Firebombing the Jews in Berlin

Last night an unknown perp or perps threw Molotov cocktails at a synagogue in Berlin. How much do you want to bet it was the work of Aryan supremacists?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this brief news report, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   Concerning the arson attack on a Jewish community center in Berlin, The federal government has
00:05   — quote — strongly condemned it.
00:08   It is stated that attacks on Jewish institutions cannot be justified by anything.
00:13   The federal government is using all its strength to oppose hatred and aggression
00:17   against a religion and its members.
00:21   During the night, unknown persons threw two Molotov cocktails
00:24   in the direction of the Kahal adas Israel community center in Berlin Mitte.
00:30   A synagogue, a Jewish school and a Jewish daycare center are there.
00:36   The bottles hit the sidewalk, although the fire extinguished itself.
00:40   While the investigation was still underway, a 30-year-old man tried to storm the property in the morning.
00:45   During his arrest, the man shouted slogans that were hateful and hostile towards Israel.
00:51   The Central Council of Jews in Germany speaks of a terrorist attack.
00:55   Words become actions, declared the Central Council.
00:59   The ideology of annihilation of the radical Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas
01:03   against everything Jewish is also at work in Germany.