Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 5

Below is the fifth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 5: Matt Hancock’s Role

Ex-Health Secretary Matt Hancock suffers from dyslexia. He has trouble with words and numbers. Two words he should get very used to spelling and recognising are geronticide and democide. The former means the killing of the elderly. The latter, according to the Collins English Dictionary, means:

The killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.”

Hancock clearly suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder. He is also firmly aligned with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. In his tenure as British Health Secretary he was involved in various dubious instances where personal friends were awarded large government contracts for Covid-19 related procurements. And, of course, whilst he was telling us to lockdown and avoid all personal contact with others, he was carrying out an adulterous and very up-close and personal liaison with his squeeze Gina Coladangelo.

In the furore following the Coladangelo affair, Hancock was pushed out of the government’s inner circle and sought to rebuild his career by appearing on trash TV reality shows. Never has there been a man so unsuited to run a whelk stall, let alone oversee the government’s reaction to an allegedly unprecedented emergency.

Or at least “so unsuited” in normal times. 2020 was far from normal, however, so perhaps Hancock was engineered into his position as Health Secretary precisely because of his callous and cold-hearted inabilities, rather than despite them. After all, it takes a particularly wicked sort of human being to do the dirty work sometimes required by those who set the Globalist Agenda. Hancock was an absolute Godsend to those in need of immediate and large numbers of deaths.

In late 2020, Amnesty International issued a 54-page Report into the Great Care Home Cull. Amnesty didn’t go quite so far as to unequivocally state it was an exercise in mass murder, but it got very close to doing so by implication. Amnesty also called for a full government inquiry. To date, this has not happened. Nor has The Great Care Home Cull been forensically dissected in the ongoing governmental inquiry into the pandemic. In point of fact, both it and the Amnesty Report have been disappeared, vapourised, or Memory-Holed as Orwell might have put it.

Hancock is aware he is in some danger of prosecution for Democide. He has already stated he believes government officials should be indemnified against prosecution for deaths resulting from ministerial action taken during an international emergency. The problem he faces is that the deaths were caused only by government action as opposed to a viral pandemic.

Hancock was videotaped on April 17th 2020, casually informing his interlocutor, one Dr Luke Evans, that he had stockpiled a sufficient amount of Midazolam — a drug used to slowly shut down the respiratory system, which when coupled with morphine painlessly eases those at end-of-life over the finishing line.

As it turns out, Hancock managed to obtain a two-year supply of Midazolam. Or a two-year supply in normal times. In abnormal 2020 there was no danger of it exceeding its sell-by date. Between March and June, large amounts were used up. Lots and lots of Midazolam, coupled with tens-of-thousands of deaths at the precise same time in the Care Homes we were not allowed to enter. See the following graphs:

In a 2023 court case, Hancock claimed he had never heard of Midazolam before being accused of using it to murder care home residents. He lied. He committed perjury. He is on tape talking about it three years earlier. Hancock then went on to post a message on his TikTok account (why, WHY does an ex-Minister of State have a TikTok account?) aimed at those who accused him of The Midazolam Murders, in which he demonically laughed and said: “Ha-ha- ha, oh no, I’m devastated, ha-ha-ha”.

This TikTok video outburst is extraordinary. I’m not a psychiatrist, but Hancock seems to be exhibiting a real degree of psychopathology here. We know from a Daily Telegraph article that Hancock’s NHS was instructed to deny care to the elderly in care homes. We know the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published their ng163 guidance on April 3rd, 2020, advising Midazolam to be issued to patients who exhibited “anxiety” and breathlessness. Needless to say, prescribing Midazolam to people struggling to breathe is nothing other than a death sentence.

NICE actually stated the following: “Sedation and opioid use should not be withheld because of a fear of causing respiratory depression” and went on to say: “Notes: At the time of publication (April 2020), opioids and benzodiazepines did not have a UK marketing authorisation for this indication or route of administration…”

In another video, Hancock was asked about the Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) notices issued in care homes without the knowledge of the residents’ families. He appeared as a rabbit in the headlights. Stuttering, stammering, squirming, he guiltily said this:

I totally agree with you about the, er, the, the, er, the inexcusable, erm, nature of any attempt to use Do Not Resuscitate orders without consent, and when, erm, there were concerns raised at blanket consent being put in place, erm, we stopped that immediately.

We stopped that immediately, said Hancock. But too late, of course, to stop the deaths. Which one can only assume was all part of the plan. A question not asked was just who issued the blanket DNR orders in the first place. It wouldn’t have been Mrs Scroggins, the Care Home manageress, would it? Nor would it have been the local GP. The only person with the power to order such a wicked and murderously criminal action on a nationwide level was Hancock himself.

Before I conclude this piece, let us look again at the dictionary definition of Democide: “The killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect”.

Conclusion: Did Health Secretary Matt Hancock deliberately put into place the mechanisms designed to ensure large numbers of deaths over a short space of time? Was this done in order to give some credibility to a claimed lethal pandemic which necessitated lockdowns and more? Did he engage in the colossal crime of Democide? Personally, I believe he did just that. And my belief is based purely on historical reality.

Footnote: The ng163 guidance disappeared from the NICE website but was retrieved courtesy of the miraculous Wayback Machine.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

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