A Devout Muslim is an Extremist

An imam in Bologna doesn’t mince words: in Islam, “extremism means following the fundamentals”. Extremism means slitting infidel throats, raping infidel women, and bombing infidel places of worship. And that’s just basic Islam, following the example of the prophet as recorded in the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sunna.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Italian daily Il Tempo:

Islam: The Bologna imam who calls for jihad: “We are extremists”

by Christian Campigli
June 13, 2024

A new case. One that is causing discussion and which underlines how the war in the Middle East has opened Pandora’s box. Episodes that underline how the plague of Islamic extremism, even in Italy, is taking on truly alarming proportions. The latest unfortunate incident comes from Bologna. The city imam, the Pakistani Zulfiqar Khan, spiritual leader of the Iqraa Islamic Center, has repeatedly focused his sermons on political themes. Urging his faithful, in no uncertain terms, to follow the dictates of holy war. “That punishment we are waiting for comes from Allah, through the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah,” he said boldly. But there’s more. The cleric added, “If someone says to me you are an Islamic extremist, I say yes because extremism means following the fundamentals.” Messages that are anything but enigmatic, but simple and easy to understand.

It is a situation which is creating a lot of tension in the Emilian capital. It is no coincidence that Senator Marco Lisei and Deputy Sara Kelany, both from Fratelli d’Italia, introduced an inquiry to make the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, aware of the situation, urging “possible measures to remove the imam from the national territory.” Zulfiqar Khan has his own Facebook page, on which he posts videos and sermons. “Those who side with Israel and America will come to a bad end,” he argued in February. In April he directly called for the Hamas leader to continue “carrying out jihad against these liars, these murderers,” that is, Israel and the USA.

But the imam also hates homosexuals. On June 3 he defined them as “a group that Allah will punish with a very strong punishment.” Joe Biden and Netanyahu are the “two horns of Satan; the world leaders take the liquid from the eyes of children to have an extra year or two of life. It is the satanic biology of Biden, of Netanyahu.” Delusional, but dangerous words — which should not be underestimated. “The government is very attentive to the safety of citizens, which represents an absolute priority,” emphasized Senator Lisei. “A person who makes certain statements represents a danger to our values. Italy is welcoming to those who come to contribute to the growth of the country, but must be inflexible with foreign citizens who do not respect our laws.”

8 thoughts on “A Devout Muslim is an Extremist

  1. There is only one Islam. If you aren’t Muslim you won’t like how it ends and if don’t believe this just wait til you are hanging from a crane.

  2. Re: “An imam in Bologna doesn’t mince words: in Islam, “extremism means following the fundamentals”. Extremism means slitting infidel throats, raping infidel women, and bombing infidel places of worship. And that’s just basic Islam, following the example of the prophet as recorded in the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sunna.”

    Although many might regard them as adversaries or even enemies, occasionally the Mohammedans are, in their own manner, refreshingly honest and forthright. Unlike so many mealy-mouthed westerners these days who appear to fear their own shadows and are frightened to speak their minds, the Muslims are none of those things. They are confident and firm in their beliefs, and know what they are seeking to accomplish and why, and they are forthright in saying so.

    How the tables have turned over the last century or two! As recently as a century ago, it was the West and westerners speaking in such confident, self-assured tones and acting in a like manner.

    The reader should not misconstrue these comments as support for the enemy; they are nothing of the kind. However, we ought not to shy away from an opportunity to learn something important, even if it is that very same enemy who is teaching it to us.

    And what is that lesson? It is simply this….

    Warfare is fought in many places and times, but its ultimate target is the mind of the adversary himself, specifically his will to resist and to keep fighting.

    The great military theorist Colonel John Boyd often remarked that war is fought in the moral, mental and physical realms, and of these, the moral is the most-important. He would also note that most modern nation-state militaries (including that of the U.S.) invert this progression, placing the physical domain of warfare as the most-significant.

    Here we see that the Muslims have not made this mistake. Perhaps out of necessity, they have been forced to concentrate on the moral and mental domains of conflict, which are the crucial terrain upon which much modern warfare takes place.

    The West was once unbeatable not only because of its many physical and other advantages, i.e., its lead in science and technology, including military technology, for example – but because of its unshakeable belief in itself and the rightness of its cause.

    Today, it is the Muslims who have such unshakeable beliefs and the West which is lost and blundering around in search of them. Absent the sword and shield of Christianity, which successfully protected European civilization for well over a thousand years, it appears that their 21st-century descendants have lost their identity and will to fight.

  3. It would be good if Christians consistently proclaimed the strategy at the end of the bible. It is good for them and not good for islam. The fact this strategy exists makes them sound like winners as well when they use it. Jesus associated with a future biblical figure in Matthew when he said a nazarite will come and get things restored and ready for His return. This means Jesus has a plan in place to end the deadly fabrication in the qu’ran against Him and the other biblical figures. Ezekiel and the other strategists created some work for the person Jesus is referring to do so he can exist. This ensures the word of Jesus does come true. Ezekiel wrote the future biblical figure is given some words from the gospel to say, which makes him a person who appears after the bible and the qu’ran were written. And the task he is given is not good for Mohammed or the qu’ran. He is threatening those in the sanctuary over the lack of grief for the deadly abominations in the city. There is no threat over their rejection of Mohammed. So there is more of a need for Christians and Jews to fear abortion than there is to care about Mohammed. This is the exact action that was prepared for the biblical figure Jesus associated Himself with. A guy who appears after the qu’ran was written. This shows Jesus and the biblical prophets were well prepared way ahead of time for the future fabrication of the qu’ran. And it shows the author of the qu’ran is getting caught after eliminating the guidance of Jesus and replacing it with his own.

    • I know that the Muslims have a “Jesus” they call ISSA. But their ‘Jesus’ was not born of a man. That said their “Jesus is the Antichrist”.

      The Christian Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit who impregnated a young girl named Mary. And the Trinity is the Holy Spirit, The Creator Father and our Savior Jesus the Christ.

  4. @ Peter in Thailand

    Re: “There is no such thing as Allah.”

    So you say – but the soldiers of Islam believe differently. And if their belief is stronger than yours, than that of your society, then your society has a problem. And that is what the West faces, in my humble opinion. And plenty of nations elsewhere in the developed world, including your own if memory serves. Isn’t there a big problem with Islamic separatism there? I know the Filipinos have that problem, particularly in the south of their country, on Mindanao for example.

  5. If one were tasked with creating an ideology so corrupting, so foul, and so degrading that it would make the soul of a man unworthy in the sight of God…….
    Satan himself could not have done a better job than creating Islam.

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