Women Against Sharia

Below is a campaign video put out by the Spanish anti-immigration party Vox. It features various women who are taking a stand against the creeping Islamization of Spain, which has disparate impact on the freedoms that Western women enjoy.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   [Vox launches a campaign ad in which it calls upon the Spanish people
00:04   to choose what kind of Europe they want: “We have it clearly in mind”]
00:15   As Spanish and European women, we want to point out the threat that radical Islamism poses to us,
00:20   to our rights and freedoms.
00:24   An extremist political-religious ideology that is gaining ground in Europe.
00:30   In other countries, such as France and Belgium, women already have restrictions on their clothing.
00:34   They are forbidden from entering bars and other places reserved for men.
00:41   Faced with accomplices who remain silenced by do-goodism while fundamentalism expands,
00:47   in Vox we are going to fight for our way of life and our freedom.
00:52   Something that so many generations of women have fought to achieve.
00:58   Let’s wager on an immigration policy based on border control
01:02   and immigration with the will of assimilating.
01:06   They are going to hear us defending our freedoms and our rights.
01:09   This 9th of June, for us, for our daughters, for the future of Spain and Europe.
01:14   Vote for Vox.
01:22   [They are going to hear us.]

One thought on “Women Against Sharia

  1. Do these same women support or oppose Spain’s recognition (or whatever it was) of a “Palestinian state?” The answer will tell us if these woman, and Vox, are serious, or not.

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