Handing Over Austria to Muslim “Refugees”

The following video report from the Kronen Zeitung features a woman called “Maria” who used to work as a translator for “refugees” who had recently arrived in Austria. She herself is an Iraqi refugee — a real one, a Christian — who came to Austria decades ago. Because she spoke Arabic to the new arrivals and did not immediately reveal herself as a Christian, they freely discussed with her their reasons for coming to Europe, and their expectation that eventually Islam will dominate in Austria.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   This is again [unintelligible] Live talk, nice to have you with us. Today we have as a guest
00:05   in the newsroom the Iraqi Christian Maria — this is a nickname,
00:10   she wants to remain anonymous — who worked in Vienna in a charity helping the refugees
00:15   because of she was fluent in Arabic, of course, and therefore understood everything the refugees
00:20   were saying to each other. And when she informed her employer about it
00:25   (she worked several months in the support of refugees),
00:30   her contract was simply no longer renewed. Yes, we’re trying to find out what exactly happened
00:35   Maria, first of all: thank you for the courage to come to us. —My pleasure. —What have you heard?
00:40   What are they saying, those refugees who arrive in Austria? What do they say to each other?
00:45   First we need to acknowledge that those refugees arrive from
00:50   a region where there has been a religious war for decades.
00:55   This means they are fleeing from their region.
01:00   They have risked their lives to come to Europe,
01:05   and not to any of the Muslim countries, partially because they really wanted
01:10   a quiet life, but the other part is already programmed and planned.
01:15   So for the refugees is it also about being able to further practice their religion?
01:20   And they heard that in Austria, where there is religious freedom, it would be possible? — Yes.
01:25   And if I understand it correctly, they were then surprised themselves, when they arrived here,
01:30   how freely in can be practised. —They were surprised themselves, that it was THIS
01:35   free, that there is so much religious freedom in Austria.
01:40   And so much freedom for their religion. And they told me: in our countries
01:45   many things wouldn’t be allowed, and Austria is allowing all that in the name of religious
01:50   freedom. —This means that the freedom to practice Islam
01:55   is greater than it ever was in their homeland? —Yes.
02:00   Because there… Why are they fleeing from those countries? Because there, there is only
02:05   religious war since the fall of Saddam Hussein: Sunni against Shia,
02:10   and then Shia against other groups, also against
02:15   the Adnan [an Arab tribe]. And they all fought against each other. And they come here,
02:20   they believe that because they come from over there, they would be welcomed
02:25   by associations and by the radicals who gave them this information,
02:30   that here they could further practice their religion
02:35   and in the future Austria will belong to them.
02:40   This means that the associations support the refugees,
02:45   concerning the effort to practice their religion in the freest possible way.
02:50   It’s come up in the National Assembly election; a fight with [Peter] Pilz [former Green leader];
02:55   there is always a subject with [unintelligible], for example. You’re a Christian. The refugees
02:59   didn’t notice that right away; you weren’t wearing a cross, but you weren’t wearing a veil either,
03:05   during all those discussions. How were you treated personally?
03:10   They hugged me at first and they greeted me in a very friendly way,
03:15   because I was one of them, and for that reason they could talk freely with me.
03:20   Because they thought that you were Muslim? — They thought that I was Muslim.
03:25   I didn’t tell them, because I have been in Austria for many years and I know that religion is
03:30   a private matter. And I meet those people as fellow humans and not as
03:36   Muslim or Christian or Jew, or something else. And then for them
03:41   religion is always a defining characteristic. They
03:46   come from there and here still it is a defining characteristic.
03:49   And they told me that that here they want to prevail with their
03:56   demands , with their… they told us
04:01   that here they can demand everything they want from the state.
04:06   Because there is religious freedom, and they can demand it all. —So not only
04:09   large financial demands now, but also from the religious point of view,
04:13   so they could practice it as much as possible. —Of course.
04:16   And they said it would be the objective — and they also discussed it with one another, when they
04:20   were observed — they wanted to get as many Austrians as possible to convert to Islam, because
04:25   Islam is — so they say — the ONLY religion. What did you hear about it? — Well,
04:31   this is the message, because they don’t know anything else.
04:36   For the last 20 years only religion rules over there. What do you expect from those
04:41   men who come to Austria, with this ideology in their heads?
04:46   And then they get the state’s support? And by the state I mean
04:51   it’s not on purpose, but in the name of democracy and freedom, and
04:56   what do they expect from the associations they go to and they say, “Send your kids to Islamic
05:01   kindergarten, send your kids to the mosque on Saturday and Sunday.”
05:06   According to the Islamic religion
05:11   an 8-year-old girl has to wear a veil, it’s a must!
05:16   I didn’t experience anything like that 20, 30 years ago in Iraq in my time.
05:21   Yes. So the refugees themselves cannot help it? They are simply taking advantage
05:26   of the very liberal laws in Austria, they are simply using them for their purpose. —Yes. —And you
05:31   Think, and you told me that before the interview, that we need to appeal to the politicians to
05:36   make the laws on religious freedom more restrictive, since refugees just take advantage of them,
05:41   of what they have right to? —Correct. —Nothing wrong with that, but it goes much further than
05:46   what they were ever allowed to do in their home countries. —Yes. I’m always saying that
05:51   special times call for special rules and special laws. And
05:56   we are in such times. —Iraq, 30 years ago, …even Egypt
06:01   were like here in Austria 30 years ago. We used to have a free
06:06   society in which we lived. And I would advise every politician
06:11   to spend a couple of days over there; and then they could get a good picture
06:16   of what is going on over there. And what the refugees are bringing with them
06:19   from there. It means that politicians here have to act.
06:26   And when a minister for example wants a law against full veils,
06:29   against full veiling, then he is harassed, slandered; well, I think
06:36   this is unacceptable. —But it would be necessary to do this. —It is necessary,
06:39   it is very necessary, otherwise in 20 years at the latest, Austria
06:47   will be the Afghanistan or Iraq of today. —Of course this is a very strong statement.
06:52   In general, to finish up, you as a Christian, when you understood all that,
06:57   you reported that to your employer, and you think that exactly for that reason
07:02   probably he didn’t renewed your contract, and you are suggesting by that it meant,
07:07   between the lines, that the aid organizations weren’t at all interested
07:12   in informing the public about what the refugees were talking about with one another.
07:17   Bottom line: they [the aid organizations] would like to sweep it under the rug. Is it the case?
07:22   Well, I think so as well, because it’s not possible otherwise: one has to be able to criticize
07:27   when there are problems, one has to be able to mention and discuss them.
07:32   And I haven’t done anything other than talk about the problems I saw.
07:37   I, as Christian, when I was in my country,
07:42   when I was persecuted, I didn’t want to leave my country, but they said: you Christians,
07:47   you don’t belong here. Go to your unbelievers!
07:52   To Europe for example. —Fine, so we acknowledged that.
07:57   We came here. We also lived here with Muslims,
08:02   in freedom. Right? Because here everybody is equal.
08:07   But through this refugee crisis, what I now experience is that I am being
08:12   discriminated against twice: because no matter where I’m going,
08:15   because of NOT wearing the veil, I am discriminated against as a Christian,
08:22   once in my country and once in an European country. —And at the very end [of the interview]
08:27   you are now unemployed. The whole thing happened last year, you were working with the refugees
08:32   for six months. And since then you haven’t been able to find work any longer.
08:35   I have no job, but I don’t depend on state welfare. Above all I’m trying
08:42   to help Austria, so this aid [to the refugees] won’t harm Austria.
08:47   Maria, thank you very much for the courage to tell us all that.
08:52   When one cannot speak Arabic, one has no access to that, and you were doing it for
08:57   half a year. Thank you for visiting the studio. And to viewers, thank you for your interest
09:01   in this fascinating story. We’ll see each other again at the next opportunity, at Live Talk.

30 thoughts on “Handing Over Austria to Muslim “Refugees”

  1. I have been reading the news from the “jihad” front for years – yet, have been largely optimistic about the final course of things in Europe.

    After listening to this video a strange feeling came over me … perhaps for the first time I have this premonition that everything is lost and my beloved Europe, cradle of my life and birthplace of the West, is succumbing to barbarians, inexorably, and without a shot.

    I am writing this in my study; Mozart’s 34th enthusiastically going on and on and on … Is there enough resolve in Europe to save herself?

    Ελευθερία ή θάνατος.

    • Flip over to the 35th (the “Haffner”), Mozart’s first symphonic masterpiece and maybe you will feel a bit better. Or, perhaps, worse…realizing more deeply what will be lost. Alas, much of it has been lost already.

      Thanatos (mingled with Eros) has been superseding Freedom in Europe since the middle of the 20th c.

      • Haffner is another good one, or rather great one. I have not listened to Mozart until some years ago: now I enjoy his music more than the symphonies of my favorite Schubert.

        Thanatos and Eros … Freudian century it was, in many ways. Kafkaesque Germany it is now.

      • I hadn’t listened to the “Haffner” for a while; you prompted me to dig out Pablo Casals, conducting live at the Marlboro Festival in 1967, when the maestro was a mere ninety. He plays the orchestra like his cello; every note, phrase and tempo is full of meaning and expression.

        1876 seems to have been a vintage year; besides Casals, the conductors Bruno Walter and Pierre Monteux* were born then. I plead guilty to being a paid-up member of the Dead Conductors’ Society!

        *Monteux signed up as principal conductor of the London Symphony in 1961, for twenty-five years, with an option to renew! He died in ’64, but I admire his optimism.

    • Why did this video/ news piece of all of them out there– do it for you?? I found what she said to be quite mild and nothing new that we did not already know. We could not even see her face to get any impressions. What was it that she said that made you lose the hope that was enduring until now?

      • Well … it was the reporter, not she: I must have subconsciously recalled my first trip to Austria in 1989, the amazing feeling of freedom sensed everywhere in Vienna, the way we all projected the future without the communists, and Austria was the free world as we never experienced it before.

        The reporter somehow, for me, epitomizes that world – now slipping away.

        But it is so hard to explain!

        Anyhow – I hear you: never ever lose your hope, that is what you are implying. So thank you …

      • Anybody who knows what west Europe was just 30 years ago and what is today will understand intuitively that it is lost. It will remain affluent and liberal, but its people will be marginalized, demoralized and eventually replaced altogether by more dynamic and purposeful Third Word settlers. West Europe has lost the will to live and it does not deserve to survive. Its people have no ethnic self-respect or actively hate themselves. They are not fit to be the heirs to European civilization.

    • Eleutheria e thanatos. Freedom or death? I share your sentiment and your need to listen to Mozart in these dark times.

  2. I feel that there is much more hope for Austria than Germany. Austria has charming and courageous Martin Sellner and the Identetarian Movement (IB) and now the Defend Europe program where they are at sea making waves regarding the illegal migration, the NGO’s and the human traffickers. Then there’s the FPÖ political party headed by very cute and smart as a whip Strache, whose party is gaining more and more popular support- if the polls are accurate! Finally, I feel many Austrians as a people still really like and want to keep their traditions and heritage enough to do something about it at the polls. I am praying for Austria! Can’t wait for the October election. Viel Glück!

    • I agree.

      I suspect that it’s partly that self-hating is less of a Catholic thing than a Protestant thing.

    • I wish I could share your hope for Austria, but in the Mark Steyn video on YouTube called, ”The most important issue of our time”, he quotes Austria’s Institute of Demography, saying that by mid-century, a majority of 15 year-old’s in that country will be Muslim!

  3. I think Lu was reacting to how blatantly the migrants decide that an open & free system should naturally be exploited to the hilt to advance Islam. This woman is trying to warn Austrian authorities, but her message is unwelcome. So she advises that politicians go to Muslim countries to see for themselves. I felt a similar pessimism as Lu described, b/c here someone is taking the risk to give a gentle warning, & it meets resistance. The left is in hysterical denial mode all across the West. Europe is lost b/c it’s like Europe is run by politicians & NGO’s as blind & unethical as the Democratic Party. It cannot be saved, & it cannot save itself. The other commenter is right too, that Europe has a weird eroticized deathwish.

    • You and “Maria” assume that the bureaucrats will take action once they know the full truth of the danger.

      In fact, the bureaucrats care less about advancing public welfare. Their objectives are to maximize their salary, their power and influence in the bureaucracy, and to minimize the actual work and discomfort they have to endure. It’s a no-brainer what action they take when someone comes to them with an inconvenient truth: fire the messenger.

      You are absolutely not going to get anything useful from the career bureaucracy and establishment politicians. It’s a waste of effort to even try.

      Why were the religious displays so minimized in the actual Middle Eastern Muslim countries? It’s because they were dictatorships, rather than democracies. Saddam Hussein ran a secular society, and even the most radical mullah kept his head down if he didn’t want to experience industrial plastic shredders. These countries always go Islamist when they get the popular vote.

      In my opinion, the most effective course of action for Maria would have been to maintain her employment and surreptitiously record the statements of the refugees. At some point, she could make the recordings available to an anti-immigration party.

      I don’t fault Maria for anything, but two lessons are very clear:

      1) bureaucrats will do absolutely nothing of value to anyone but themselves;

      2) democracy is not the natural environment of Muslims. Muslims do best under a caliphate or absolute dictatorship, where they do what they are permitted to do, and no more.

      Corollary to 2): importing Muslims destroys the indigenous democracy. You either get a nationalist dictatorship, or an Islamist dictatorship.

    • The same happened in the Charlottesville case.
      The Governor of Virginia is a Democrat. So is the mayor of Charlottesville. Both support violent leftwing radicals of the kind that rioted in Hamburg recently. Not from any practical perspective but because of ideological self interest. A woman died as a result of the police being prevented from keeping the groups apart.

      The leftist mayor of Baltimore let the rioters burn and loot to essentially blow off steam.

      It’s like witnessing Jim Jones and his cult on a massive scale, how long before the dissenters are forcibly fed the kool-aid (flavor aid).

  4. Maria says that ‘religion is a private matter’. I am afraid it is exactly the idea that religion is a purely private thing – sort of a curious fad to be enjoyed behind closed doors and carefully hidden in public – that has led Europe to her present sorry state.

    Whether we like it or not, religion cannot be absolutely private. Religious faith, if it does exist, determines the way of life of believers. Morality, family relations, books you read (and even more so books you write), films you watch, music you listen to, fairy tales you tell your children, holidays you take and even your diet. And many other things.

    Moreover, every civilisation is based on a faith. It is the faith which makes it unique, for better and worse. Communists have tried to build a new civilisation on atheism but failed miserably.

    The European civilisation is based on Christianity. Until recently, the whole way of life of European nations was largely determined by it. Even European agnostics and atheists found it natural to have one wife and some children, to donate to charities, to treat women with a special respect, not to work on Sundays, to eat fish on Fridays, to give presents to each other on Christmas, to paint eggs on Easter…

    Therefore Christians felt reasonably comfortable and free even in such secular nations as France. Muslims and other non-Christians who happened to stay or to live in Europe were expected and encouraged to show a little respect for Christian ways and customs.

    Unfortunately, this situation has changed. Europe slowly but surely discarded, first, Christian faith, second, Christian morality, and now it is discarding the last vestiges of Christian culture. This process has left Europe disoriented and vulnerable.

    It is for this reason that Europe is so defenceless in the face of Islamism. Modern ‘progressive’ Europe may have lots of weapons, but she is spiritually disarmed.

    Thus, the Islamic invasion is not the root cause of Europe’s terminal disease, it is just an opportunistic infection. If there had been no Islam, there would have been something else, perhaps, even something worse.

    Poor Maria should understand this and emigrate to a place where Christianity is still alive. To the Philippines, for example.

    • Are you my alter ego?? I could have written this. I have never read a post so close to sounding word for word that it came out if my own Catholic head. Wow, I wish I knew you in person, you could be my best friend! Are you American or European may I ask?

      • Gretel, I am Russian and my post comes from an Orthodox head. But I first gave Christianity a serious thought after reading a Catholic writer – Evelyn Waugh. Later, I have been supported in my “journey to Orthodoxy” by such Catholic authors as G.K. Chesterton, Graham Greene and Muriel Spark. Thus, I owe quite a lot to Catholics. And to the High Church Anglican C.S. Lewis (especially, his Screwtape Letters).

        Of course, it may be presumptuous of me to philosophise on the destiny of Europe, not being European myself. But I have been to a number of European countries, know a lot of people there personally and have always taken an interest in European culture and history.

        Moreover, although Russia is definitely not part of Europe, our Eastern Christian civilisation is closely related to that based on Western Christianity and we have some similar processes going on, though with some significant differences. In fact, we belong more or less to the same civilisation as Serbs and Greeks, so you can have an idea of what I writing about.

        • Interesting! Yes, I am Catholic too. I have Ukranian and Chech ancestry though. Hope to hear more from you later. God bless.

          • Can I call you Catholic? Your Eastern Orthodox rite and beliefs are so close, but your liturgies are more beautiful on the whole!

          • Gretel, please, forgive me, but I am not Catholic. Yes, our basic beliefs are more or less the same, but the overall approach to spiritual life is very different. This is not the right place to go into all the details, and there is extensive literature on the subject (I would recommend Philip Sherrard’s books ‘The Greek East and the Latin West’ and ‘Church, Papacy and Schism’). Let me just share this impression: the Roman Catholic Church reminds me of an army and the Orthodox Church reminds me of a family.

    • So, Anton, which would you rather have?

      A strong Christian faith in a majority Muslim country;

      A weak Christian faith in a majority Christian country with very low or non-existent numbers of Muslims.

      Faith is fine, but you have to be a realist. In these times, the Christian has to be a Machiavellian, just like the atheist.

      • This is not an easy question to answer, especially as I have no experience of living in a Muslim country.

        I think that depends on what country you mean. I think that living as a Christian in a Muslim country with a strong secular regime and a tradition of peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims – like Assad’s Syria before the war or King Abdullah’s Jordan might be not so bad. Of course, you would face certain pressures on a daily basis, you would be often reminded that you are a second-class citizen, etc. But if your faith is important to you, you would accept these daily humiliations without grumbling. And the general atmosphere in such a country might make it easier for you to help your children acquire such virtues as reverence for God, respect of their elders, modesty and commitment to family values.

        But this is true only of a handful of ‘secular’ Muslim countries. In a country like Saudi Arabia, of course, you cannot live as a Christian only in a prison and, in any case, you might any time have to die as a Christian. Unfortunately, I am a weak man and do not feel ready for martyrdom.

        And even in a ‘secular’ Muslim country religious peace is fragile. As soon as a war or a revolution happens, there is bound to be violence against Christians. And Muslims can be extremely sadistic.

        As for ‘a weak Christian faith in a majority Christian country’, that depends on what you mean. If that is your definition of modern Greece or Cyprus, yes, I would prefer them to any Muslim country. Even Poland, for its anti-Russian and anti-Orthodox sentiments, would suit me better. But if you mean modern Finland, I would very much hesitate. In Western Europe the anti-Christian lobby has become so aggressive that it makes it very hard to live as a Christian and almost impossible to bring up children in Christian faith. Thus, if I had to choose between, say, Finland and Jordan, I would choose Jordan. I know that my family and myself would face very serious risks of physical violence and even physical death, but in Western Europe we would face a huge risk of spiritual death.

        • I didn’t make my point very well. Your thesis is that we, meaning the general population, need to accept Christianity in order to properly resist the abuses of Islam.

          My own response is agnostic, although I am an atheist. To me, any old faith will do, or no faith at all, except reason and a commitment to truth and individual rights. I support countries manifesting Christianity. I oppose countries like Finland which treat religious commitment as akin to believing in Nazi dogma.

          But, being willing to resist replacement, and determination to defend the character of your country and your people, is emphatically not a function of Christian dogma. It’s not opposed by Christian dogma, but not advanced by Christian dogma. It’s just a different thing altogether.

          • I see your point, thank you. Well, for me Christianity is not just ‘a dogma’, it is the way I feel, I think and live in generally. For me it is not a means to defend a particular culture, but a means to acquire the Holy Spirit and to live eternally.

            Therefore, I do love cultures and civilisations based on Christianity, but do not attach any absolute value to them. As for the post-Christian culture with its pseudo-religious worship of purely human institutions (democracy, human rights, feminism, multiculturalism and all the rest of it), it is purely artificial and dehumanising. It is, of course, less horrible than ISIS or Taliban, but it is as soul-destroying.

          • As for ‘no faith at all, except reason and a commitment to truth and individual rights’, I do not believe it is something sustainable in the long run. It has been tried. The French revolution tried to put this ideal into practice (though extreme violence and terror). It has sown the seeds and modern Europeans are now enjoying the wide range of fruits: rampant individualism, decline of the family, demographic decline, population aging, feminisation of men and masculinisation of women, crude mores, cruder entertainment, easy acceptance of crazy and unnatural ideas, lowering standards of education, a generalised atmosphere of frivolous stupidity, decline of arts and literature, dictatorship of political correctness and the poisonous fruit of multiculturalism making Europe vulnerable to any willing cultural aggressor.

            If what I have written has failed to convince you, try to read Michel Houellebeque. He, thanks to his talent, might be much more convincing.

  5. I do not feel at ease with the lady interviewed: a very strong accent after 20 or 30 years living in Austria? And certainly not an accent of an arabic speaking person at that, rather from a slavic origin, bosnian or similar.Is there someone here to help me on with this?

    • I agree with you. Her accent sounds odd and hard to pinpoint. And although she understood the Austrian completely, who was speaking rather quickly, her German is not great for someone there that long. But not everyone gives up their thick accents even after 20 plus years. My thought was that she is trying to get a second job through all this, albeit no longer in the Asyl industry! Who knows.

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