served on Board of Anti-Israel, Terrorist-Loving Think Tank” by Chuck Ross at the Free Beacon, December 13, 2023

“Israel’s neighbors could be doing more to help civilians in Gaza” by Shoshana Bryen at the Washington Times, January 3, 2023

  • Real story here is that the Biden administration continues to financially support UNRWA and other NGO’s that work hand-in-glove with HAMAS.

“As Christians Are Slaughtered “for Sport,” Biden Says Nothing” by Selwyn Duke, January 3, 2024

  • As Christians continue to be slaughtered by jihadis in Nigeria, the Biden White House remains entirely silent. We’ll recall that, as reported by the Christian Post in February 2023, the “U.S. State Department has reaffirmed its decision to remove Nigeria from its list of countries of particular concern for religious freedom violations after conducting a ‘careful review’ following objections from Nigerian Christians, human rights groups and members of Congress.”

For previous essays by Clare Lopez at Sharia TipSheet, see the Clare Lopez Archives.

One thought on “Washington Promoting Jihad in Schools

  1. the Elite are using M.U.Slim to rid the world of its useless eaters. Thus, Christians will be I-slammed out of existence so that the Elite’s authority will not be challenged. Once that is accomplished, the world will be rid of the perpetraitors by the Elite’s own crew. Yes, Satan is hard at work for you and me, despite knowing what awful fate and forever future awaits him.

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