New Book Documents Deaths from Corona Vaccines

An earlier version of this essay was first published in Norwegian at the website Document.

New Book Documents Deaths from Corona Vaccines

by Fjordman

Ute Krüger is originally from Germany, but has lived in Sweden for almost 20 years; she worked for years there as a senior physician and speaks Swedish well. She specializes in pathology and is also a cancer researcher.

Krüger has decades of experience in analyzing how changes in cells and tissues in patients can be linked to specific diseases. She has recently co-published a book in German with documentation of patients who have probably been killed by the Corona vaccines. In this connection, she gave a video interview in Swedish.[1]

Together with Professor Walter Lang, in Berlin in 2024 Ute Krüger published the textbook Geimpft — gestorben. Histopathologischer Atlas der Corona-Impfschäden. Gedenkschrift für Prof. Arne Burkhardt.[2] This can be translated as “Vaccinated — died. Histopathological atlas of Corona vaccine damage. Commemorative publication for Prof. Arne Burkhardt.” The book contains 138 pages with 112 illustrations and 57 case descriptions. Work is underway to translate it into English.

The deceased described in the book came from different age groups. The youngest victim was a 16-year-old. The deceased had received from one to four doses of the Corona vaccine before they died. They received various vaccines, including those from AstraZeneca and Moderna, but the most widespread was the mRNA-based product from Pfizer-BioNTech.

Mass vaccination against the coronavirus began in 2021. People such as Steve Kirsch have documented an indirect, statistical link between coronavirus vaccines and excess mortality since 2021. Yet this book presents concrete evidence based on tissue samples from individual patients.

As early as 2021, the late German pathologist Arne Burkhardt and his colleague Walter Lang warned that the autopsy of several deceased patients showed that they had probably died from injuries caused by COVID-19 vaccines. This conclusion was rejected by the authorities.[3] Several of the patients were autopsied because their relatives were not sure why the person had died.

The experienced pathologists Burkhardt and Lang, who worked in Reutlingen, Germany, received tissue samples sent by pathologists or forensic institutes from all over Europe. Priority was given to analyzing deaths that could be linked to the vaccines. However, tissue samples from living patients were also sent in if there was a suspicion that vaccination could be the cause of the tissue damage.

The book co-authored by Krüger is a pioneering work. They use specific tissue samples from patients and link their medical history or death directly to the so-called Corona vaccines.

The vaccines damage various parts of the body at the cellular level and can also cause blood clots. Ute Krüger emphasizes that the vaccine damage is not specific to just one organ. Changes and injuries were found all over the body of the deceased, in those cases where they could check this. In analyses and microscopes, they also noted that the more injections the deceased had received, the greater the damage.

The British pathologist Claire Craig supports the conclusion that the injections cause damage to cells and organs all over the body. Less vaccinated areas in the UK and other countries have had less excess mortality. However, the damage is not just about deaths, although there are a frightening number of them. There are also more people who are ill, with a variety of symptoms. Again, we can see a similar pattern in several countries. Craig believes that the public were told lies by their authorities during the lockdowns in 2020 and the vaccination campaign that began in 2021. She concludes that the so-called vaccines led to heart attacks and excess mortality, as well as high rates of disability and long-term illness.[4]

We now have concrete evidence that mRNA-based injections can cause damage all over the body, from your skin to your brain, heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys, muscles, genitals, ovaries, or testicles. Krüger even suggests that vaccinated people may get more wrinkles.

It has long been known that a significant number of women have experienced menstrual abnormalities after Corona vaccination.[5] In their book, Ute Krüger and Walter Lang include a 19-year-old girl who had spike proteins in her ovaries, which is likely to lead to inflammation and potential damage. They also included a 29-year-old man who had extremely low sperm production after vaccination.

There are potential signs that the Corona vaccines may reduce fertility in both women and men. Whether this is a short-term, long-term, or permanent effect of the mRNA shots, we do not yet know.

It is worth noting that the number of births has also fallen in several countries since 2021. Admittedly, some countries were struggling with low birth rates already in 2019, but they have dropped a few more notches in recent years. Ute Krüger does not dismiss the possibility that the injections have contributed to falling birth rates since 2021.

The focus among vaccine critics such as Dr. Peter A. McCullough has been on myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle.[6] There have been an unusually high number of cases of this life-threatening condition after the coronavirus vaccination. There are strong suspicions that this has contributed directly to several years of international excess mortality.

An unusually high number of children and young people with no known disease are suddenly dropping dead of heart failure. This has been going on since 2021 in many countries and is still happening.

The youngest patient that Ute Krüger talks about in the video interview was a 16-year-old girl. At first, her mother did not want her to take the vaccines, but she had to get them if she wanted to go on a school trip. She became extremely ill shortly afterwards. 22 days after receiving her second dose of Corona vaccine, she was dead. Krüger’s microscope images show that many individual cells in the deceased 16-year-old’s heart had simply disintegrated.

Professor Angus Dalgleish, one of the leading experts on cancer in the UK, fears that the so-called Corona vaccines may also increase the risk of various types of cancer.[7] He has repeatedly stated that the injections are so dangerous that they must be stopped immediately.

Krüger has researched breast cancer for years at Lund University. After the mass vaccination in 2021, she discovered that several of her patients suddenly developed more aggressive, fast-growing cancers. Krüger has used the term “turbo cancer” to describe this phenomenon since late 2021.[8] The patients were also trending younger. A number of specialists have observed the same trend.

In the fall of 2022, Ute Krüger warned against the emergence of a new type of fast-growing “turbo tumors.”[9] Many different types of cancer have showed a marked increase over the past few years, both in men and women.[10] She has sounded the alarm in the scientific community but has not received the response for which she had hoped. No one in Kalmar in Sweden, where Krüger was employed as a senior physician, was interested in the investigation she proposed.

Doctors from different countries are reporting unusually aggressive cancers, often in disturbingly young people. The Canadian oncologist and cancer researcher William Makis claims that they are now seeing teenage girls or girls in their twenties with advanced breast cancer. They have no family history of this disease, but they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 because they were mandated to in order to continue studying at university or work as a teacher or nurse. They have also never seen so many cases of colon cancer in young people. Dr. Makis says that they are witnessing a completely different pattern of cancers occurring. They grow extremely fast, they metastasize very quickly, and they are in many cases resistant to conventional chemotherapy or radiotherapy.[11]

If there is indeed a link between Corona vaccines and an increased risk of aggressive cancer, there are two possibilities. One is that the so-called vaccines weaken the immune system, leaving you with weaker defenses against cancer or other diseases. The other is that the injections can actively cause cancer. These two explanations are not necessarily mutually exclusive. They may both be true.

Ute Krüger seems to suspect that the injections can actively create cancer by damaging the body at the cellular level.

Once again, it is important to emphasize that mRNA-based injections are not traditional vaccine technology. This is experimental gene therapy which, prior to 2020-2021, had never been tested on humans on a large scale.

Using all available legal means of pressure, Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna must be forced to disclose everything they know or suspect about the effects of these products. However, it is conceivable that not even the manufacturers know everything about possible long-term side effects.

While they may not like hearing this, the hundreds of millions of people who have taken one or more mRNA injections are now participants in the largest medical experiment in human history. We do not know for sure what effects these injections will have after five, ten or twenty years.

Ute Krüger has now resigned from her position as a pathologist in the Swedish public healthcare system. Her experiences after the Corona vaccination have left her disillusioned with the entire system. What happened to the medical principles of caring for patients and doing no harm?

Krüger says that it does not feel meaningful to diagnose cancerous tumors that another colleague might have caused with Corona vaccines. She now runs a private clinic where she focuses on preventing diseases before they occur, not just treating them afterwards.


1. Video interview posted on YouTube Sep 15, 2024. Mr. M, WCH.
2. Geimpft — gestorben. Ute Krüger • Walter Lang. Verlag Martin Z. Schröder, Berlin, 2024.
3. Mitglieder der “Pathologie-Konferenz” verbreiten unbelegte Behauptungen über Covid-19-Impfungen und Todesfälle. 25. September 2021.
4. My summary of why vaccines led to heart attacks and excess mortality as well as high rates of disability. Sep 15, 2024. Dr Claire Craig, Pathologist, May 28, 2024.
5. Menstrual abnormalities after COVID-19 vaccines: A systematic review. Published online 2022 Jul 19.
6. Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis. 2024 Jan 14.
7. Cancer after vaccines with Professor Dalgleish. Dr. John Campbell, Oct 6, 2023.
8. Pathologie-Konferenz 04. 12. 2021 — “Turbo-Krebs” — “Mamma-Karzinom-Diagnostik”
9. Överläkare kopplar vaccin till cancer i klipp som setts av hundratusentals. 2022-09-23. Läkare ser samband mellan covid-vaccin och aggressiv turbocancer. 2024-04-25.
10. MODIGA MÄNNISKOR AVSNITT 203 — UTE KRÜGER. Zoia Zakariasdotter, Apr 12, 2024.
11. “We’re seeing teenage girls presenting with Stage 4 cancer…with no family history. They’re ‘Covid Vaccinated’ as they needed them to attend university or college. We’ve never seen so many young women presenting with terminal cancer…” Sep 17, 2024. NEWS: Top Oncologist Raises Alarm: “Every New Cancer Patient Is Under 45” — COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer Tsunami is coming for the young. Sep 14, 2024.

For a complete archive of Fjordman’s writings, see the multi-index listing in the Fjordman Files.

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