Multiculturalism at its Finest

Last Friday a Syrian culture-enricher carried out a knife jihad in the German city of Solingen, killing three people and wounding eight others while he shouted “Allahu Akhbar”. Twenty-four hours later he turned himself in to the authorities and was arrested.

The following report features an eyewitness account by a man who tried to save the life of one of the stabbing victims. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

NIUS spoke to an eyewitness to the terror in Solingen: “My friend died in my arms”

Solingen experienced an unbelievable crime last Friday. At the festival marking the 650th anniversary of the city’s founding, right in the heart of the city, a cruel attack was carried out that changed the lives of many people forever. There, right in front of the stage, the ISIS terrorist mercilessly stabbed defenseless people.

NIUS spoke to an eyewitness and first responder who witnessed the gruesome act. On Sunday afternoon, he returned to the scene, where many flowers and candles had been laid in memory of the victims.

In an interview, he describes the moment of the attack: “I was there with my friend, whom I had known for 40 years.” Suzan Köcher’s Suprafon was playing on the stage. He and his friend stood in front of the stage along with numerous other festival visitors. Then, at around 9:30pm, the unimaginable happened. The stage, which was supposed to be a place of joy, became the scene of a terrible act.

“Suddenly several people around us simply fell to the ground”

“He was standing right next to me when the perpetrator stabbed him. Suddenly, several people around us simply fell to the ground,” says the first responder.

According to police reports, the attacker acted with frightening determination. He stabbed his victims in the neck and upper body without giving them the slightest chance. “It looked like he knew exactly what he was doing,” investigators said.

The memory seems to overwhelm him, but he continues: “They all looked as if they were dying. You could see so much fear in their faces. My friend didn’t understand what was happening to him.”

“I stayed there, he’s my friend”

The first-aider, who had taken a first aid course many years ago, remembered what he had learned and pressed his hand to the wound to stop the bleeding. “I tried to stop the bleeding by pressing my hand against it. I shouted around me, ‘press as hard as you can, everyone!’” he says. Despite the shock, he stayed by his friend’s side and tried to help him. “I stayed there, I wanted to help him. He’s my friend after all.”

For the 67-year-old victim, any help came too late. The man bled to death at the scene. Deeply shocked, the first responder reported: “He died in my arms.”

“Even my shoes were covered in blood”

The man’s description is almost unbearable. He stood in his friend’s blood, fought desperately for his life, and in the process became a witness to an unimaginable crime. “I was covered from head to toe in my friend’s blood. Even my shoes were covered in blood.”

After the incident, the helper collapsed and had to be treated in hospital. “My blood pressure was 200. The doctors gave me sedatives. I couldn’t sleep all night. But sleeping pills helped me a little,” he reports. Despite his exhaustion and visible suffering, the man shows impressive inner strength.

Solingen will need a long time to recover from this attack. What remains is the grief for the victims and the hope that the city community will stand together in this difficult time.

Afterword from the translator:

The propaganda machine of the media and public broadcasters is already running at full speed. The interested viewer is now being led to believe that everything is now being reported and acted upon openly.

Now people are babbling about the permissible blade lengths of knives, as if the knives were stabbing people of their own accord. The issue of the lack of deportations is now being addressed. But the very people who brought us the current situation are now being presented to us as problem-solvers. How much these people have really learned is shown by the fact that in Solingen, shortly after the crime, there are demonstrations for diversity and against the far-right. And the really absurd thing is that these transparent maneuvers still work with the masses of the population. I have now given up hope that the majority of the German population will rebel against these conditions.

5 thoughts on “Multiculturalism at its Finest

    • For you and me, they are certainly not the appropriate words, but they show clearly how brainwashed the vast majority of the German population has become, so that they don’t even believe their own eyes when this happens right in front of them.
      It’s frightening and sad.

    • @ Vera

      Good point. It goes to show that it’s propaganda.

      After all, if the media failed to pretend that it’s all “unbelievable” (and thus extraordinary) then the truth about Jihad would have to be told the way it is:

      “Hey folks, that’s just standard Islam because the Koran 47:4 (among others) orders Muslims to slash the necks of the ‘unbelievers’: “when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks”. It was absolutely forseeable so brace yourselves for much more of this, until you become Dhimmis or convert to Islam. But of course, we knew this. That was the Plan all along.”

      In other words if it is not “unbelievable” and “unimaginable” and therefore extraordinary then it must be ordinary Islam. Which it is. But one can never say that out loud. You can never criticize Jihad and point out that that is just Islam.

      That’s why in the article the attacker isn’t a Mohammedan but an “ISIS terrorist”, you see. And we’ve all been reassured for a long time that ISIS is not real Islam [it is].

      So nothing to see here, move along. Only some unbelievable things for unbelievers.

  1. If anything, jihadis should be banned from carrying knives.

    Libtards don’t regard murder as a serious offence, anyway. See their arguments for abolishing the death penalty. What they are really objecting to is the method of killing as opposed to the offence itself.

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