Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “Bring These Criminals to Justice”

Professor Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi is a German virologist and professor of microbiology. He is an ethnic Thai who was born in the USA and educated at schools in Switzerland, Egypt, and Thailand. He studied medicine at the University of Bonn. Prior to his retirement, he was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and, from 1991 to 2012, director of the Medical Institute for Microbiology and Hygiene in Germany.

Dr. Bhakdi was interviewed recently in Sweden by Swebbtv. His remarks concerned the Wuhan Coronavirus, and especially the experimental mRNA treatment that is intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the disease. He was vehement about the evils of the “vaccine”, and criticized the Swedes and the Danes for failing to stand up against the pressure to have themselves and their children “vaccinated”.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

Previous posts about Sucharit Bhakdi:

2020   Sep   17   Dr. Bhakdi on the Dangers of Masks and the Risks of the COVID-19 Vaccine
    Dec   15   Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: The Side Effects of the Genetic Vaccine
2021   Feb   11   Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “Stand Up Against This Insanity and End It”

Hat tip: LN.

15 thoughts on “Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “Bring These Criminals to Justice”

  1. Governments are not listening as if turned off to the public I presume they are waiting till people protest widely they will kill them

  2. Very smart guy , and they try shut Him up with antisemitism !!, what a bunch of bastards ..

  3. Professor Bhakti is a hero of the resistance to this madness. He has been calling out the lies of the media and governments since March of 2020.

  4. One day the phrase “drank the kool-aid” will be replaced with “got the jab” and will be a derogatory term to dismiss people but may be declared hate speech cause it makes those vaccinated and alive feel bad. But you can dismiss them on the hate crime accusation by saying why should anyone listen to you, you got the jab? Did you get your kids jabbed?
    Everyone who really drank the kool-aid died. Was it even kool-aid? It could have been Funny Face. That last reference is an age/generation check.

  5. Sie lügen und führen konsequent die Aufgaben und Aufträge im größten Verbrechen der Menschheitsgeschichte dem “Great Reset” durch!! 
    Die PCR- Tests sind ungeeignet eine Infektion anzuzeigen!!
    Auf den wissenschaftlich nicht relevanten Testergebnissen werden die politischen Entscheidungen
    getroffen, sprich
    Ausrufung der Pandemie
    Verabschiedung von Pandemie – Terror und Parlamentsentmachtungsgesetzen
    Impfzwang – direkt und direkt durch Drohungen, Verhetzung der Menschen gegen andere mittels Diskriminierungs – gesetzen und -maßnahmen
    Vernichtung von Existenzen im privaten Bereich und im Mittelstand
    dazu: Die Impfstoffe sind gesundheitsschädlich und die Verträge mit den Herstellern schließen deren Verantwortung im vollem Umfang aus.
    Diese Regierung handelt bewusst und zielstrebig gegen das Volk unter Nutzung aller Machtmittel:
    dazu gehören: Polizei, Armee, Bürokratie und die gleichgeschalteten Regierungsmedien
    dazu: der bayerische Haupt- Pandemie – Terrorist Söder hat die Polizei bereits mit Panzerfahrzeugen, schweren Waffen und Handgranaten ausgerüstet
    Diese Regierung hat jegliche Legitimation zur Ausübung von Regierungshandlungen bewusst verspielt und gehört umgehend entmachtet! Nur so kann noch größere Schaden vom Volk abgewendet werden!
    Das alles ist nur möglich, da in den letzten Jahren zielstrebig an der Beseitigung, Unterlaufung, Zersplitterung, Korruption, Bestechung und Infiltration alle und alles was den Kapitalinteressen entgegensteht bzw. entgegenstehen könnte, kampfunfähig gemacht wurde.
    Das gilt auch für die Gewerkschaften! Z.B. Der Chef der größten und aktivsten Gewerkschaft wurde in den Ruhestand delegiert – er wäre der richtige DGB – Vorsitzende und NO-Name an diese Stelle lanciert!
    Man denke nur an die mächtige Einzelgewerkschaft, die IG Metall unter Steinkühler und schaue auf ihren heutigen, jämmerlichen Vorsitzenden, Freund der Konzern Hofmann, auf dessen Zustimmung zahllose Entlassungen gehen.
    Die Aufzählung könnte endlos über die Regierung und sogenannte Linke Organisationen und Parteien und fast alle gesellschaftlichen Bereiche fortgesetzt werden! Man schaue sich nur das Marionetten Kabinett unter Scholz an:
    Moralisch und charakterlich sowie fachlich ungeeignete Absolventen von „Davos“!
    Heute wie immer gilt: „Der größte Feind des Volkes ist die Regierung“ (Stammt übrigens aus der „Großen Französischen Revolution“!)
    Es gilt unser Grundgesetz, das Widerstand bei den Versuchen die Demokratie zu zerstören zur Pflicht der Bürger wird!
    Auf die Dauer kann eine Demokratie nur bestehen wenn
    die 1% Reichen- Schmarotzer ersatzlos enteignet werden
    das kriminelle aber durch die Gesetze der Schmarotzer-Eliten gedeckte spekulative Finanzsystem abgeschafft wird!
    Da das mit den jetzigen Regierung nicht möglich ist, muss diese entfernt werden und durch eine
    wahre Volksvertretung ersetzt werden!
    Das verlangt ein Volkswahlsystem, das sichert, dass nur Vertreter der Interessen des Volkes bestimmen!
    Die Trennung der “Great- .Reset – Verbrecher” von dem ergaunerten Geld ist die Basis von Frieden und Zukunft der Menschheit!!.

    [Note from the moderator: This is an English-language blog. In future, please comment in English, or include a translation.

    Machine translation:

    They lie and consistently carry out the tasks and orders in the greatest crime in human history, the “Great Reset”!!
    The PCR tests are unsuitable to indicate an infection!!
    Political decisions are based on test results that are not scientifically relevant
    met, speak
    declaration of the pandemic
    Pass Pandemic-Terror and Parliament Disempowerment Bills
    Compulsory vaccination – directly and directly through threats, incitement of people against others through discrimination – laws and measures
    Destruction of livelihoods in the private sector and in the middle class
    In addition: The vaccines are harmful to health and the contracts with the manufacturers completely exclude their responsibility.
    This government acts consciously and purposefully against the people using all means of power:
    these include: police, army, bureaucracy and the conformist government media
    In addition: the Bavarian main pandemic terrorist Söder has already equipped the police with armored vehicles, heavy weapons and hand grenades
    This government has deliberately gambled away any legitimacy to exercise government actions and should be disempowered immediately! Only in this way can even greater damage be averted from the people!
    All of this is only possible because in the last few years everything and everything that stands in the way of capital interests has been made incapable of fighting in a targeted manner in the elimination, undermining, fragmentation, corruption, bribery and infiltration.
    This also applies to the unions! For example, the head of the largest and most active trade union was delegated to retire – he would be the right DGB chair and NO name launched at this point!
    Just think of the powerful individual trade union, the IG Metall under Steinkuehler and look at its current, pathetic chairman, friend of the Hofmann group, on whose approval countless dismissals are based.
    The list could be continued endlessly through the government and so-called left-wing organizations and parties and almost all areas of society! Just look at the puppet cabinet under Scholz:
    Graduates of “Davos” who are unsuitable in terms of morals and character as well as professionally!
    Today, as always, the following applies: “The greatest enemy of the people is the government” (By the way, it comes from the “Great French Revolution”!)
    Our basic law applies, which makes resistance to attempts to destroy democracy a duty of the citizens!
    In the long run, a democracy can only survive if
    the 1% rich parasites are expropriated without replacement
    the criminal but speculative financial system covered by the laws of the parasite elites is abolished!
    Since that is not possible with the current government, it must be removed and replaced by a
    true representation of the people will be replaced!
    This requires a people’s electoral system that ensures that only representatives of the people’s interests decide!
    Separating the “Great Reset Criminals” from the stolen money is the basis of peace and the future of mankind!!]

    • Your points are all very well articulated, I will certainly forward your email to everyone, as anyone who reads this should…
      Peace to you…

  6. America must discover laissez-faire capitalism. The people must find political candidates who will start shutting down the regulatory state. That state is based on the principle of the presumption of guilt. You are presumed to be guilty of a future crime and must prove your future innocence today by obeying rules of behavior today. This destruction of the presumption of innocence principle leads to the removal of the concept ‘criminal’ away from the concept ‘rights violator’ over to ‘rule breaker.’ That’s how free and semi-free nations allow themselves to deteriorate into dictatorships. And THAT is what America is doing now.

  7. What is the Date of this Interview…? As I am looking for Recent information from Dr Sucharit Bhakdi…
    Thank You for being part of fighting against the
    Socio-Medical Dictatorship by
    Your broadcasting TRUTH…!

  8. “The Duty
    is to Protect his Countrymen
    FROM their government.”
    Thomas Paine

    Thank You, Dr Bhakdi
    for Being a True Patriot of
    Our Global Community…!

    A ‘government’ Ceases to Be
    when WeThePeople of
    OUR PLANET Earth
    can No Longer Control it…
    When Executive branches take over All ‘governments’,
    that is GLOBALIST Dictatorship…
    We are being Euthanized by a
    Globalist EUGENICS Depopulation Agenda…
    We MUST All WAKE, UNITE and
    RISE AGAINST the Poisonous Vipers who Profit from Misery…

    We Are All ONE.


  9. Dr. Bhakdi is a world-renowned genius. He’s been my go-to source regarding the Covid hysteria since early/mid 2020 when the hysterics and groupthink were ubiquitous.

    I knew some sort of fix was in when the same mainstream sources and elites, who never care one whit about us masses of working and middle-class folks, were pumping out the Covid fear porn day after day after day. Yes, of course Covid exists, yes, it can be detrimental for the very old and frail but for the vast, vast majority of people it’s really not all that bad and it’s especially easy going on anyone under 40 y.o.

    Thank you Dr. Bhakdi for being a voice of sanity.

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