It’s Not OK to be German

Long-time readers will remember Björn Höcke, the popular leader for the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) in Thuringia. He has been featured here on multiple occasions going back almost ten years, including several videos of his speeches translated and subtitled by the tireless efforts of Rembrandt Clancy.

I don’t speak German, but even so, I found his speeches compelling. With his clear, lucid manner of speaking, his eloquence came through, with the help of the subtitles.

More recently, stories about Mr. Höcke’s travails have appeared here, most recently on May 22 and May 24. The AfD leader has run afoul of the Modern Multicultural German state, which is determined to destroy him by whatever means come to hand.

Björn Höcke is headed to court again, this time facing the possibility of going to prison. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Shortly before the state elections

“Everything for Germany”: New trial against Höcke begins

Starting today, Thuringia’s AfD leader Höcke has to appear in court again. Once again, the issue is “Everything for Germany,” although he only uttered the first two words. This time, he faces a prison sentence.


The Thuringian AfD state and parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke will have to answer again in a second trial before the Halle Regional Court starting today, Monday, for the slogan “Everything for Germany”. This slogan was once also used by the SA and is therefore banned. The same regional court had already sentenced the politician to a fine of €13,000 on May 14 for uttering it in 2021. [Isn’t it funny that “Allahu Akhbar” is NOT banned — after all, it’s the battle cry for incitement and each and every rape and murder by Muslims against non-Muslims.]

This time it is about an appearance in December of 2023. The public prosecutor’s office accuses Höcke of uttering the first two words of the slogan as a speaker at an AfD event in Gera, Thuringia. He then used gestures to encourage the audience to shout the word “Germany,” according to the public prosecutor’s office.

Höcke sees no criminal behaviour

The prosecutors are convinced that the AfD politician and the audience would have known that this was punishable by law. At that time, Höcke was already aware of investigations into his speech in Merseburg, for which he was convicted in May. The politician is accused of using symbols of unconstitutional terrorist organizations. [Are they telling me next that being born as a native German is a crime? If so, then the entire “German” government needs to be imprisoned, because they use the word “German”.]

Höcke denies that his behavior has any criminal relevance. The verdict is expected this Wednesday. If he is found guilty, the 52-year-old faces a prison sentence of up to three years or another fine, according to the Halle Regional Court. The state elections in Thuringia will take place in just over two months, on September 1. The AfD is clearly leading in the polls there.

The first verdict is not yet legally binding. Höcke’s defense team appealed. The politician had always stressed his innocence. He said he was unaware of the use of the slogan in the Third Reich. The regional court dismissed these doubts and convicted him. [Especially since this was the original slogan of the SPD — which are now in power — and was plagiarized by Ernst Roehm and the SA. Does that make sense?]

Third Höcke trial is imminent

Höcke will soon face a third trial. The public prosecutor’s office is accusing him of incitement to hatred at the Mühlhausen Regional Court in Thuringia. The Thuringian AfD leader had commented on the Ludwigshafen killing on Telegram. In that case, a Somali man brutally slaughtered and killed two craftsmen in the open street while shouting “Allahu Akhbar”. In this context, Höcke criticized the violence imported by migration policy. Trial dates have not yet been set in this case. The Somali man was later acquitted on the grounds of insanity despite the proven crime.

Afterword from the translator:

The simple truth is that they want to eliminate Höcke at all costs, and any means are apparently acceptable to achieve this. I don’t understand how this fits in with the claim of a “fair and independent” judiciary?

Christian Rath in the left-wing “TAZ” (daily newspaper): “In the case of criminal statements, the Federal Constitutional Court also stipulates that statements should be interpreted in such a way that they are not punishable. An acquittal would therefore have been more likely than a conviction.” Rath doubted that it was generally known that the slogan “Everything for Germany” used by Höcke was banned in Germany. “Probably 99.9% of Germans did not know this until recently.” In another trial, since it was not against Mr. Höcke, the court used this formulation in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Court’s stipulations. In addition, the lawyer Ansgar Neuhoff has shown in several articles at Die Achse des Guten that this phrase was also used by Social Democrats SPD and Christian Democrats CDU/CSU.

Also, I would like to ask a question about the banned Nazi slogans. The Nazi empire has been history for a good eight decades. All statements made by the Nazis are therefore known, and that means that the list cannot be extended. So there must be a list of all banned slogans somewhere, so that people can read them, so that they do not involuntarily use them and become “criminals”. After all, they always tell us that ignorance is no defense — at least not for white people. Can anyone tell me then where you can find this list and read it? You can’t find anything about those “slogans” here: Strafgesetzbuch/Criminal Code section 86a.

4 thoughts on “It’s Not OK to be German

  1. Höcke , is a free patriot they a hate Him for that , I bet they are put him to prison for “ crime “ he didn’t commit, God bless His heart ..

  2. This is why the first amendment is so important to Americans ,anything can be construed as hate speech. If he said make” Germany great again ” and in some speech and Hitler in the late 1920s-to 1940 said the same thing be bought up and charged with a crime? No matter if the rest of he speech has no connection to what Hitler said 90 years ago. “Everything for Germany” that is considers hate or threating speech in what contest ? In what country should a leader or want to be leader be jail if he said he want to do “everything for (his country)” to make it free ,or great , or enrich its people ,or safer , or cleaner , or anything better. The “refugees” now in Germany are threating to kill Jews in Germany the first time sense 1945 in large numbers “the new Germans” that how the government in Germany have been treating these “refugees” can publicly ,in print ,on line call for violence for Jews in Germany and aboard not being charge with a crime many publicly back Hamas and other terror groups that main mission is killing all Jews . Saying “everything for Germany” how in what contest is that a threat? If you are pledging yourself that you working all your efforts to make Germany a better place it depends what you are doing and what contest and actions you are taking. In America the left is labeling “Make America great again” as a unwritten hate crime slogan with the current leader “the house plant (Biden) currently in the Whitehouse labeling people who use it as American Nazis or “right wing extremist” or racist .

  3. Eu is the culling of western civilization the biggest killing of European native people in line with the black plague ,except it is man made and planned .Import a people who never assimilate who bring a civilization down to its most base level that can only be ruled be a strong man dictatorships that the EU offers .

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