Not Even a Slap on the Wrist for a Culture-Enriching Murderer

When I report on the verdicts handed down by Swedish courts, I often write with sarcastic scorn about Sweden “throwing the book” at violent young culture enrichers who receive ridiculously light sentences for rape, murder, and general mayhem. However, I have to admit that Germany beats out Sweden in the “throwing the book” game.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Juvenile Justice

15-year-old German beaten to death: probation for Moroccan

Judgment in the name of the people: A Moroccan beats a 15-year-old German youth footballer to brain-death during a tournament — and leaves the courtroom, FREE. The judge credits him with the fact that he regretted the crime. As a condition of his probation, he is supposed to report from time to time.


A Moroccan living in France who beat a 15-year-old German to death has left the Frankfurt regional court a free man. The judges sentenced the foreigner to a two-year youth prison sentence on probation for bodily harm resulting in death and intentional bodily harm. The judges gave the migrant credit for regretting the crime. [Regret? That’s called “taqiyya”, you morons.]

The 17-year-old perpetrator gave his victim a severe blow to the head at an international youth soccer tournament in Frankfurt in May. An artery was injured, the 15-year-old collapsed and was later declared dead due to severe brain injuries. This was preceded by a goal by the German team against the club from Metz. The Moroccan had also attacked other players and later specifically chose his victim.

The perpetrator has two defenders

The Moroccan has been in custody since the attack. According to a report in the Bild newspaper, his parents demanded an acquittal. [Obviously the parents would want an acquittal. After all, the murderer only performed his “religious” duty by killing an infidel.] A previously valid arrest warrant was also revoked. As a condition of his probation, he is supposed to report regularly about his living conditions. The defendant had two defense attorneys in court who demanded suspended sentences of one year and nine months respectively. According to a court spokesman, he did not receive any compensation for his time in custody. [No compensation for murder? This is definitely a gross miscarriage of “justice” and should be dragged in front of the “Inhuman Rights Sharia Court” in The Hague. Let the parents of the culturally enriched “victim” pay for the compensation.]

The case caused horror across Germany and sparked a debate about violence in football. The parents of the 15-year-old who was killed decided to donate their child’s organs to save other people’s lives. “Every time they look into this, Paul dies a second time. They haven’t gotten over it emotionally,” the family’s lawyer said. [What loving and caring parent would?]

Afterword from the translator:

Viktor Orbán once claimed — and had to pay a high fine to the EU for it — that George Soros had initiated the flow of refugees in order to mix and destroy the native European people and advocated that delinquent migrants should be punished much more leniently than locals. Soros, of course, contradicted this. Only when I look at such judgments do I have to agree with Viktor Orbán.

The first time I noticed it was when an asylum seeker pushed a mother and child in front of the train at Frankfurt train station, killing her seven-year-old son. I said to myself; “They’ll think he has a mental problem.” 24 hours later, this was exactly what you could read all over mainstream and leftist alternative media. And now, this has system. The media is too stupid or ideologically retarded to stick to a certain timing and publish this ‘handicap’ even though the handcuffs have not even clicked. There is probably now a rapid melanin or ideology/religious test for schizophrenia that will let the perp off the hook. And if that test falls out negative, because the melanin content is minimal and the ideology/religion is frowned upon by the Left, then the firewood for the public roasting at the stake is lit before the handcuffs are even attached to the chosen “victim”.

What we’re seeing here — again — is the “Bad boy, don’t do that ever again!” approach. After all, you can’t go around and blame a “Frenchman” of Moroccan descent for the death of a young German, now, can you? This goes against all the principles of French-German friendship. And to mention that they come from Morocco is outright racism and Islamophobia. This judge needs to apologize to the boy’s parents for the harsh sentence he brought down on the young Jihadist. Serious damage could be done to French-German friendship and Sultan Emmanuel the First might have to send his Janissary Divisions to show his displeasure here.

What would the verdict have been if the German boy had killed the Moroccan? I’m pretty sure that the German youth would have been punished severely, and certainly not on probation! One can only wish for the German judge that the same thing is going to happen his own family.

And to top it off, there’d be a perpetual culture of remembrance! Every year on the anniversary of such a “racist murder,” the Federal President and the entire moral elite of the Federal Republic would have marched and held commemorative events, while the Bundestag observed a minute’s silence.

When Ukrainian refugees were recently murdered by Muslim migrants in North Rhine-Westphalia, it was not uncommon to hear that it was “particularly tragic” that refugees who were seeking safety in Germany were affected.

Which in turn means nothing other than that the deaths of young Germans would obviously have been less tragic. Language is treacherous… It’s also worth mentioning, given the tragedy, that Paul’s youth football club, BFC Dynamo, raised a significant amount of donations for the family of the perp and also provided legal advice. Now, that’s classy, is it not?!?

I have to say that good old Schopenhauer was right after all: “I herewith confess that I despise the German nation because of its exuberant stupidity and am ashamed, to belong to it.”

5 thoughts on “Not Even a Slap on the Wrist for a Culture-Enriching Murderer

  1. No real deterrent – bring back Capital Punishment throughout Europe-for pre-meditated Murder -execution. Not measures that will be popular in this Woke kind of World, however such crimes are continual day after day, week after week, with little or no deterrent.

    • I am about half German and half Norwegian ancestry. I have always been grateful for the Norwegian half, which seems to temper the crazy part, the German half.

  2. I read a comment that said, “these mass gatherings of savages on the streets of the west will let us know where to find them in large numbers.”

  3. To your question if the situation had been reversed:

    Many years ago an invader, sorry, immigrant went into a police station saying that he had been attacked by two white Nazis.
    Those two germans were immediatly flown to Karlsruhe where the main prosecuter of the entire state charged them. The press called them the next Himmler and Hitler.
    But about five minutes before the court started, it came out that the invader had been the attacker.
    Those guys were released (their lives had been totally destroyed) and the press dropped the case faster than you can say “Hello”.

    Just imagine a few people with willpower and courage, but without Smartphone would invite the killer to a picnic in the woods – and some hogs. And nobody would have seen anything.
    (You know that hogs are friendly animals. You can pet them – once if you are lucky.)

    • In the US, the wild boar, a cross between domestic pig and the wild variety will consume anything in it’s path, that is why the farmer/rancher by/on the border use them to their advantage.

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