Machetes and Matches Run Wild in Essen

Machetes were very, very active yesterday in the city of Essen in North Rhine-Westphalia. And so were matches: they just suddenly started lighting buildings on fire. And a truck kept running into buildings! What makes those inanimate objects so malicious?

The fact that a Syrian happened to be wielding all three types of weapon is not something that needs to be discussed. Only racists would do that.

The following news video gives a brief account of what happened in Essen, but without mentioning cultural enrichment.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Hellequin GB has kindly translated the two articles below. The first one is from the online news portal Nius:

Syrian carries out arson and machete attack, several children in mortal danger, but media and politicians only cover it up…

It is the next terrorist attack in North Rhine-Westphalia — only one month after the ISIS terror attack in Solingen (three people stabbed).

A Syrian in Islamist combat gear marauded through Essen on Saturday evening and set fire to two houses. Eight children were seriously injured by smoke inhalation, and two children were still in critical condition. The Syrian then rammed several shops with his van and attacked people with a machete and combat knife. Armed police were only able to arrest him hours later.

According to information made available to WDR [Westdeutscher Rundfunk, public broadcasting service in North Rhine-Westphalia], the Syrian perpetrator is known to the police; during the crime he wore the Palestinian colors and a Palestinian scarf as a headband — crystal clear signs of an Islamist ideology.

Remarkably, although the perpetrator clearly followed an Islamist pattern of crime and terror, the media and politicians remain silent.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung states succinctly: “In Essen today there were two fires in apartment buildings, and a delivery van drove into two shops.”

The attack is far down in the Tagesschau online news. Headline: “30 injured after fires — perpetrator to be remanded in custody”.

On the X-Account of NRW Minister-President Hendrik Wüst: Nothing. On the X account of Interior Minister Nancy Faeser: Nothing. On the ZDF Heute website, a small report with the misleading headline: “Houses in flames. Many injured in fires in Essen.” The article does not mention that the perpetrator was Syrian or that he was wearing Islamist garb.

Afterword from the translator:

It cannot be repeated often enough: Cultural enrichment is extremely important. No matter what kind. Germany can never be colourful and enriched enough. You just have to declare Germany a knife-, machete-, pickup truck- and match-free zone in which people have to keep an arm’s length distance from each other at all times. Jeez, how much more retarded can a country get?

The second article is also from Nius. It lays out some of the political context for the culture-enriching events in Essen.

The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Night of terror in Essen becomes politically dangerous for Hendrik Wüst: Islamism is raging in NRW under the auspices of the black-green coalition!

Saturday evening in the Altenessen district of Essen played out according to an Islamist horror script: A Syrian, armed with a machete and a knife, first set fires in two apartment buildings, then got into his van and drove into two shops. 30 people were injured, including numerous children, eight of them seriously, two of them in critical condition.

Courageous passers-by eventually catch the man and call the police, who arrest him. According to WDR, the 41-year-old Syrian is known to the police. Videos show his Islamist combat clothing: he has tied a Palestinian scarf around his head and attached a pennant in the colors of the Palestinian flag to his clothing.

Islamist ideology

According to information from Bild, the perpetrator chose the locations for his crime deliberately: it was apparently a campaign of revenge against his ex-wife’s new boyfriend and his family. Relatives of the ex’s boyfriend are said to live in the affected residential buildings, and the greengrocer’s shop that was attacked is said to belong to the new boyfriend’s sister. According to Bild, the motive was “abysmal hatred because of spurned love”, but that doesn’t get to the heart of the matter: because anyone who uses a woman’s self-determined choice of partner as a reason for an attack is following a flawless Islamist ideology.

A photo shows residents of one of the burning buildings risking their lives to save a girl from the flames. We must imagine the reality of this girl: the fear of death she must have felt, first trapped in a burning house, then hanging over the edge on the arm of a relative. The physical and mental injuries she will suffer. The knowledge that this was not a tragic accident, but that the terrorist was after the life of the girl and her beloved family. [And that in the Best Germany of all time…]

Islamist terror must not be named

We must face reality, because a complex of media and politicians is trying to make this reality disappear, in the old German tradition of denying crimes and protecting criminals.

“30 injured after fires — suspect to be remanded in custody” is the headline from the Tagesschau, which does not reveal the obvious Islamist background of the crime — the motive is “unclear”. ZDF says: “Houses in flames — many injured in fires in Essen”, which sounds like an accident. The crime did not even make it into the Deutschlandfunk news.

The public broadcaster is thus in line with Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who says Israel’s strike against Hezbollah leader Nasrallah is “in no way in the interest of Israel’s security.” In keeping with this, the Tagesschau had spoken of a “worst-case scenario for the entire Middle East” and claimed of Nasrallah: “His opponents called him a terrorist.” The Green minister agrees with ARD and ZDF: Islamist terror must not be called by its name, and the killing of terrorists is regrettable.

The enormous increase in Islamist violence in Germany is directly linked to the conflicts in Lebanon and Gaza, as the Hamas massacre on October 7th last year gave the Islamist scene a boost. The machete-wielding men in our streets and Iran’s murderous proxies in the Middle East stem from the same ideology, as may be seen from the clothing of the terrorist from Essen.

Wüst-CDU lets Greens have their way

The fatal thing about it is that although the Greens are in the minority in terms of numbers with their support for Islamists — the overwhelming majority of Germans want a change in migration — they still shape German asylum policy. This is particularly evident in North Rhine-Westphalia, where CDU Minister-President Hendrik Wüst is only willing to make cosmetic changes even after the Solingen attack so as not to scare off the Green coalition partner.

As a consequence of the Islamist attack on a folk festival in Solingen that left three people dead, Wüst had decided on a security package, and Schleswig-Holstein’s head of government Daniel Günther, who is also in coalition with the Greens, had joined in. At first glance, the measures don’t seem bad: investigators are to be given more technological options for monitoring Islamists, authorities are to be centralized, and deportation procedures are to be accelerated.

In the Düsseldorf state parliament, Wüst declared that migration was “increasingly overwhelming and unsettling our society”. His government had decided on the “largest package in the country’s history” “because we are taking responsibility for the issue of internal security, including the issue of migration, and also for prevention”.

Nice words, but they will hardly change the reality. After the attack in Solingen, it became clear that Wüst is not even prepared to fire his Green Minister for Integration and Refugees, Josefine Paul. Paul is not only politically responsible for numerous administrative errors that made the attack possible in the first place, but also propagated an anti-deportation ideology for years.

At the federal level, too, it is the Greens who are preventing a radical change in asylum policy. While the FDP and parts of the SPD have long since realised that the long-promised large-scale deportations and effective border protection are finally needed, the Greens are blocking tightening measures that go beyond the federal government’s planned and completely toothless security package.

But as long as rejected asylum seekers who are required to leave the country are not even deported and at the same time new Islamists keep coming into the country, as long as the number of dangerous people remains unmanageable, a few additional powers in surveillance are of little use to the authorities. It is the Greens who are keeping Islamist immigration going, it is the CDU of Wüst that is letting the Greens do as they please at the state level — and wants to keep the Greens cozy as a coalition partner at the federal level.

The incident on Saturday in the NRW metropolis of Essen makes it clear once again: Hendrik Wüst would rather protect his black-green coalition than his population. His security package will not change anything, nor will the border controls decided upon by the federal government, which were announced with great fanfare — and then fizzled out, as a NIUS investigation showed: Numerous crossings are not guarded, and entry is possible without any problems.

Germany remains a safe country for Islamists. For everyone else, it remains a dangerous country. With the second attack in NRW in a short space of time, however, things could soon become politically dangerous for Wüst, too.

Afterword from the translator:

I’m trying to understand why this way of dealing with a separation should be an enrichment for our Western society?

Anyway, I really hope that the victims followed the advice of Nancy Faeser’s personal police. The type of advice where you should spontaneously making gagging noises or start singing to deter the attacker and other such nonsense.

And they might want to think about what the definition of terror is. Since, according to the MSM, the crime does not seem to have been motivated by extremism, but it did affect over thirty people in different places. For me, that is definitely an act of terror!

Video transcript:

00:04   On Saturday, a 41-year-old Syrian in Essen kept police and firefighters holding their breath.
00:11   He allegedly set fires in Altessen and Stoppenberg, with 30 injured.
00:17   In connection with that, he threatened people with a machete and a knife.
00:24   Finally, the perpetrator rammed an auto into a vegetable shop.
00:29   Shortly thereafter he stormed into another with a machete.
00:34   Afterward, he was finally captured by police.
00:41   His motive is still unclear.
00:47   The investigation is ongoing.

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