A Failed Asylum Seeker Wielding a Knife

I’m absolutely shocked — shocked! — to learn that the mujahid who murdered a cop and wounded Michael Stürzenberger in Mannheim was a failed asylum seeker. I mean, who would have guessed?

By the way — the perpetrator’s surname has expanded from “A” to “Ataee” — he’s no longer a one-letter murderer.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Mannheim attacker is rejected asylum seeker

Asylum application rejected, Islamist propaganda spread and he was still allowed to stay in Germany: The Mannheim attacker has apparently been radicalized for some time.


The Mannheim attacker, who murdered a police officer and seriously wounded several Islam-critics is a rejected asylum seeker. The 25-year-old Afghan Sulaiman Ataee came to Germany in March 2013, but his asylum application was rejected in July 2014, according to internal government documents that have been made available to Die Welt.

Last year, nine years after his asylum application was first rejected, Ataee was granted a temporary residence permit. The reason: In the meantime, the Afghan and his wife had a child in Germany who, according to the Citizenship Act, is a German citizen by virtue of his place of birth. Because Ataee, as the father, has custody, he was allowed to stay. [As I’ve said before, a rat being born in a racing stable doesn’t make it a racehorse, and the rat’s progenitor isn’t automatically spared from the rat-catcher.]

Mannheim attacker was a martial artist [Yes, we all could see his artistic streak]

In 2017 he completed an advanced secondary school diploma in Bensheim, Hesse. According to Die Welt, the 25-year-old is said to have grown a full beard between 2020 and 2023 — a declaration of strong religiosity in Islamist circles. He is also said to have trained in the martial art of Taekwondo, and has additionally taken part in competitions.

The future attacker is also said to have spread Islamist propaganda by the Afghan preacher Ahmad Zahir Aslamiyar on YouTube. He is said to have first shared a corresponding video eight years ago. After years of inactivity on the account, Ataee is said to have started uploading videos again a few months ago. Last Saturday — one day after the Mannheim attack — the videos on the YouTube channel and the user’s profile picture were deleted. The Karlsruhe public prosecutor’s office did not reveal to Die Welt whether this was done for investigative reasons.

Afterword from the translator:

It’s really amazing how selectively the immigration law in Germany is being applied nowadays. About 20-odd years ago, a friend of mine from Argentina met a young German woman in Cape Town. They fell in love, got married and moved to Germany. There the trouble with Immigration started, even after their first child was born. Needless to say, after a long and fruitless fight with the German authorities they were forced to leave Germany if they wanted to stay together. They live in the Azores. But a rejected “asylum seeker” who fathers a child is allowed to stay so that he can rampage and kill in the name of his toxic “religion”. Nice world they have created, haven’t they?

7 thoughts on “A Failed Asylum Seeker Wielding a Knife

  1. The police officer died because of the knife wounds to his head and neck. Do you know why the United States Marine Corp members are known as leather necks today ? In the early 1800 when they where formed to protect and take back kidnapped American sailors off the coast of Northern Africa they wore leather collards to protect their necks from the knives of jihadist pirates of that region .Now that Germany has seen fit to import millions of their new style of jihadist invaders as “refugee guest” to fill the welfare rolls with new progressive voters. Maybe the police there should have leather necks and helmets as part of their uniform for protection from the new land pirates? Maybe if the police put attention to the man with the knife in hand first then the man unarmed man on the ground he would alive today this is known as situation awareness in first responders terms .The whole German group of people running Germany today in 2024 seem unaware of the situation awareness they put their country in ,and seem to not care about the welfare or safety of its law abiding taxpaying citizens.

    • “Now that Germany has seen fit to import millions of their new style of jihadist invaders as “refugee guest” to fill the welfare rolls with new progressive voters. Maybe the police there should have leather necks and helmets as part of their uniform for protection from the new land pirates?”

      Nah, they should just shoot ’em, a la Indiana Jones..

      • If only common sense was in the common policeman tool kit and or training in 21 century Germany .The police should shoot anyone threating them or bystanders with knives or anything sharp even sticks. A police office first duty is to not to get killed if you killed by a savage with a knife and you are armed with a gun you are no use to yourself, your family ,or your co-workers ,or Germany taxpayers. Of course if you kill the mad jihadist savage you widow his 4 wives and leave his 14 children without a jihadist teacher ,do not worry the taxpayer is already paying for the dear little ones food, shelter , medical coverage ,and other things because daddy is as employable as a bag of hammers when he was alive .Diversity is our strength just ask any builder who needs straight lines or a firm foundation that is only for building that last over 100 years leaning mudhuts or piles of wooden sticks with straw roofs with smoke holes where good enough for mankind 4000 years ago try and true!

  2. the police in and around Mannheim are stating in anonymous interviews that they are glad to have retired or would like to quit.
    Last night an AfD politician was out at night in Mannheim and confronted 3 left activists who were pulling down AfD election posters. One of them stabbed him in the stomach – our new normal

  3. Arm up with what regular citizens in those countries can never get conceal carry permits ,only the elite have armed body guards that carry. You cannot even carry a knife or pepper spray legally ,the “new comer dreamers ,refugees” never follow the law because they have nothing to lose. Taxpaying working citizens face losing their jobs or pensions if they try to get the means to defend themselves .The police even when armed do not want to use their side arms to shot a mad savage too soon because they will face job loss. It seems the people running the show want you to live in fear and confusion , so the elite can take away your basic rights for your owe protection. So you move out of an area of a city or town because it becomes a no-go sharia zone till you run of of places you can run to.

    • How many bloody times do I have to say it, the so called law against firearms be damned, it is survival time and the only law is the now law of the jungle, kill or be killed, Wolf or sheep, it is that coldly simple. When people understand this concept, they will fight back, or they will perish.

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