The Brutal Atrocities of Monsters

André Ventura is a conservative Portuguese politician who founded and leads the Chega party, and serves in the national assembly. In the following video from the floor of the assembly, during discussion on a vote about the war between Israel and Hamas, Mr. Ventura made some impassioned remarks about the nature of Hamas and its brutal actions.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   Second, voting is not enough for the prisoners to be freed.
00:04   It has to be clear, clear as water, that neither Israel
00:07   nor any country in the world can negotiate or whatever else,
00:11   without the prisoners being released without any conditions, first.
00:15   These men and women were not military, paramilitary
00:18   or involved in any attack or defense of a military nature.
00:22   They are young people who were having fun during a music festival. Men and women.
00:26   Women who saw men being murdered. Women who were kidnapped
00:30   and transported in cages to the Gaza Strip area.
00:33   This is not a conflict between equals. And this has to be made clear during this voting.
00:39   But also, how not to remember the obvious?
00:42   In recent days we were all confronted with a guide
00:45   that Hamas left in several areas of the occupied zone.
00:48   This guide explains how to enter people’s homes, how to torture them, how to blame them,
00:54   how to rape them, how to decapitate them and how to kill them.
00:57   My friends, this is not a war between equals.
01:00   This is a war between the brutal atrocities of monsters
01:03   and democracies that have to fight against them.
01:06   And this is not present in today’s vote which is being discussed.
01:11   Because, ultimately, not everything is worthy, in this war.
01:15   Lie after lie, unfortunately compacted with some benches of this Parliament
01:22   in relation to the most basic and elementary components of war.
01:26   I have here — to conclude, because time is short — a tweet from the leader of the left bloc,
01:30   who says that today Israel has hit a hospital in Gaza, killing 500 people.
01:35   We all know today that this is a pure lie.
01:39   What attacked a hospital in Gaza was a stray missile from the Islamic Jihad.
01:44   And yet, despite the rebuttal from states such as Great Britain, the United States, Israel,
01:49   several European countries, the President of the European Commission,
01:52   the lie continues to spread like fire.
01:55   This is what we cannot allow.
01:58   And as long as there is no clarity, I am concluding…
02:01   And as long as there is no clarity, in this voting the Chega Party will not at all be in favor of it.
02:06   Thank you very much.

6 thoughts on “The Brutal Atrocities of Monsters

  1. Good video. Notice how many of the Portuguese Parliament members were not clapping. UN Secretary Guterres is from Portugal. Bunch of brain-dead socialists, except for a few good fighters, such as Mr. Ventura.

    • It is odd because the national newspaper is called “Reconquista”, but I suppose there are still burning embers of the inquisition., 400 years after the events.


    “‘Thought police’: Israel passes law criminalizing ‘consumption of terrorist materials’
    Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, passed what rights groups are calling one of the “most intrusive and draconian legislative measures” ever passed.”

    At GoV, the generally non-liberal AKA Right congregates. They are newcomers since about 1990, or is it 2015, to the notion of Freedom of Speech. Prior, they exercised various types of cultural power going back decades and centuries. After all, the Freedom movement’s Archbishop Vigano regrets the French Revolution and longs for monarchies.

    But now that the Regressive Corporate “Left” rules the cultural roost, I wonder if GoV -ites actually object to the content of my para. 1 above.

    Yes. I thought not.

    • 1) What has what Israel do at home got to do with anyone but Israel, including you?
      2) Does any normal right-thinking person believe everything the self- haters at Mondoweiss say?
      I detect a red faced baboon about to explode with righteous hysteria…

  3. If only the “leader of the free world” (Prince Aricept, aka Biden) were capable of such critically advanced thinking. Oy veh..

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