Culture-Enricher Tries to Burn Down a Synagogue in Rouen

An Algerian culture-enricher tried to burn down a synagogue in the French city of Rouen, but was shot dead by police before he could consummate his heart’s desire.

I haven’t yet seen a name for the alleged would-be perpetrator, so I can’t assign a Mohammed Coefficient to the incident.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from France Bleu:

Attempt to set fire to the Rouen synagogue: “A particularly serious anti-Semitic act,” denounced by Gerald Darmanin

For the Interior Minister, the attempted arson of the Rouen synagogue by a man shot dead by police Friday morning is “obviously an anti-Semitic act,” Gerald Darmanin announced that he was going to decorate the police officer who fired the shot.


May 17, 2024

A few hours after the attempt to set fire to the Rouen synagogue by a man shot dead by police, the Minister of Interior, Gerald Darmanin, traveled to the Norman city to address his “support to the city of Rouen, to the Jews of Rouen and of France.” For him, it is “obviously an act of anti-Semitism, which took place at a sacred place for the Republic, a place of worship.”

Gerald Darmanin declared that “this act touches all of us deeply,” expressing regret for the disgraceful, unacceptable violence against French Jews. He stated that “Rouen was not the object of any particular threats.”

The officer who fired the shots will be decorated

The minister wished to salute the work of the firefighters and police who intervened Friday morning and who faced “an individual who was particularly dangerous and violent.”

“This individual, with a large knife, rushed at a young deputy police officer, age 25, who was extremely courageous and professional,” Gerald Darmanin emphasized, who stated that he (the officer) had reason to use his weapon. For that, the officer, placed on limited duty within the framework of an investigation being carried out by IGPN [National Police General Inspection Service], will “be decorated by the Republic for his support given to the protection of places of worship.”

“Personally, I am fed with this criticism of the police. I have decided to decorate this officer because I believe he did his job,” said the minister.

The suspect was in the files of wanted persons

The man who was shot dead was not a French citizen, but “of Algerian origin,” the Minister of Interior stated. He had filed a request to the Prefecture of Seine-Maritime in 2022 to obtain a residence permit as a “sick foreigner”. But also according to Gerald Darmanin, this request was refused after consultation with a doctor. “He was then ordered to be taken to the border,” but the man filed an appeal. At the end of January 2024, “this appeal failed — the tribunal agreed with the Minister of Interior.”

The man was not classified as S [terrorist or security threat], and was unknown to police or intelligence, Gerald Darmanin noted. On the other hand, he was listed in the files of wanted persons for several weeks.

10 thoughts on “Culture-Enricher Tries to Burn Down a Synagogue in Rouen

  1. i just dont believe the official narrative. once it used to be that a sentence should be effective only after a verdict, but today there is not even a fact to be prosecuted, just a supposed intention. they execute anybody with impunity, while it seems that the main stream media want to rebuild a verginity to the same police thugs who used to check vax status not long ago.

    • Charging at a police officer while holding a large knife will get you shot anywhere on the globe .FAFO or suicide by cop, play stupid games win stupid prizes ,Darwin award , goes by many names. Lighting up Jewish Temples is not very nice either .

      Robyt what is verginity is that a Trans or woke term ,people who run at and threating cops with knives are asking to be shot no matter their color, religion ,or gender choice .

      • did you see the corpse ? is the whole story even true ? couldnt it all just be made up to pump the same ever lasting 911 narrative ? what do you think will take the government to artificially create such a nonsense ? as almost always the alleged almost terrorist is dead and as you know dead people dont speak…

  2. The man was unknown to police or intelligence (sic), but was listed as a wanted person for several weeks. Got it.

  3. One of the many threads of evidence that something is amiss with the MSM here in the West is that once can search a long time and in vain for content tracking stories such as this one, i.e., the deliberate destruction of the churches, synagogues and temples of the infidels. In France alone, hundreds of churches have been put to the torch, and in some cases, priests and nuns inside have been attacked and even slain.

    If these acts of violence were committed against, for example, a Planned Parenthood Clinic, it would be headline news in the U.S. and European MSM, but because of their enmity for Christianity, Judaism, etc. ~ nothing but silence can be heard, and if the stories appear at all, they are buried in the back pages of the newspaper or way down the list of internet searches.

    And the MSM wonder why their ratings are in the tank and no one respects them any longer!

    No one, least of all your humble scribe, wants something bad to happen to those folks in the MSM, but one day, when/if the Saracens come to their neighborhoods and burn down their homes, they’ll suffer alone and in silence, and wonder why. Well, this is why: If you can’t be troubled to care when a misfortune befalls your fellow man, don’t be surprised if he returns the favor when one happens to you!

    • “One of the many threads of evidence that something is amiss with the MSM here in the West is that once can search a long time and in vain for content tracking stories such as this one”

      I agree that the media drools [purposely] depress their promotion of stories that reveal ‘toddlerism for what it is—feral and infantile, but, perhaps, you didn’t search hard enough.

      “The synagogue, in Rouen, northern France, sustained “significant damage,” but nobody other than the assailant was harmed, the authorities said.”

      “French police have killed a man after a synagogue was set on fire in the north-western city of Rouen. The man was armed with a knife and a metallic tool and was shot after he threatened officers.”

      “Police have shot dead an armed attacker who was trying to set fire to a synagogue in the northern French city of Rouen, according to authorities. A male suspect entered the building early Friday morning and threw what appeared to be a Molotov cocktail, the local mayor said.”

      • Thank you for the links…. but perhaps you misunderstood: Those stories can be found, if you are diligent-enough to look for them. The point being, the typical casual reader or watcher/listener of the news isn’t going to be interest-enough or motivated-enough to do that, which is where the manipulative aspect of it comes into play.

        One of the reasons, too, that the usual suspects are so anxious to shut down websites such as GoV to name one example, is precisely because they do not restrict or censor content in the way that MSM outlets routinely do.

        There is also a sort of game that the propaganda organs of the deep-state, i.e., the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, et al. ~ play where certain subjects and stories are concerned. These outlets would prefer not to report on Christianity at all, for example, but if an event occurs and it becomes a big-enough story on the alternative media and the web, they are more-or-less forced into reporting it.

        If that happens, they get to spin it in the way they desire, and they can also release the story in such a way that it isn’t given a lot of page views or viewership, but if push comes to shove, and some critic or other challenges them – the NYT or whoever can then say that they “ran the story”… leaving out, however, that they didn’t do so willingly or in an unbiased manner.

        It is a form of information theater, I suppose, a bit of play-acting that they “care” about the subject, when it is apparent that they do not except perhaps insofar as it benefits their bottom line.

        There is another aspect to the ongoing incidents of churches being burned in France and other places. The MSM is reporting these happenings as isolated events when in reality they form part of a much larger and more-coherent pattern dating back years.

        In other words, what is actually happening is a sustained campaign of criminality and aggression against French and other churches and their clerics and members, and not just isolated crimes or acts of arson. One or two churches burning down can be written off as isolated acts, but dozens of them burning down in a single summer or even over a year – constitutes a pattern.

        Just like the hundreds of cars set on fire each summer night across northern and western Europe, in big cities like Paris and others. There’s a reoccurring pattern of events, but one which the authorities do not want the people to notice.

        At this late date, I don’t know who they think they’re fooling by pretending this violence and chaos isn’t going on, but they persist in their denials and assurances that nothing is amiss.

        • “Those stories can be found, if you are diligent-enough to look for them.”

          To be fair, I think it’s the responsibility of the sentient amongst us to ACTIVELY seek out the truth and not PASSIVELY wait for it to be fed to him (by people whose primary goal is personal profit).

          Don’t believe me? Here, I’ll let Dan explain it. Watch (~ 2 mins)..

  4. It is best for Christians and Jews to know how to produce evidence the bible isn’t dead and the allahu akbar claim against them as they are killed is phony bluster. Jacob foretold of two different prophetic vines of words in Genesis 49. The first one provided evidence on the identity of the messiah. The second one he called a choice vine. This choice vine is an arrangement by the prophets that is made to overthrow any deceptive effort which connects biblical figures with perverted statements and ideas. Jesus was referring to this important biblical strategy when He said a nazarite will come and get things restored and ready for His return. This action by Jesus is necessary since the author of the qu’ran perverted His life by creating conflicting messages on whether He ever died on the cross. The author of the qu’ran also eliminated the teaching of Jesus on fasting and glorified his ideas on the subject on top of those of Jesus. Moses also participated in action which overthrows those who associate him with deception. In Deuteronomy 33 he associated himself with a future judgment day figure he referred to as a wild ox. This judgment day figure arrives far after the qu’ran was written. The writer of the qu’ran used Moses in a fable which associates him with the killing of a child who isn’t islamic enough. This action by Moses will prove to be an effective way of getting rid of this association which he never said he wanted anything to do with. Isaiah also alludes to this biblical effort in chapter 28. There he refers to those who come and kill the Israelis in waves. He says the thing the killers put their confidence in will fail them. The fact this strategy foretold by Israel exists shows they named the country for the right guy.

    • “It is best for Christians and Jews to know how to produce evidence the bible isn’t dead and the allahu akbar claim against them as they are killed is phony bluster”

      Screw that! It is best—here in the real world—for Christians and Jews to get armed….get trained…and get going! Otherwise, history keeps repeating and only the names and dates change….BECAUSE only the names and dates change.

      Terrorists and thugs are not stopped by prayer; they’re stopped by men with guns. I hate to be repetitive Betty, but the only thing a terrorist/thug respects is a terror G-R-E-A-T-E-R than his own.

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