The Strong Horse

When Sundance at Conservative Tree House posted this video, he said: “this is going to cause a hot mess of cognitive conflict amid the extreme leftists and cultural Marxists.” Well, I’m telling you, I experienced some cognitive conflict about it myself, and I’m sure a lot of other Counterjihad-minded people felt something similar:

Donald Trump was the hated “Islamophobe” in 2016, and now he’s the darling of the Michigan Ummah. What in the world is going on?

Barack Hussein Obama owned the Islamic vote during his two terms, and Kamala Harris has pandered to Muslims shamelessly, yet they’re abandoning the Democrats and flocking to the Evil Orange Man. Are we living in Bizarro World, or what?

I’ll give you my take on what’s going on. Back in 2001, Osama bin Laden famously said, “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse.” Arabs are shrewd about power relationships, and I think they have sized up Donald Trump and decided that he is the strong horse. A lot of other Democrats have come to the same conclusion, and are demoralized by it, but Muslims are pragmatic. They don’t have any problem abandoning previous allies and switching sides whenever doing so will serve the cause of Islam.

Once Mr. Trump has been inaugurated, they’ll cozy up to him and try to manipulate him, hoping to induce him to support their interests. We’ll see how that works out.

Notice the reasons for supporting Trump adduced by the Muslim speaker: culture-war issues, the border, and peace in the Middle East.

Where gay marriage and men in women’s sports (or bathrooms) are concerned, Muslims and evangelical Christians are on the same page, so the former will slide right into the Trump coalition without any problem.

As for peace in the Middle East — the reason they’re pushing for that is that Hamas and Hezbollah are getting their [fundaments] whupped by the Israelis. If the situation were reversed, and Israel was on the ground with an Islamic knife at its throat, those Dearborn imams would be singing a different tune.

Concerning the border: the vast majority of Arabs who dominate Dearborn and Brooklyn came into the country legally. They may not like all the riff-raff who are pouring over the Mexican border now, even if there are some mujahideen in the mix whose terrorist inclinations may come in handy someday.

So, hey, they love Donald Trump. But 47 had better watch his back when the time comes, because the time-honored Islamic dagger will be there, just waiting for the right moment.

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Those Michigan Muslims have joined a growing list of former Democrat stalwarts who have switched to Trump, or at least decided to sit this one out. Black men, Hispanics, and the unions, for example. And the WaPo and the LA Times have declined to endorse the Magic Negress. Mr. Trump is definitely riding the crest of a growing wave.

But that doesn’t mean that Kamala can’t win. If an assassin’s bullet doesn’t take out her opponent, and his plane doesn’t develop mechanical problems and crash on the way to a campaign event, then the Democrats can always find enough boxes of mail-in ballots in closets and car trunks in the wee hours of November 6 to push their candidate over the finish line. Mind you, it will take a lot of boxes this time, possibly causing the final tally of votes to exceed the number of eligible voters in the country. But, hey, what does it matter, when you’re saving Our Democracy™?

Nine days to go. Hang on to your hat.

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