Yet Another Mentally Ill Knife-Wielding Culture-Enricher

I posted yesterday about a 23-year-old Syrian culture-enricher in Germany who was given custody of five foster children, and paid well for his efforts.

Now we come to another Syrian culture-enricher in Germany who also interacted significantly with a child. This time the encounter featured a knife, and the victim was four years old.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

After a knife attack on four-year-old — Syrian does not have to go to prison

In the Allgäu region, a migrant stabs a little girl four times and seriously injures her — she barely survives. But the Syrian does not have to go to prison. The judge uses the verdict to incite hatred against the AfD.


The Ravensburg Regional Court has sentenced the knife attacker Mohamed S. to life in a psychiatric hospital. The public prosecutor had accused him of attempted murder, and the jury also found it that way. The Syrian, who also has a Dutch passport, stabbed a four-year-old girl in a supermarket in Wangen im Allgäu at the beginning of April this year.

He is now considered not responsible due to mental illness. During the trial he said he had had a divine inspiration. Without warning he stabbed the child with a 20-centimetre long knife, giving the girl “four powerful stabs” and tearing her intestines and stomach to shreds. He then ran away.

While the child’s mother drove her to a hospital, the police arrested S. In addition to the co-plaintiff and the public prosecutor, the perpetrator’s legal counsel also spoke out in favor of psychiatric care. No one appealed against the verdict, which is now legally binding.

Judge: Swabians can also be knife attackers

According to the Schwäbische Zeitung, the senior public prosecutor Christine Weiss had clear words regarding the social prognosis of the now 35-year-old offender. For her, it is clear that S. suffers from “paranoid schizophrenia in an acute phase” and is extremely dangerous. She also doubted that the Syrian is capable of empathy. “There is no sign of any improvement in the man, and there is still a risk that he will commit serious crimes.” Therefore, there is no alternative to a stay in a psychiatric hospital. [Having empathy towards a kafir? Don’t be ridiculous. In which bubble does she live? Then there is the alternative to send him back to Syria. Personally, I’d send him to the bottom of the ocean.]

Presiding judge Veiko Böhm said it was “difficult to bear” that the AfD parliamentary group was making inquiries about the case and thus exploiting the crime for its own ideology. “The knife attack has nothing to do with Islamist radicalism, it is solely the result of a mental illness,” he stressed. A Swabian man could also do something like that, but in this case “there is no AfD parliamentary group that is making an application.” [Really, it has everything to do with Islam. Otherwise why wasn’t this happening before and on such a massive scale, especially since before 2015? I’d like for this “judge” to explain this phenomena. But when dealing with ideological retards… Well, they don’t seem to like sending other likeminded ideological retards to the slammer or scaffold.]

The mayor of Wangen, Michael Lang (independent), said shortly after the attack: “The fact that a child is suddenly attacked is something that shocks us all and makes us incredibly upset and dismayed.” The politician said he knew the victim’s family. Around 25,000 people live in Wangen.

Afterword from the translator:

It’s amazing how easily these people can get different passports for different countries and are considered not responsible when they commit heinous crimes against the native population. It’s like they have a carte blanche and a special hunting license by the German state, the EUSSR and the other governments to hunt down and kill native Germans, French, Dutch, Belgians, Irish, Brits and the rest of the native cultures and populations of Western Europe to their evil hearts’ content.

A little research has shown that this type of stabbing — of a four-year-old girl — is completely unknown in Syria, Afghanistan and other Arab countries.

I wonder why this might be?

Could it be that the air in Germany or the presence of the ethnic German population or something similar turns normal, persecuted and tormented asylum seekers, who are willing to integrate, into raving lunatics and gives them a murderous soul? Or could it be that the teachings in the Quran tell them to kill or enslave the kuffar if they don’t want to submit to Islam? I’d take a wild guess here, from what I’ve seen over these last years, that the answer to this question is the second one. Or does anyone have a better idea and explanation why this is happening all over the world sooner or later, especially when “devout” Muslims show up?

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