Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 4

Below is the fourth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 4: The Great Care Home Cull

If we can agree that a huge death toll was pretty much the inevitable consequence of government action in American and British Care Homes, it forces us into asking a number of questions. The first of which must be: was it deliberately and cold-bloodedly planned, or was it simply the result of government incompetence?

At the very outset of the Covid-19 emergency, Britain’s dead-eyed Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, stated the Covid-19 virus was relatively innocuous for the young, the fit and the healthy, and only presented a risk of death to the very old and the very ill.

Matt Hancock, the British Health Secretary at the time, stated he would throw a “ring of steel” around Britain’s Care Homes. In a manner of speaking, he did just that, but only insofar as making it impossible for relatives of care home residents to breach the ring of steel in order to visit their aged loved ones.

Imagine the surreal levels of incompetence necessary to inadvertently slaughter tens-of-thousands of old and ill elderly residents of care homes, having implicitly stated only the old and ill were vulnerable, and that wherever they were, a defensive “ring of steel” would be erected around them.

It is very hard to believe it was simply a matter of incompetence. There are a number of issues which reinforce this belief. If you cast your mind back to April and May 2020, what was being shown 24/7 on the TV news and in the newspapers? What were we being told 24/7 by our politicians?

Answer: We were in the grip of a deadly pandemic. Thousands were dying. Hospitals were swamped with Covid-19 patients. Exhausted doctors and nurses were working around the clock “on the front lines” in the war against Covid. We were all vulnerable. We must stay at home. This message was hammered home for the entirety of 2020.

Were the hospitals swamped? Were thousands dying in our overwhelmed hospitals? The following graph suggests they were not:

As you can clearly see, acute and general bed occupancy plummeted in our hospitals during April and May 2020, even as the daily Covid-19 deaths reached hundreds and then thousands. So no, our hospitals were not overwhelmed. If our doctors and nurses were exhausted, it was only because so many of them are so fat and so unfit they were unable to keep up with the TikTok choreographer’s dance routine demands. If you think I am joking, just Google “Dancing Nurses” and weep.

Anyone who visited a hospital in post March 2020 knows they were virtually empty. Of course they were. All routine operations were cancelled. The only people “dying from Covid-19” in April and May 2020 were dying in the care homes, not the hospitals. And they were dying from loneliness, starvation and dehydration, not Covid-19.

I know several doctors and nurses. 2020 was a glorious holiday for them. Their gardens bloomed; their cars were shined and fettled; their bookshelves were built-in. And I will tell you something else: by June/July 2020 every single doctor told me the whole Covid-19 pandemic was a fraud of colossal proportions. Shamefully, though, not one of them was prepared to say so publicly.

So, whilst doctors privately admitted the Great Covid Con, the news outlets prominently displayed continually updated death toll tickers on their sites. The daily headlines above lurid red (danger, danger!) graphs shrieked “Yet More Hundreds Dead Yesterday!” and “Covid-19 Death Toll Reaches New Record High!” All of this was lies. Outright, blatant lies.

We were never told the only excess deaths occurred over just a six-week period, and only in the Care Homes. Instead, we were told large numbers of excess deaths from Covid-19 continued to occur in our overloaded hospitals throughout the year. None of this was true. It was all lies.

We were never told those dying were only amongst the very old and very ill. Instead, we were told people of all ages were dying, even the young and healthy. None of this was true. It was all lies.

We were never told that death rates were average or below average between June 2020 and January 2021. Instead, we were told there were thousands of Covid deaths occurring every week between those dates. None of this was true. It was all lies.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

9 thoughts on “Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 4

  1. Dear Baron,

    Would you be interested in another e-book that

    • Criticizes the medical “profession” over its misuse of ineffective “medication”
    • Shows that SSRI drugs are known to be ineffective and harmful, yet are still being prescribed to millions of people
    • Argues that the CHIME principles of psychological health (connectedness, hope, identity, meaning and empowerment) are denied to people who are falsely accused of “racism” and told that they should experience “white guilt” because of historical sins committed by other people
    • Uses the historical fact of white slavery on the Barbary Coast to show that the accusation of “white guilt” is fallacious and false
    • Argues against “multiculturalism” and for freedom of speech, in the face of today’s “cancel culture”

    The book is called “Living In A Salt Land”

    It is available on Kindle.

    A. Sittason.

    • I might be interested in looking at it, but this is not an appropriate place to talk about it, since this is a post for Paul Weston’s book. In future, please use a news feed post for announcements such as this, because nothing is off-topic on the news feed.

  2. Here’s something that might not be coming out of the UK, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this claim by this nurse wasn’t happening all over the so called “civilized” Western World.
    Just like at certain Demonstrations against other Government Policies were the “riot police” didn’t speak the “local” lingua.

    Nurse says: “People in black uniforms came in… and administered Remdesivir to the patients, even without our knowledge.”

    • Paul,

      I have bought the Kindle version of your book. May I say first of all, well done for carrying out all of the research needed to write your book.

      I note in one of the later chapters (“Is It Even A Vaccine?”) you talk about the failure of everyone involved to properly inform people about what they were being subjected to.

      In the course of my own research, I discovered that since 2015, medical practitioners have been required to inform “patients” of any and all material risks involved in any treatment that they propose, before the “patient” can give their informed consent.

      What is a “material risk”? That’s where it gets interesting.

      The definition of a “material risk” was changed in 2015, and this has been written about in the BMJ several times. (Therefore, it is not unreasonable for us to expect every GP in Britain to be fully aware of this.)

      The case is Montgomery vs. Lanarkshire Health Board.

      If you do a straightforward search for this case, and the articles in the BMJ that have been written about it, then you will find that since 2015, the legal definition of materiality has been as follows:

      “The test of materiality is whether, in the circumstances of the particular case, a reasonable person in the patient’s position would be likely to attach significance to the risk, or the doctor is or should reasonably be aware that the particular patient would be likely to attach significance to it.”

      So legally speaking, that is now the standard – if “a reasonable person in the patient’s position would be likely to attach significance to the risk” then a doctor (or nurse, or anyone employed in the medical field who is about to do something that breaches your “bodily integrity”) MUST inform you of that risk.

      Before going ahead!

      Only then is it possible for you to give your informed consent (or to withhold it.)

      In the context of what you are writing about in your book, we can ask – did this happen?

      Clearly it did not happen.

      It follows, does it not, that each and every instance of a person being injected with this substance was an unlawful act.

      I just thought you might find this interesting (& perhaps it would add another arrow to your quiver, so to speak). You will be able to find out about the case, and the articles in medical journals, which explain this legal obligation to their readers (that is to say, doctors throughout the UK) through a simple internet search.

      I hope you find this useful.


    • And may I add that anyone reading the Gates can do a quick search and read about that case (Montgomery vs. Lanarkshire Health Board), and read the articles in the British Medical Journal and elsewhere, so that they can bring this up to any doctor or nurse in the future, should they find themselves in the same room as any of these people, in the situation described towards the end of your book.

      As you say at the beginning of your book, all we can do is inform ourselves, and try to inform others, so they can make better decisions the next time.

  3. How to get away with mass murder.

    1. Pretend to be a Conservative; history shows us that only socialists do mass murder.

    2. Tell the public what they must think and believe, censor any criticism and label it ‘conspiracy theory’
    4. Hype the ‘statistics’ to ‘prove the point.

    5, Threaten the jobs of the professional carers sack them if necessary.

    6. Flood the media with dishonest but credentialed people.

    7. Always go for the plausible deniability option

    8. Discredit those who point out inconvenient truths and deny them a platform.

    9.. learn to smile/grimace as appropriate whilst telling the porky pies……

    10 Offer people ‘options’ at the propaganda level whist denying those options in reality ~(mask exemptions, vaccine exemptions)

    11. Always terget those who cannot fight back.

  4. I live in “sheltered” accommodation for older people, owned by the local authority. My lovely Italian neighbour, aged 96, was found slumped in her chair by her care worker in January 2021, and taken to hospital, where she died, from Covid; fortunately I was able to speak to her on the ‘phone first. Point is, she died in hospital, not a care home.

    Policy has changed; we currently have three (out of 36) residents with Covid, but they’re self-isolating at home.

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