Sharia 101

There are so many Muslim culture-enrichers in Germany now that a leading pedagogue wants to institute formal Islamic education in the public schools.

The big question is who will do the teaching. Will it be native German pedagogues who have undergone training in the intricacies of sharia? Or will it be imams “with a migration background”? If the latter — which I assume will most likely be the case — the problem will be finding any that are not under the control of Ditib (Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs [Turkish: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı; German: Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion]) or Iran (I don’t know the name of the Iranian religious authority in Germany, but I’m sure there must be one).

Chances are, when the new curriculum has been put together and the teachers assigned, everything will be under Turkish control, but everyone involved will pretend that’s not the case.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

“In the spirit of the Basic Law [Constitution]”

Teachers’ association calls for comprehensive Islamic teaching in Germany

Over a million students of Muslim faith now attend German schools. For them, President of the German Teachers’ Association Düll wants comprehensive teaching “in the spirit of the Basic Law”.


The President of the German Teachers’ Association, Stefan Düll, has called for comprehensive Islamic teaching in public schools. “We have to set up Islamic classes under state supervision,” Düll told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ) on Monday. [Is this guy for real if he believes he can “teach” an Islam that isn’t based on violence and conquest of the infidel? Is he planning to rewrite 1,400 years of aggression? Good luck, moron.]

For many Muslims, the ethics lessons offered as an alternative to Christian religious education are not enough. “Rather, they repeatedly express their wish that their children receive Islamic instruction under state supervision, preferably at school,” emphasized the senior director of studies, who himself has taught at various schools in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in the past.

When it comes to extracurricular Islamic lessons, many parents have “legitimate concerns” with regard to the values taught there. They wanted to raise their children “in the spirit of enlightened Islam with professional support, but not instruction that is controlled by other states such as Turkey or Iran.” Therefore, courses must now be created “in accordance with the Basic Law,” as Düll confirmed to the NOZ. [Has he ever heard of taqiyya? I’d assume NOT, otherwise he wouldn’t talk such balderdash. He should look towards the Netherlands for how well Islamic indoctrination works in reality.]

Over a million Muslim students in Germany’s classrooms

To date, there is no uniform teaching of Islam in Germany’s schools. In addition to Baden-Württemberg, federal states such as Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia have already initiated various model projects. The spectrum ranges from faith-oriented lessons in collaboration with Islamic religious associations to faith-neutral religious studies. There is currently no comparable offer in the new federal states.

According to the Integration Media Service, over a million students in Germany are currently of Muslim faith. However, only a fraction attend classes in school that correspond to their faith, namely almost 70,000 young people in the 2022/23 school year.

According to the media platform, the demand for Islamic religious education is much higher than can currently be offered — due, among other things, to a shortage of teachers. [Higgledy Piggledy Piggery]

Afterword from the translator:

This shows again that most of these people in “higher” education have no education at all when it comes to the survival of one’s own people and culture. Why not capitulate right now? And instead of having this current Demockeracy go straight into an Islamic Caliphate, then they will see how “tolerant” these intolerant Muslims are towards other faith groups when they are in power. History has shown it to us over and over — not that these people seem to acknowledge it — and right now they are living in a time of hostile take-over. Why make it even easier? These cowardly people make me sick.

10 thoughts on “Sharia 101

    • It’s really Angela Merkles fault because she sold out her country to the EU and she brought all the Mudslims into her country.

  1. Re: “There are so many Muslim culture-enrichers in Germany now that a leading pedagogue wants to institute formal Islamic education in the public schools”… //…

    “Chances are, when the new curriculum has been put together and the teachers assigned, everything will be under Turkish control, but everyone involved will pretend that’s not the case.”

    Those with a historical background might know that both Kaiser Wilhelm II and Chancellor Adolf Hitler spoke in favorable terms towards Muslims.

    The Kaiser was an unabashed fan of the Ottoman Turks, who fought as a member of the Central Powers alliance alongside Germany during the Great War.

    Wilhelm spoke on a number of occasions about the martial virtues of the Turks, and Krupp and other German arms manufacturers had supplied the Turkish military for some years by the time of the First World War.

    There were those in the West who didn’t take the martial prowess of the Turks seriously, but the Turks put paid to those notions at places like Gallipoli, the site of disastrous ANZAC amphibious landings intended to secure the Dardanelles for the Allies, but which failed at such cost to the Aussies and Kiwis.

    Hitler’s high regard for Islam and Muslims was revealed, amongst other places, in his 1925 book “Mein Kampf,” (“My Struggle”), where the future Chancellor and absolute ruler of National Socialist Germany stated that he wished the Moors had won at the Battle of Tours in 732, and not the Christian armies of Charles “The Hammer” Martel.

    A victory which stopped the Islamic conquest of Europe, and assured that it remained Christian. Hitler went on to opine that Islam was the proper religion for warriors ~ and not Christianity, which he termed corrupt and weak.

    So, one can almost imagine the ghosts of the Kaiser and Herr Hitler smiling and clapping their hands in delight at the 21st-century transformation of Germany into part of the caliphate.

    It is germane to note that nowhere else on earth does “Mein Kampf” sell as well as it does in the Islamic world, where ~ translated into languages such as Arabic, Farsi, Pashto and others ~ it remains a best seller. It is unknown whether there is a Turkish language edition, but if so, it ought not to be a surprise.

    Do ordinary 21st-century Germans known that they are reopening a door that they thought would be closed forever?

  2. Expel all of the muslims and there’ll be no need to talk about islam, let alone add it to the school curriculum.

  3. Actually there is one of Saudi Arabia as well. They were the ones that sent a ton of their imams to Bosnia, and to Albania. Where they have and are slowly turning the local muslim population towards the more hardcore islam. (Salafism.)
    It also does not help that in Bosnia there are about 15K+arabian mudjahedeen, who came during the war, but never left. (The most conservative lowest estimate is 15K. Since 20+ years passed, and they likely procreated, you can multiply this number.)

    Also if my memory serves there is also an Egyptian University that tends to be the number one in islamic studies, so Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood likely also is able to send such imams there.

    (So Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are the most likely contenders.)

  4. All Deutsche should learn how Islam reaches its end in the bible. David wrote in Psalm 110:1, The Lord says to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet”. This is Gott saying to Jesus that He will be gone away with Him for a long time. Jesus also gave a sign of His return. He said a nazarite will come and gets things restored and ready. The scripture was prepared so this job can be done and the word of both David and Jesus comes true. Jesus said this is His sign because the action done by this nazarite is an attack and overthrow of the enemies of Jesus. This important action in the scripture gives the nazarite a role in ending the murder of Christians and Jews. It also gives him a role in crushing killing in the mutterleib. Since Jesus linked His return to this action against the murder of Jews He is defeating His foes among the Jews who say He can not be the messiah since He did not end the murder of Jews. He is also terminating the ability of the qu’ran to use His name in a book in which the writer of the qu’ran says don’t be friends with Jews and exaggerates against them by saying most Jews are treacherous. This great strategy David wrote about long ago provides Gott an opportunity to make a judgment against these numerous actions that deserve to be terminated. David is also doing a great job here of participating in some biblical strategy that ends the murder of Jews. He fought against the murder of Jews when he lived. This strategy is only in the bible as the quran eliminated its presence and replaced it with bluster and exaggerations.

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