Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay?

It pays quite well, at least for the criminals being deported from Germany to Afghanistan. You get to come to Germany, live on the dole, rob and rape to your heart’s content, and then they give you a cool €1,000 when they send you home. What’s not to like?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

€1,000 in tax money for each

Germany deports 28 criminals to Afghanistan

For the first time in three years, Germany is sending Afghan criminals back to their homeland — and giving each criminal €1,000. The well-known rapist of a 14-year-old girl can also look forward to the money.


For the first time since the Taliban seized power, Germany has deported people to Afghanistan. A total of 28 Afghan criminals were on a plane that took off from Leipzig on Friday morning and was bound for Kabul, reported Der Spiegel.

Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit confirmed the incident: “These were all Afghan nationals, all of whom were convicted criminals who had no right to remain in Germany and against whom deportation orders had been issued.” Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) also confirmed the procedure on the internet platform X. “Germany is deporting 28 criminals to Afghanistan today. Our security counts, our constitutional state is acting. I would like to thank the federal police and the states for their close cooperation,” wrote the minister.

There were no negotiations with Afghanistan

The criminals were driven from various federal states to Leipzig. Each deportee received an additional €1,000 in cash. A doctor was also on board.

Among those who benefited from the €1,000 were the rapist from Illerkirchberg, who raped and abused a 14-year-old girl for hours, an Afghan with more than 160 criminal offenses, and other child rapists.

The deportation is said to have been in preparation for two months. However, negotiations were not held with the Taliban regime, but with the Emirate of Qatar. Due to the “difficult conditions”, Germany “asked key regional partners for support to make the repatriation possible”, confirmed Hebestreit.

Afterword from the translator:

I’m pretty sure that they got a heroes’ welcome in Qatar and afterwards in Afghanistan. On the other hand, they might be already on their way back into Germany to collect another €1,000 in bounty. The idiocy of that government would be staggering if you could lay the blame at that particular doorstep, but it isn’t idiocy, it’s MALICE and an insatiable hatred towards their own people.

3 thoughts on “Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay?

  1. The CIA will never allow pro-German politicians come into political office in their Central European province. Only Germanophobes need apply.

  2. Re: “It pays quite well, at least for the criminals being deported from Germany to Afghanistan. You get to come to Germany, live on the dole, rob and rape to your heart’s content, and then they give you a cool €1,000 when they send you home. What’s not to like?”

    Officially-speaking, de jure, these individuals – these migrants, to use the approved term – are on the dole or on public assistance/welfare. But since they are being paid by the government and having their travel to-and-from their home nations paid for – also by the government – could we not say that these “migrants” are actually or de facto in the employ of that same government?

    Moreover, could it not also be said that the government was/is paying these thugs to terrorize German society? Because that is sure what it looks like!

    It seems germane to note that in many European nations, migrants, refugees and others so classified do not even have to set foot on the soil of those nations – Sweden, Germany, et al. – in order to apply for asylum and comprehensive social welfare benefits. They can claim such status and apply right there on the plane as they travel to their new home.

    Now doesn’t that take the cake? Someone or something wants to smooth their entry into their home as much as possible. Why and for what purpose? This goes way beyond simply being friendly or welcoming.

    The article states that Germany deported twenty-eight criminals to Afghanistan. But if they return later on at some future date, can they really have been said to be deported in the first place?

    A known rapist with one-hundred and sixty known criminal offenses on his record ought to be languishing in a maximum-security prison, and not free to return to his homeland. Why is such a violent and predatory individual being allowed to get off, more-or-less without consequences?

    The reality is that these young men – and they are overwhelmingly men of military age – are mujahadeen or holy warriors, jihadists in the name of Islam. And they are being used as shock troops to attack native Europeans and their home countries.

    There is a word for someone who betrays his homeland and people and goes over to the enemy, and that word is “traitor”…. and that is precisely what the masterminds of this scheme are – they are traitors. Legally-speaking, at the very least, they are accessories to rape, murder and all of the other crimes being committed; and at worst, they are guilty of cold-blooded murder or conspiracy to commit murder (rape, etc.)…. are these things no longer crimes in places like Germany?

    The deportation of the twenty-eight known criminals is security theater, anyway. When many times that number of new arrivals from the Middle East and North Africa are arriving daily in Germany, this shipment in the other direction amounts to a drop in the ocean, if that.

    Likely, the whole purpose of the operation was for domestic propaganda purposes, to show the people that the authorities are “doing something” about the problem of Islamic violence.

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