Don’t Call Them Parasites, or You’ll Do Time

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Apollo News:

Refugees called “parasites” — Twitter user sentenced to three months in prison

Because refugees are “more likely to be parasites,” a man in Baden-Württemberg was given a suspended sentence for incitement to hatred. The process seems dubious.

A 50-year-old man from Heinstetten in Baden-Württemberg wrote on Twitter (now X) on November 15, 2022: “Refugees and displaced people are probably more like parasites.” The public prosecutor’s office then began investigations into sedition. In doing so, the accused is said to have disturbed the public peace, violated people’s human dignity and made them contemptuous.

The case has now been heard at the Albstadt district court. The court found the man guilty of sedition and, at the request of the public prosecutor, imposed a three-month prison sentence, which was then suspended. In addition, the man, who says he is currently unemployed, has to donate €1,500 to a charitable organization.

The man pleaded innocent in court. “I’m innocent,” he said, as the Südwest Presse reported, “you post a lot, right?” He wasn’t aware that anyone could see this post. And: “That was satire. For me, that’s freedom of expression.”

The public prosecutor reportedly replied: “So you thought that was OK? This won’t do you any good.” The punishment would only increase, as three months in prison would be the minimum sentence for sedition. The defendant then said: “Then I withdraw the objection.”

This seems very dubious: such a minimum sentence only refers to a part of the sedition paragraph, which is about “disturbing public peace.” Other forms of sedition can also be punished with fines. To what extent a tweet by a non-prominent person against “parasites” is supposed to endanger public peace is a mystery. But the defendant withdrew his objection because of this statement, apparently out of fear of receiving an even more severe sentence. However, this concern seems completely misplaced.

Afterword from the translator:

Native people in Germany live in a flawless dictatorship. Free expression is prohibited. Can you still say that? Would I now be placed behind bars if I set foot into that country? After all, I was born there and I’m WHITE and MALE.

And then we have the Hamburg public prosecutor’s office that did not see any criminal behavior or even — as here — the offense of incitement to hatred in the case of the former board member of the Turkish Parents’ Association Hamburg, Malik Karabulut, who described the Germans as a whole as a “half-breed of mongrels”. Quote from Die Welt: “The statement remains unpunished and is still permitted.”

Or like that other “lovely” fellow from Turkey who lives a life of leisure on the German taxpayer’s back and wants to mustard gas them if they refuse to submit to Islam. Nothing happens to that guy by the looks of it, and I checked every day since he proudly spouted his HATE.

What, then, is this so-called sedition? Why is this only dangerous when it comes from the native populace?

It’s like the naked emperor. Everyone sees it, and even just one voice would have been enough to dispel the narrative — one voice from the people would have been enough to expose the lie… if they were to have done it YEARS ago.

With a political and judicial class like these I see dark, REAL dark times ahead for Germany, and Europe in general.

5 thoughts on “Don’t Call Them Parasites, or You’ll Do Time

  1. Fact is the ComIntern won not only the Cold War but WW II as well. National Socialism was simply transitioned to International Socialism while the levers of Fascism simply changed hands. Fascism is not an ideology in and of itself but rather a tactic to keep/maintain power; a methodology that no socialist regime can maintain their existence without recourse to. It is intrinsic to Socialism. Fascism is invariably in service to Socialism in all its various permutations, even Islamocialism.

    Lenin praised the international socialist that codified, implemented, and refined fascism as one of the most intelligent communists he had the privilege to work with in Switzerland during 1914 – 1917.

    “Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato.”

    “Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”
    Benito Mussolini October 28, 1925

  2. I call them PARASITES!! And is true nothing but true , get them out ! This country of dumb to allow to government do this , it’s outrageous..

  3. “Sedition”? My dictionary defines this as “Conduct or speech inciting to rebellion or a breach of public order”, or “Agitation against the authority of a state”.

    Orwell would be saddened that his warning is being ignored.

  4. So the Muslims in Germany call for death to Jews but if a German calls the migrants and refugees parasites, he can go to jail. Do the German prosecutors understand how bad this looks? The questioning of the judge reminds me of Roland Freisler, the infamous Nazi hanging judge. I wonder if he was screaming at the defendant.

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