Tranny African vs. MENA Trusty

Talk about intersectionality: A trans African immigrant murdered a Syrian security guard in an asylum facility in Potsdam. It will take some careful identity calculus to determine which of those involved deserves the greater “victim” status.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Syrian security guard killed in asylum accommodation — South African “trans woman” arrested

Crime scene: Potsdam. In the Brandenburg capital, a security guard in an asylum center for Ukrainians is stabbed and dies. Now an arrest has been made.


After the murder of a security guard in a Potsdam asylum center, the police arrested a suspect at Berlin’s Zoo station on Thursday afternoon. The police and public prosecutor’s office did not want to give any details about the suspected perpetrator. “Until the police procedures have been completed, details about the identity of the suspect and the circumstances of the crime cannot be disclosed.”

However, the BZ reports that the alleged perpetrator is a South African “trans woman” — a man who believes he is a woman. The victim was a 33-year-old Syrian. In the victim’s country of origin, so-called trans people are severely ostracized and persecuted by the state.

Arrest warrant requested

The public prosecutor’s office applied to the Potsdam District Court for an arrest warrant for manslaughter. “The accused will be brought before the investigating judge tomorrow.”

Numerous stab wounds

The security guard was found in the accommodation that morning with numerous stab wounds. Initially it was said that the Syrian was only seriously wounded. He later died from the wounds inflicted on him.

The police did not want to answer a Junge Freiheit query as to whether the alleged perpetrator was a resident of the accommodation.

Afterword from the translator:

There’s one thing we can rule out here about this South African Moffie, and that is that this “guy” was WHITE. After all, no White South Africans would be accorded “refugee” status in Western countries. But it shows you nicely how a multicultural rainbow society is a real “peaceful and respectful” one since there are no cultural sets of moral values that people live by. They have/make their own “values” to excuse violence against others that don’t have this specific set of “values”. What a wonderful world these monsters are creating.

4 thoughts on “Tranny African vs. MENA Trusty

  1. Syrian Guard in Ukrainian refugee center. Murderd by transgender from South Africa!!!, what beautiful Germany this traitors created, in the millions years I never thought, I’ll be see something like that in Germany !!, ever , beyond insanity..

  2. They arrested the Killer of the watchman and ‘it’ was staying at the Asylum accommodation – a former Luxury Hotel -, and as I said before, the perp is not a WHITE South African.
    How that guy got asylum status in the first place boggles the mind.

  3. But what was an African “trans” doing in a center for Ukrainian refugees? Did it first escape from South Africa where people are not exactly worshiping “trans people” to more hospitable Ukraine before the hostilities and than found refuge in even more hospitable Germany?

    This is not impossible, but very improbable. First, a South African trans would go to a richer country than Ukraine. Second, for all I know about Ukrainians, they are not great fans either of black Africans or of “trans people”.

    Thus, I still cannot understand how and with what purpose this creature insinuated itself in a Ukrainian refugee camp.

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