When Rape and Torture Are Expressions of Cultural Values

The following four articles provide snapshot views from various angles of the multicultural behavioral sink that Germany has become. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translations.

The first article is from the online news portal Nius, and concerns yet another culture-enriching gang rape:

15-year-old from Gelsenkirchen accuses men with Arabic accents of sexual abuse

In Gelsenkirchen in the Ruhr area, a 15-year-old girl was allegedly kidnapped and sexually assaulted. As T-Online and Bild report, the Gelsenkirchen police are urgently looking for witnesses who may have noticed something. The teenager said that she was forced into a white van by two men at a bus stop in the Nordsternpark area on Wednesday afternoon.

According to the police report, the 15-year-old Bosnian girl was waiting for a friend at the bus stop on Kranefeldstrasse at around noon when the van stopped next to her. Two men dressed in black and wearing balaclavas got out of the van and forced her into the vehicle. According to the victim’s statement to the police, the perpetrators spoke German with an Arabic accent.

After the 15-year-old was abducted, she was allegedly sexually abused in an unknown house. The men then drove with her to nearby Essen, where they let the girl out of the car on Hollestrasse. The victim explains that the van was driving noticeably fast and dangerously, which other road users also noticed and reacted by honking. According to the victim, the vehicle’s license plate may have partially read “CUX — HH” or “CUX — HK”.

Afterword from the translator:

It’s weird that these things didn’t seem to happen when I was growing up in Germany. I wonder what might have happened since then? Ah, yes, I know what happened, a multi-headed MONSTER that hates Germany and its native population came into power, and is using now its imported mercenary forces to slowly but surely wipe out Europeans. The only way to take out that monster is to find out how many heads the Hydra has and then strike them off in one go. But that is wishful thinking. The only way would be, is to starve the Hydra of followers, but in that I’m starting to believe that we’re running out of time here, since the TRUTH seems to be a burden impossible to bear for the masses, which is why they devise lesser “truth” — outright lies — and turn those into their gods. We just have to look at the followers of “Covid and the TEA”, “Saint Greta” and the “Climate Cult” and so many, many more that are keeping the Hydra well-fed.

The second article is also from Nius. It discusses gang violence by underage immigrants in the town of Gera, in the state of Thuringia:

Arab youth gang tortures German boy (14): The video that every politician must see, even if it is unbearable

A Syrian-Afghan gang of children tortures and beats a German boy in Gera. Even if these images are unbearable, NIUS is showing the video. Because every politician in the country should see it.

The footage was taken on June 11 in Gera. The perpetrators filmed their attack. The majority of the 20 or so people are young Syrians and Afghans, and the victim is a 14-year-old German, the police in Gera confirmed when asked by NIUS. The 20 suspects are between 12 and 15 years old. The four attackers who can be seen actively in the video are said to be minors. They are between 12 and 13 years old and all of Afghan and Syrian origin.

The approximately 20 suspects are being investigated for bodily harm, robbery, coercion, threats and insults, as well as failure to provide assistance and violation of the most personal sphere of life by taking visual recordings.

According to an initial police statement, the dispute could be traced back to “past rivalries between different groups of people of different nationalities.” Was this an ethnic conflict? When asked by NIUS, the police were unable to provide any more precise information. They first have to wait for the investigations. The perpetrators are said to live in different parts of Gera.

Afterword from the translator:

When an 11-year-old German boy in Grevesmühlen placed his foot against the scooter of an 8-year-old Ghanian girl, politicians and the media had a hissy fit, but for a young German being attacked and beaten up by a gang of Muslim youths, the silence is DEAFENING. For the Ghanian Girl they held a vigil against racism, even though the video-footage showed NONE of it and the police also stated that nothing of the sort happened. And at the same time, these self-righteous, immoral moralists have for this young German boy a split second of empathy, as if it were that German boy’s fault, and as if he invited these hostiles into his hometown and deserved what he got. Anyway, these daily attacks do not fit into the narrative told to the serfs, and their torture or death is a small price to pay for the virtue-signalling of the virtueless “Gutmenschen” class towards Islam.

The third article, again from Nius, is a follow-up to the previous one concerning the gang violence in Gera:

New video of the violent gang from Gera: They kick a boy in the face

The violent video from Gera shocked Germany. At least four young people from a migrant youth gang — according to the police, most of them come from Syria and Afghanistan — beat up a 14-year-old German, choke him from behind, and repeatedly hit him in the head with their fists. The images are shocking, but are apparently only part of the violence that is taking place among young people in Gera.

NIUS has obtained another video of the violent gang from Gera. It shows a boy on his knees begging for mercy. He is spat on. Then a blow to his left ear causes him to fall to the ground — followed by a kick to the face.

The boy tries to get up, calling for help in a tear-choked voice.

Beforehand, his tormentors ask him: “Why did you insult us? Why did you send nudes [naked pictures — ed.]?” they ask him in an aggressive tone. The boy is completely intimidated and answers: “Because I was stupid.” He begs for mercy, saying over and over again: “I apologized.” But that didn’t prevent him from being kicked in the face.

The violence among migrant and German youths in the Bieblach district of Gera seems to be out of control. Numerous posts on social media document fierce rivalries, mutual threats and even brutal violence. The victim who was kicked in the face is apparently not the 14-year-old German who was the victim of the beatings in the first violent video.

The new violent video, the kick-in-the-face video, was shared on social media by a young Syrian from the Gera gang.

Afterword from the translator:

Not safe in your own country from attacks and torture by strangers who live off the work and taxes of the locals. That is what the red-green politicians and their voters have brought to Germany! On the Welt channel, the Thuringian Interior Minister immediately warned against “hasty” reactions. People should take time to think. Of course he condemned the attack, which is of course purely symbolic. And the Thuringian police announced that there were also German youth gangs in the area in question and that it might be a dispute within the gang milieu. This whole rabble needs to be disempowered, not just the migrant delinquents, who you can hardly do anything about anyway; the migrants who are of criminal age stood calmly next to the minor’s tormentors. Lowering the age of criminal responsibility will not succeed because the power of the anti-German civil society and its political arms is too great. Poor Germany!

The final article, from eXXpress, adds insult to injury. A young woman reacted to reports of a gang rape by calling the rapists insulting names on social media. She ended up being given a harsher legal punishment than eight of the nine rapists:

Called rapist a “freak”: Higher punishment than for rapist himself

Because a 20-year-old girl called one of the rapists a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak,” she has now been deprived of her freedom for longer than eight of the nine rapists themselves.

The gang rape in Hamburg’s city park caused a stir, not only because a 15-year-old girl was sexually abused and raped by nine perpetrators aged 16 to 20, but also because the Hamburg regional court only imposed a single prison sentence and eight suspended sentences.

Now a new scandal has emerged: As the Hamburger Abendblatt reports, the Hamburg regional court sentenced the 20-year-old to a longer prison sentence than eight out of nine of the rapists themselves — and that because she had insulted him as a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak”.

One defendant was acquitted

The newspaper reports that she sent the WhatsApp messages out of reflex when she found out about the rape of the 15-year-old in the city park. She will now be sentenced to a weekend in prison for the insults — more than nine of the ten defendants.

One of the defendants was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison, the other eight defendants received suspended sentences. The eight who received suspended sentences must now each do 60 hours of community service. One defendant was acquitted.

Afterword from the translator:

I think even the dumbest sheeple in Germany must have realized by now that the “migrants” can do no wrong in the eyes of the “law”, and that there are two different standards being applied.

The first is always “innocent until proven guilty” for all those culture-enrichers, and even then, their bloody and violent crimes are always seen more like an exceptional and harmless peccadillo.

The second… Well, where do we start? There the accused is first and foremost always a racist and the alleged crime is an Earth-shaking event of national security. Also the accused has to prove his/her innocence, after being “sentenced” beforehand by the political establishment and mainstream media. The burning at the stake as a heretic and enemy of the state/people is a foregone conclusion, since the sure sign of their hate crime is their ethnicity and the whiteness of their skin.

4 thoughts on “When Rape and Torture Are Expressions of Cultural Values

  1. At SOME point in time, the Westerner will figure out that his/her government wants them dead. It is naive to think that other cultures will respect Western culture when it suits them. AT the end of the day, the Romans (Caligula) had it right — oderint dum metuant.

    Lest everyone (Westerners) think they can trust different cultures, I present the concept of taqiyya, ignore it at your own peril — https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/taqiyya.aspx

  2. If you ever have to shoot a disgusting [culture-enricher], pick up your shell case and fade away unto the night.
    Then shut the [vulgar intensifier] up.

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